
The integrity of a person, the integrity of a person is a fashionable but not well-established concept, and different people put different content into the concept of “integrity”. Options:

  • A whole person is a person whose words do not differ from deeds.
  • Whole person — a person whose mind, body and soul interact harmoniously as a single whole.

Integrity and integrity

One of the richest people in the world, Warren Buffett, said: “When I hire people, I pay attention to three qualities. The first is integrity, the second is intellect, and the third is high energy. But in the absence of the first, the other two will kill you!”

With the word «integrity» the translator called what in Russia is more commonly called decency.

However, integrity is more than decency. The integrity of a Human is also an already mature personality, that is, the formed moral values ​​of a person. Plus decency = activity proceeding from these own moral values.

In the meantime, moral values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbare not formed — the personality is immature, and decent, whatever one may say, it will probably not work out.

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