Instructions for the use of kidney tea for kidney stones

Kidney tea is a drink that is called “cat’s whisker”. Its homeland is Southeast Asia, therefore, in Russia, kidney tea can only be purchased at pharmacies, and self-growing is not available. The plant is a shrub from the mint family.

Kidney tea as an effective remedy

People have been treated with traditional medicine for many centuries and continue to use them now, despite significant progress in traditional medicine.

Every person has their own motivation. Someone does not want to take chemical drugs, someone believes that the body can cope with a minor disease if it is given a little help by the forces of nature.

In any case, drinking kidney tea is beneficial. It can even be used to treat pregnant women. Kidney tea is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. If the disease has a mild course, then kidney tea can be used as an independent remedy.

When the disease becomes severe, kidney tea is an important component in a comprehensive therapeutic regimen. It has a pronounced diuretic effect and allows you to cleanse the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole from toxins.

Composition of kidney tea

Buying any drug in a pharmacy is always fraught with certain risks. This applies not only to the means of the pharmacological industry, but also to medicinal herbs. Of course, it is impractical to fake kidney tea, but it is possible that the plant in the box is far from being of the highest quality. Sometimes the grass is collected out of time or dried poorly, which also affects its medicinal properties. Moreover, raw materials may contain foreign impurities.

To avoid such unpleasant moments, it is best to order grass directly from the people of Southeast Asia. The submitted product must be compared with the image in the textbook or in another authoritative publication.

Naturally, not every person has the opportunity to purchase kidney tea in this way. Therefore, you need to buy kidney tea in a trusted pharmacy. It is also worth choosing tea only from reputable manufacturers on the market.

The composition of natural and high-quality kidney tea contains the following components:

  • potassium salts;

  • orthosiphonin;

  • Tannins;

  • triterpene saponins;

  • Essential oil.

Bud tea can look different, depending on what parts of the plant were used to harvest. The leaves of the shrub are most commonly harvested and dried, although they may be diluted with the flowers and roots of the plant.

Kidney tea reviews

Phytotherapy methods are used in the treatment of urolithiasis even by doctors of traditional medicine. The use of medicinal herbs contributes to a faster recovery.

Continuous treatment with kidney tea, the main ingredient of which is cat’s whisker, allowed them to normalize the condition in just a few weeks. Although in the first days from the beginning of the use of a cat’s whisker, the effect may be too noticeable, even an exacerbation of the disease is not excluded. However, after 3-7 days the condition stabilizes. Although most people do not notice a deterioration in the condition after taking kidney tea.

Most often, treatment with a cat’s whisker is as follows:

  • If the disease is started, then after the start of taking kidney tea, people experience an exacerbation. Treatment should continue for at least 2-3 months. This is the only way to achieve recovery.

  • If the disease has a mild course, then exacerbations are rare. For a complete recovery, a course of treatment of one month is enough.

Indications for the use of kidney tea

Kidney tea is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Disorders in the work of the kidneys.

  • Urolithiasis disease.

  • Edema that occurs due to insufficient blood circulation.

  • Other diseases of the urinary system.

Kidney tea affects not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the cause that caused it. However, it is not a magic remedy and it cannot cure all diseases.

Before you start taking kidney tea, you should consult with your doctor and clarify your diagnosis. You may need to undergo an ultrasound scan of the urinary system, CT of the kidneys, etc.

The use of kidney tea during pregnancy

Not all herbs can be taken orally by pregnant women. Moreover, many of them can harm the health of the expectant mother and fetus. However, kidney tea is allowed to be used for the treatment of pregnant women, as it is absolutely harmless.

Kidney tea allows you to get rid of edema, which very often accompanies this period in a woman’s life. It is possible that it will not be possible to completely eliminate them, but it is quite possible to reduce the severity of edema by taking kidney tea.

On the packaging of kidney tea, you can see information on how to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding with caution. This is a certain insurance of manufacturers, since there is always a risk of allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the drug.

However, if a woman has kidney stones, then treatment with kidney tea is preferable compared to taking medications. Of course, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory.

Can kidney tea be taken during pregnancy?

Based on the reviews of pregnant women who took kidney tea, we can conclude that this is an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. Although in some pregnant women the drug provoked the development of vomiting and deterioration of well-being.

When deciding to take kidney tea during pregnancy, you need to focus on such points as:

  • Is treatment with kidney tea really necessary? If there is a desire to simply cleanse the body, then you should give preference to some other means. When a woman actually has kidney pain, then you can use this folk recipe to treat them. Moreover, compared with chemical preparations, the “harm” of kidney tea is minimal.

  • After you start drinking kidney tea, you need to carefully monitor your own well-being. If it is disturbed, then it is better to stop drinking kidney tea for a while.

Although there is no consensus on the dangers of its use during pregnancy, this herbal preparation does not cause serious complications.

How to take kidney tea

To prepare kidney tea, you need to take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour it with a glass of hot water. Opinions differ regarding the temperature of the water for brewing. Some experts believe that simply pouring boiling water over the grass is enough, while others argue that it is necessary to bring the mixture to a boil.

You can try to use the most neutral recipe, namely, to withstand the infusion in a water bath for 10-20 minutes, without bringing it to a strong boil. Then the resulting broth is cooled, filtered and taken 1/2 cup 2 times a day, before meals or after meals.

Kidney tea can be used for preventive purposes, which helps prevent the development of diseases of the urinary system. This herbal preparation helps to maintain the health of the body and increase its defenses.

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