First of all, candy tincture is remembered for its rich color, and the taste depends on the candy used. Usually, at least 2-3 different drinks can be created from one pack of sweets. On average, the entire cooking process takes 6-8 hours.
Any colored non-chocolate candy will do, fruit-flavored hard candies or caramels are usually used. In the West, vodka is insisted on Skittles (brand of chewing sweets), but the finished drink will have to be filtered for a long time, and lollipops are free from this drawback. The Russian answer to Skittles-vodka is a tincture of barberry sweets with a characteristic sour taste.
You can make a tincture of candies of only one flavor, for example, cherry, apple or barberry, or you can combine different types. However, when mixing, it is important to remember that not only tastes should be combined, but also colors.
Since all sweets are different in composition and taste, it is impossible to indicate the exact proportions for any options, the recipe gives an approximate ratio for fruit candies. In order not to spoil the alcohol, before preparing the tincture in large volumes, it is better to first test the selected sweets by dissolving 1-2 pieces in a glass of vodka (25-30 ml). After a few hours, you can evaluate the result. If you like the taste and color, make a tincture in the same ratio of vodka and sweets.
Store-bought medium-quality vodka, diluted ethyl alcohol, or double-distilled moonshine are suitable as an alcohol base.
- sweets – 80-100 grams;
- vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters.
candy tincture recipe
1. Sort the candies by color and taste. If desired, create mixes.
2. Add each type of caramel or candy to a separate container for infusion – a glass bottle or jar. To speed up the cooking process, sweets can be broken with a hammer.
3. Pour in the alcohol base (vodka, alcohol or moonshine). Mix. Close hermetically. Infuse for 4-10 hours (on average 6-8) until the sweets are completely dissolved. Shake it once every couple of hours.
Attention! If the candies contain fat (Skittles certainly do), a layer of oil will collect on the surface, which must be collected with a spoon before filtering.
4. Strain the finished tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze, if necessary, if the drink is cloudy, filter through cotton wool or a coffee filter.
5. Pour the candy tincture into storage bottles. Close tightly. Serve well chilled.
Shelf life – up to 6 months. Fortress – 33-37% vol.