Intense exercises to reduce fat with which your body will change

Intense exercises to reduce fat with which your body will change

Training and exercise charts

On fire! This week the personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda propose a high intensity exercise circuit with a short rest to increase the heart rate and burn calories

Intense exercises to reduce fat with which your body will changePM3:47

Combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises interspersing short time intervals in which you work at maximum intensity with short breaks. This is the key to the work of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) proposed by the Pin Twins in each of their high intensity circuits. In their proposal for this week, the personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda propose a circuit of five exercises that will be repeated four times with a break between sets of just 15 seconds. The execution time of each exercise is 30 seconds, on fire! As the Pin Twins explain, the key to the effectiveness of this routine is to give yourself to the fullest.

HIIT table

30 ″ (each exercise)
TV Shows
15 ” (between series)

When practicing this type of training, which would be advisable to do at least three times a week, the Pin Twins remember that some of the sensations that may be experienced are shortness of breath, a feeling of fatigue or extreme tiredness, although They clarify that the benefits they provide can compensate for those uncomfortable sensations because in the 15 minutes (they can also be done in 12) that HIIT routines usually last, it is possible to get in shape, de-stress and improve the mood.

Exercise 1: Quick Steps

With the knees slightly bent and the legs with an opening slightly greater than the width of the shoulders, we will advance taking short, alternating steps forward and backward, maintaining a fast and constant rhythm. We will do the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: Jumping Jacks with a jump in the air

We will perform the jumping jacks exercise by opening arms and legs while jumping but we will do it with a variant since we will insert a sustained jump in the air between each jumping jack movement. We will do the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 3: Alternate Mountain Climbers

We place ourselves on the ground as if we were going to practice the exercise of mountain climbers or climbers, but we will do it with a variant: when bending the leg forward we will touch the right knee with the left hand and the left with the right hand. We will do the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 4: Footwork

Standing we will combine jumps with footwork. We will jump forward one leg and back the other and before changing legs to do the same exercise we will make a transition by jumping opening the legs. We will do the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 5: Jumps from bent knees

We will stand with our knees bent until we touch the ground with the tips of our fingers and from there we will take a jump raising our arms and trying to get as high as possible. We will do the exercise for 30 seconds.

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