Instamama showed what her belly looks like right after the sixth birth

And the subscribers thanked the blogger for the bold and honest photos.

41-year-old American Jessica Sheba writes books and blogs about motherhood. And Jessica knows what to write about. Two months ago, she became a mother for the sixth time!

The delivery went without complications and rather quickly.

“The contractions began at night, and in the morning they became more frequent. I didn’t have time to brush my teeth or put on my grandmother’s medallion – my amulet that helped me in my previous birth. In the hospital, I barely put on a robe when the water broke and Nicholas was born with one good push, ”the blogger tells about his birth.

But the postpartum period was much more difficult.

“Every woman recovers differently. For me this time, the postpartum period was a torment. I can only explain this by my age and the infection, which began a day after the birth of my son. It was 11 days and nights of unimaginable delirium, pain, fatigue, tears of all kinds, mess, diapers (adults and children), as well as laughter, joy and enormous gratitude. No glamor. But everything is just wonderful. “

Jessica accompanied this post with her photos after giving birth. In the pictures, mommy is holding the child, while honestly, without embellishment, she shows her belly, in which she carried six babies.

The photos amazed Jessica’s subscribers – even 11 days after giving birth, it seemed that she was still pregnant.

However, many readers thanked the blogger for these pictures:

“Thank you for showing what the belly of a woman who has just given birth really looks like,” writes one of them. – After my first pregnancy, my husband asked why I still look like I’m still expecting a baby. I was offended then, but he simply did not know that the stomach cannot immediately shrink and return to its previous size. “

Jessica was very surprised at the reaction to the photo.

“Judging by some comments in my mail, for Instagram such a real view of the postpartum body is not the norm,” the blogger admitted. – I gave birth to my first child before starting social networks. And I am very glad that I did not see all these beautiful and perfectly slender women after childbirth, with whom I could compare myself. It would be very difficult. “

Jessica isn’t the only blogger who isn’t shy about honest postpartum photos. Which of the stars showed their bellies immediately after giving birth, see our photo gallery.

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