Interesting facts about men – this is curious

Interesting facts about men – this is curious

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into this site! In this article, you will learn interesting facts about men. Perhaps you will discover something new for yourself. Many researchers talk about the psychology of the stronger sex, about the male perception of the world and internal motivation. Plus an informative video on this topic.

Facts about men

Psychologists provide a selection of the most interesting facts about men:

You can often hear that men cook better than women. In fact, he will take up this matter only as a last resort. There are two options here, either he wants to surprise his chosen one, or he must do it in connection with his work.

A young man under 27 years old, according to researchers, is like a child. Only circumstances can push him to become more responsible. At will, guys often stay with their parents until this age, because they consider this option the most comfortable.

Interesting facts about men – this is curious

Some statistics

If you ask the representatives of the stronger sex, at what age is it best to start a family, then the majority will answer: at 25-30 years old. As practice shows, more than 50% get married much earlier.

By their nature, girls can be distracted by many extraneous things during work: an interesting TV show, a conversation between colleagues. But men, when they are really very focused on something, are unlikely to notice everything that is happening around.

More than 50% of guys date 4-6 girls before they get married. Recently, the statistics have changed slightly and the number of gentlemen who marry their first and only darling continues to grow.

Anonymous polls of the stronger sex between the ages of 20 and 35 showed that more than 60% of them would be happy if the girl was the first to take the initiative to meet.

What is more important for a guy: a beautiful face or a slender figure? According to a poll from the University of California, 75% of guys answered that a girl’s pretty face matters more than a graceful and fit figure.

The University of Oxford published information a few years ago that about a third of guys have lied to their girls at least once. But representatives of the University of Cambridge did not agree with this conclusion. Their conclusion was as follows: more than 95% of men lied to their loved ones at least once.

A tattoo for a guy is a way of self-expression, while most of them do not know their true meaning.

49,4% of partners sincerely believe that their ladies do not fake an orgasm. About 5% of partners say that partners almost always pretend to be during sex.

Despite this, each person is different. Perhaps today it turned out to open the veil of male secrets. But most of them still remain at the bottom of the “ocean of knowledge” and require additional research.


In this video, interesting facts about men and additional information to the article ↓

Interesting FACTS ABOUT MEN. The whole truth about guys!

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