Instructions for use “DNOC”: terms, norms and rules of use + chemical composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide

Owners of household plots fight pests every year, trying to find a universal remedy against diseases and parasitic insects. Instructions for the use of “DNOC”, described in detail in our article, will prove that such a drug exists!

Detailed description of the drug

DNOC is an insecticide, fungicide and herbicide in one bottle. A strong agent is used for extremely rare (once every three years) industrial processing and is not recommended for small areas. However, gardeners still use it for their own purposes, carefully measuring the dosage before treating the garden.

Instructions for use “DNOC”: terms, norms and rules of use + chemical composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide
DNOC is an insecticide, fungicide and herbicide in one bottle

The fungicide is suitable for processing:

  • fruit trees (apricot, quince, cherry, pear, peach, sweet cherry, apple tree);
  • berry bushes (gooseberries, currants);
  • vineyards.

A powerful drug deals a double blow to pests. As an insecticide, DNOK destroys ticks, scale insects, aphids, moths, suckers, leafworms and other parasitic insects. As a fungicide, it is effective against powdery mildew, scab, rust, all types of rot, curl, and oidium.

The product is available in yellow powder form with a pungent odor. The manufacturer provides two types of packaging: cardboard bobbin containers (20 kg) and sealed cellophane packaging (2 g).

Video “DNOC preparation for plant protection”

This video talks about the features of the use of an insectofungicide.

@DNOC plant treatment, DNOC insectofungicide

Chemical composition

DNOK has two main active ingredients: ammonium salt (60%) and dinitroorthocresol (40%). In addition to them, the composition of the drug includes various additional components and catalysts. The filler is ammonium sulfate. Granular powder does not dissolve well in water, so organic solvents are often used to dilute the fungicide.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action

The main active component of DNOK is 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol, a substance derived from nitrofen. The principle of its action is to stop the initial stage of the disease and the rapid destruction of insect pests. Getting into the cells of the plant, the drug reaches its maximum concentration in 2 days, and the effect of its use is noticeable already on the third day, remaining for 1 month after treatment.

At low temperatures and high humidity, the fungicide is able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 7 cm, while acting as a pesticide. Warming and drying of the soil contribute to the movement of the drug into the upper layers.

Terms of application

The effectiveness of the drug “DNOK” depends on the timely processing of fruit and berry crops. Experienced gardeners note only two periods suitable for spraying with a fungicide.

Processing in the spring

Often, plants are treated with a fungicide in early spring, while the buds have not yet had time to bloom. You should wait until the end of frost and the temperature is not lower than +4 °C. It is important to carry out the treatment before the juices begin to move, then the effect of the drug will be more effective. In addition, during this period it is easier to destroy insects that have not yet left wintering. Before spraying, covering material should be placed on the ground so that the toxic substance does not get into the ground.

Instructions for use “DNOC”: terms, norms and rules of use + chemical composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide
Plants are treated with fungicide in early spring

Processing in autumn

In autumn, the procedure is carried out less often and only after the plant sheds a leaf. The procedure differs from the spring one in several nuances:

  • the ground is not covered, since the product must penetrate the soil, where it will work as a pesticide;
  • the solution must be made weakly concentrated;
  • autumn processing is harmless to the soil, as it does not affect its fertility in the next season;
  • spraying plants before wintering will not affect them negatively in spring.

Norms for fruit and berry crops

Since the drug is difficult to dissolve in water, gardeners recommend preparing a treatment solution as follows: mix 50 g of DNOC with 1 liter of an organic solvent and dilute the resulting concentrate with 10 liters of water, mixing thoroughly. Spraying is done with a spray gun. Fungicide consumption rates for various crops are:

  • 8 kg per 1 ha – for shrubs;
  • 10 kg per 1 ha – for fruit trees.
Instructions for use “DNOC”: terms, norms and rules of use + chemical composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide
Table: consumption rates of the drug “DNOK” for fruit and berry crops

Apple, pear, quince

These fruit crops require the highest concentration of the drug – 15 liters per 0,1 ha. Before spraying, it is necessary to cover the soil with a tarpaulin or polyethylene so that the solution does not enter the soil. Particular attention should be paid to the procedure if it takes place in close proximity to vegetable or flower crops.

Timely processing will not allow scab, rot and maniliosis to develop on trees. Also, the insectofungicide will destroy aphids, leafworms, scale insects, mites, suckers, moths, psyllids and moths.

Peach, apricot, cherry, plum

The solution for processing should be made less saturated than for apple, pear, quince. Enough 10 liters of “DNOK” per 0,1 ha to destroy ticks, scale insects, leafworms, suckers, aphids and moths. The drug effectively fights curly hair, moniliosis, clasterosporiosis. Its use also prevents the further development of diseases.

gooseberry, currant

Along with apple, pear and quince, berry bushes also require an increased dose of fungicide (15 liters per 0,1 ha). Processing gooseberries, red and black currants will save the plant from aphids, mites, leafworms, moths, scale insects. The drug will prevent the development of rust, leaf spots, powdery mildew, anthracnose and septoria.


The use of “DNOC” in viticulture provides for a number of features. Before the procedure, the plant must be thinned out, cutting off unnecessary shoots. This helps to stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and insect larvae. It is necessary to treat the grapes with a fungicide in early spring, before the juices begin to move, at the rate of 8 liters of the drug per 0,1 ha. Thus, the culture will be protected from oidium, spotting, cercosporosis, anthracnose and necrosis for the whole season. Tick, aphid, worm will also not tolerate processing.

Instructions for use “DNOC”: terms, norms and rules of use + chemical composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide
Insectoacaricide “DNOK” is used in viticulture

Toxicity and Precautions

Insectofungicide “DNOK” refers to drugs of a high class of toxicity. With dry powder, as well as with a solution, it is necessary to work very carefully, observing safety precautions. Dinitroorthocresol in combination with organic solvents is an explosive mixture. From the instructions on the packaging, it follows that the product is not intended for private garden plots, but many gardeners ignore this prohibition.

Precautions when working with “DNOK” include the following actions:

  1. Spraying must be carried out in special protective equipment (protective suit, respirator, rubber boots, gloves, goggles). It is best to use a gas mask when working with a dangerous fungicide.
  2. Keep other people or pets away from the treated area. It is better to warn neighbors in the area in advance about the planned procedure.
  3. After processing, do not touch dirty clothes with your hands. The chemical has a strong irritating effect on exposed skin and mucous membranes.
  4. Wash the spray bottle thoroughly and take a shower yourself.

“DNOC” is very dangerous for humans. Getting inside the body through the respiratory tract, it can disrupt the metabolism and lead to serious diseases.

A concentration of 70-80 micrograms of a toxic substance per 1 ml of blood is lethal.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, do not drink hot drinks, alcohol, fats, or make compresses.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Insectofungicide “DNOK” is valid for 3 years from the production date indicated on the package. Keep the drug away from food, utensils and medicines. The place should be dark, dry, inaccessible to children and pets. It is strictly forbidden to keep the chemical near fuels and lubricants or in a room with gasoline vapors.

The chemical must not be disposed of with household waste. It is also not to be burned or buried. Only a special service for the disposal of highly toxic waste is engaged in its processing.

Reviews about “DNOK” are rather contradictory. However, experienced gardeners consider it one of the most effective means and use it in their garden plots, despite all the warnings. Insectofungicide is not a prohibited drug, but it must be used with extreme caution.

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