Interest payments

A percentage is a value that represents the ratio of one number to another; a share of something in relation to the whole.


Percentage sign

The symbol “ is used to denote a percentage.%“, which is written to the right of the number. The ratio (share) can also be expressed as a fraction or a decimal.

Percentages and fractions

To make it clearer, consider the ratio of percentages and fractions (ordinary and decimal):

1. One percent is equal to one part in a hundred, in other words, 1/100 fractions.

1% = 1 / 100 = 0,01

2. 10 percent is equal to the 10th part of a hundred, i.e. fractions 10/100.

10% = 10 / 100 = 0,1

3. 50 percent is equal to 50/100.

50% = 50 / 100 = 0,5

4. 100 percent equals 100/100 or one.

100% = 100 / 100 = 1

5. 110 percent corresponds to the fraction 110/100.

110% = 110 / 100 = 1,1

Interest calculation

Percentage of the number X to the number Y calculated according to the formula:

Percentage (%) = (X / Y) * 100%


1. The number 20 is 50% of 40.

(20 / 40 ) * 100% = 0,5 *100% = 50%

2. The number 45 is 75% of the number 60.

(45 / 60) * 100% = 0,75 * 100% = 75%

Percentage of the number

Percent x of the number N calculated according to the following formula:

x% * N = x/100 * N

Let’s look at practical examples:

1. 100% of a number is the same number. Those. 100% of 70 equals 70.

100% * 70 = 100 / 100 * 70 = 1 * 70 = 70

2. 20% of 50 equals 10.

20% * 50 = 20 / 100 * 50 = 0,2 * 50 = 10

Percent change (increase or decrease)

Change as a percentage of a number X1 to the number X2 calculated by the formula:

Change (%) = (X2 – X1) * 100% / X1

If the result is positive, then we are dealing with an increase/increase.


The change from 50 to 70 is 40% (i.e. gain).

(70 – 50) / 50 * 100% = 20 / 50 * 100% = 40%

If the result is negative, then it is a percentage reduction.


The change from 80 to 50 is -37,5%.

(50 – 80) / 80 * 100% = 30 / 80 * 100% = -37,5%

Adding (subtracting) a percentage to a number

To add x% to the number N, you need to use the formula:

N + x% *N


If you add 20% to the number 40, you get 48.

40 + 20% * 40 = 40 + 20 / 100 * 40 = 48

To subtract the percentage, respectively, instead of the “plus” sign, the “minus” is used in the calculation: N – x% *N

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