Interesting facts about sugar

The history of the emergence of sugar and its main sources – sugar cane and beets – are known from a high school course. But the world and science do not stand still, technical progress is finding many new sources of energy, one of which is sugar. The beginning of the new millennium was also marked by the fact that sugar molecules were found in gaseous clouds in outer space, not just anywhere, but practically in the central part of the Milky Way.

Harmful sugar

There is no escape – sugar destroys and promotes the removal from our body of one of the most useful and necessary elements – calcium. Problems with teeth, bones and red blood cells are slowly approaching those who enjoy excessive amounts of sugar and sweets, as well as all carbonated drinks in which the percentage of sugar is 90 and higher.

For the beautiful half of humanity, who does not stop fighting for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin for a minute, it will be interesting that sugar is one of the causes of wrinkles. Or rather, excess blood sugar. And its level, as you know, is raised by foods such as rice, potatoes and wheat bread.

Interesting sugar

Oxygen, carbon and hydrogen – it is from their atoms that the sugar molecule consists. Glucose, found in pure form in honey and fruits, is the sweetest of the monosaccharides.

In addition to the usual granulated sugar and cubes of refined sugar, sugar can be in liquid form (sucrose and invert sugar), and also sawn and caramel. The latter can serve as a good help in the fight against cough in children.

Alternative sources of sugar are sugar palm juice, millet and rice. As a rule, the process of making such types of sugar as malt and candida very long and time consuming, but the inhabitants of the Asian region used such sugar long before the appearance of cane sugar.

Curiously, lemon has a lot more sugar than strawberries. So choose what to drink tea with.

Healthy Sugar

  • Preservative and antiseptic. Not only jams and preserves, but also many types of pickles and other preserves in their recipes certainly contain sugar. Extends the lifespan of cut flowers by adding a few grains to the water.
  • Medicine. Sucrose stimulates the mental development of infants, and the drug Obecalp, almost entirely consisting of sugar, has become an indispensable assistant for many parents with children, who like to complain about fictitious sores. If you bring a mirror to the name of the pills, a lot becomes clear.
  • Fuel. Motorists use sugar beet fuel already in many countries, now it’s up to jet fuel. The work is in progress.
  • Construction material. Sugar is indispensable for building carbohydrates. Energy, one of the main sources of which is sugar, is necessary for important and useful things, as well as for the joy of life.

Of course, you shouldn’t crush sugar with spoons and handfuls, but you can’t completely deny yourself the little pleasure of indulging yourself with a cup of aromatic coffee with a crystal of caramel sugar.

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