Instead of a glider and a cross on the arm. What to do if you forget everything?

If you often forget something, this is normal. We live in a world of information abundance, and our brain does not have time to process numerous facts. How to remember everything you need, says entrepreneur and researcher Evgenia Gladkina.

Our brain, like a computer, can perceive a certain number of facts. During sleep, he processes the information received. One part of it is sent to the «cloud» for storage, and the other part remains in the «RAM». And if it is overloaded, we risk forgetting even the most important things.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is important to protect your brain, and on the other hand, to regularly train your memory. To do this, we need to understand what facts we will need today, which ones — in the near future, and which ones — always. You can train not only «working memory», increasing its volume, but also the brain so that it automatically preserves irrelevant information.

What to do to remember everything?

1. Plan

Everything must be planned — this is the cornerstone of effective memorization. You can and should learn to make plans and follow them so that it becomes a habit. For the effectiveness of planning, lists of specific tasks for the day, week, month and prioritize them.

Four areas of priority:

  • important and urgent;
  • important but not urgent;
  • unimportant but urgent;
  • unimportant and non-urgent.

Tasks may be prioritized depending on circumstances.

Long term planning

It is necessary to draw up not only short-term, but also long-term plans. It is good practice to sum up the results at the end of the year and plan tasks for the next 12 months. It is important to clearly articulate and write down what you intend to do, how, when and in what time frame. Only in this way the brain will perceive it as signals for specific actions.

When the memory preserves global plans, all your decisions and steps are determined by the set goals and directed towards their achievement. It is not necessary to time the preparation of long-term plans for the calendar new year. You can choose a personal starting point for yourself — birthday, September 1st. The main thing is to regularly return to the plan for 12 months — refresh it in your memory and adjust, review the list and status of tasks.

Short term planning

In memorizing and planning targeted — daily and weekly — tasks, it is important to make checklists. On the Internet, you can find ready-made samples and templates, according to which you will create an individual checklist yourself.

This will allow you to visualize the entire scope of work and the sequence of cases. And crossing off each completed task gives a sense of satisfaction, strengthens self-confidence, increases self-esteem and perfectly motivates for further activities.

2. Set a hard deadline

It is important to set clear deadlines for completing tasks and stick to them. The brain needs specific signals not only about what to do, but also when, otherwise it can drag out the task indefinitely. The work should take exactly as much time as you have allocated for it.

3. Every day «eat frogs»

This is not about the delights of French cuisine, but about what we absolutely do not want to do and subconsciously put off until the last moment. At the same time, we avoid such tasks and constantly think about them, losing energy due to thoughts of unpleasant things. The less such things are done, the more they accumulate and put pressure on the psyche. Therefore, it is important to solve at least one “tasteless” task every day.

4. Follow the golden hour rule

There is always something that we for some reason do not have time to do. There are 24 hours in a day, and the 25th is not enough to do everything. The golden hour rule helps you find that «extra» hour — you just need to set the alarm an hour earlier, and during this time do the pending tasks. For example, devote it to self-knowledge and self-development.

At first it may seem ineffective, but soon the results will be noticed not only by you, but also by your loved ones.

5. Don’t chase two birds with one stone

Trying to do several things at the same time, we do not speed up the process, but, on the contrary, stretch it. By concentrating on one task, you can solve it faster and more efficiently, and move on to work on the next one.

Turn off ads and pop-ups, set aside gadgets you don’t use at work, check your email no more than once an hour, and schedule your social media visits with strict time limits.

Clear planning, proper prioritization and focus on goals will help you not overload your brain with unnecessary information and remember what is really important.

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