Interdental brushes

Interdental brushes

In case of oral pathology, simple brushing of the teeth is not enough. It is strongly recommended to complement it with other hygiene techniques, such as interproximal oral techniques symbolized by the famous brush heads.

Why should you think about brushes?

To prevent cavities, it is well known, it is necessary to eliminate as much as possible the dental plaque by means of brushing the teeth. This plaque, which settles and structures in a few hours, should be removed every 6 hours or so, ideally after meals. If this plaque is not scrubbed for more than 48 hours, there is a good chance that it will turn into calcified tartar. Unfortunately, this plate is not always accessible to the bristles of a simple brush.

The dental fillings (whose goal is often to fill the lesions due to decay) which are a source of retention of dental plaque, bad teeth, which prevent the toothbrush from slipping into nooks and crannies, retraction of the gums, which leaves small triangular holes between the teeth, the infections presence of crowns and periodontal disease are the reasons for using tools like interdental brushes.

The choice of material

The oldest and probably the most famous interdental hygiene technique is the toothpick. Some monkeys themselves use small sticks to remove food settlements that get stuck between their teeth.

Despite their relative effectiveness, their cylindrical shape does not allow access to the lingual part of the proximal surfaces of the teeth and the bacterial plaque cannot therefore be completely removed using these tools. However, more and more toothpicks are now triangular in shape, greatly improving their effectiveness.

Le dental floss, usually made of silk or nylon, is another and generally more effective means of removing dental plaque between the teeth. Requiring a certain dexterity, it can sometimes be responsible for lesions of the papilla, especially in the event of too sudden horizontal movements.

The interdental brushes are small brushes, especially used in people who have experienced loss of attachments. They are used in spaces larger than dental floss.

Very easy to handle, they consist of a handle, a small metal part to which the bristles are attached (the strand). The bristles are of very varied thickness, generally two-tone in order to quickly identify dental plaque and blood. Unlike dental floss, hygiene is more complete with this type of material. But it is above all their ease and speed of use that appeal to their users.

The use of brushes

Their use requires some advice from the dentist: a method of use should ideally be shown by the practitioner. Do not hesitate to call on him.

After each use, it is important to rinse it under cold water. Its lifespan varies according to the intensity of use: from a few days if it is used for several areas, to one month if it is used for a single space.

The effectiveness of interproximal brushes

Two reviews looked at the effectiveness of dental brushes. In one of them, there is a significant improvement vis-à-vis the dental plaque of the brushes compared to the use of the toothbrush alone, but also compared to dental floss. However, no study provides proof of an improvement in the parameters of inflammation.

Several studies also highlight a reduction in bleeding as it is used, as well as a reduction in the depth of the pockets. 

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