Installation of a septic tank on the site in compliance with the distances according to the norms of SNiP and SanPiN

The norms for installing a septic tank on the site are the most important detail that the developer must study. Supervisory organizations closely monitor compliance with all prescribed regulations and have the right to issue administrative fines for their violation.

What is a septic tank

A septic tank is a sewage storage tank installed in a suburban area where there is no possibility of connecting to a central sewer. Often it is made in the form of a plastic container located underground.

Simple septic tank collection for sewage

The design can be equipped with several chambers for mechanical and biological treatment, through which domestic wastewater passes in series. Discharge of treated water is allowed onto the terrain or into water bodies, subject to disinfection and fine filtration.

Benefits of installing a septic tank

In summer cottages located at a distance from centralized sewer systems, a septic tank has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • ease of installation and ease of operation;
  • absence of unpleasant odor;
  • environmental safety when installing sealed devices;
  • high degree of wastewater treatment – up to 98% when using biological stations.
Biological station with a high level of purification

The difference between a septic tank and a cesspool

Many homeowners choose one of the easiest ways to collect wastewater using pit latrines. The pit can be a pit, concreted around the perimeter. The volume is determined approximately by the amount of wastewater, as well as the people living in the house. This method does not require significant costs, but in the future it can lead to many problems:

  • waste from the house is not recycled, but goes directly into the soil and pollutes it;
  • periodic call of the sewer machine for cleaning;
  • a hole must be dug at a certain distance from a well with drinking water;
  • fragility of the structure;
  • inability to cope with large flows.

How to place a septic tank on the site

Before starting construction, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its placement. Installation must take place taking into account several regulatory documents, namely:

  • SNiP (Building Norms and Rules) 2.04.03–85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
  • SanPiN 2.2.1./ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”.
  • SanPiN “On the sanitary well-being of the population.”

Uncontrolled construction of treatment facilities is prohibited on the territory of the country. The project of the future structure must be agreed in the SES.

Important! After obtaining approval from the SES, the installation must be carried out in accordance with the approved project. The probability of control checks by the service is high.

First of all, it is worth understanding the question: when is it best to install a septic tank. The ideal season for installation is the summer-autumn period. Groundwater, rising to a minimum level, does not interfere with the process. Of course, in winter, the demand at the station is not so high and it becomes possible to get a good discount, but frozen soil and uncomfortable working conditions will require additional costs.

Distance to a well

One of the most demanding regulations concerns the distance from the septic tank to the point of water intake. Such a serious emphasis on this paragraph of the rules comes from the fact that the ingress of effluents into the ground is fraught with water pollution and subsequent poisoning.

Distance from septic tank to well

The correct location is considered to be a distance of 30 meters or more from a well or well. Moreover, the water intake point should be higher in the direction of groundwater flow. If the site is more pronounced sandy or loamy soil, then the minimum allowable distance increases to 50 meters.

Distance to water supply

The minimum distance from the septic tank to the central water supply should be 10 meters to avoid consequences in the event of an unforeseen accident.

Distance to the house, neighboring plot and fence

It is allowed to have a septic tank at least 5 meters from your own home. Experts also do not recommend moving the treatment plant at a distance of more than 20 meters from housing, since in this case the likelihood of depressurization of the extended pipeline increases.

When installing it is worth remembering about the neighbors. The septic tank must maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from the neighbor’s fence, as well as 5 meters from a busy section of the road.

Distance to the septic tank from the facilities

Distance to garden

It is not advisable to place a leaky structure near trees and shrubs. A distance of less than 5 meters will contribute to the accumulation of excess moisture, which will lead to the death of plants.

Other installation requirements

Additional rules for the installation of a local treatment plant take into account the necessary measures for optimal operation:

  • if there are any buildings on the plot space, it is required to ensure a distance of at least 1 meter from the septic tank to prevent washing away;
  • the station requires periodic cleaning of sludge;
  • it is also necessary to retreat from the gas pipeline. At least 5 meters from it.

Factors affecting placement

In addition to the above, the distance from various objects, on the site it is worth paying attention to other equally important points:

  • type of septic tank chosen;
  • determination of the depth of groundwater;
  • form and method of installation;
  • level of inclination on the ground;
  • the nature of the soil of the area.
Ground water raised the septic tank from the ground

Standards at the sites of SNT and IZHS

First of all, it is worth understanding the abbreviations and their meanings. IH – individual housing construction. The land on which the IZHS is located is within the boundaries of the settlement and has the right to provide the necessary set of infrastructure from the authorities. SNT – gardening non-profit partnership. This is an association of several plots for agricultural activities. Plots can only be located outside the territory of settlements.

Permanent residence in IZHS and seasonal stay in SNT require different regulations from SNiP and SanPiN. Currently, installation rates do not depend on the status of ownership, but on the permanent or temporary type of residence and the number of people.

Important! A septic tank can only be installed on private property. Placing a structure behind a fence is considered illegal.

How to decorate a septic tank

Treatment plants are divided into several types, but all have a hatch in the form of a square or round platform on the surface. Not everyone will be delighted with the appearance of such a structure. The appearance of the structure can be easily decorated and organically fit into the current landscape:

If necessary, periodically pump out the tank, of course, you should not limit the entrance and complicate the pumping. However, you can sprinkle the structure with multi-colored pebbles, paint the lid or surround it with a lawn.

If the biostation does not need maintenance or it is very rarely carried out, then the site can be arranged more colorfully. It can be some kind of stumps, figures of people and animals in the bushes. In general, there is a place for fantasy to roam.


Treatment facilities in the area where there is no possibility of a central sewerage system – the design is necessary. Even better is the installation of a stand-alone station that does not require frequent maintenance and conducts deep wastewater treatment, and is also operated for a long time.

It is worth remembering that the station must be installed strictly in accordance with all the rules and norms of SanPiN and SNiP. Failure to comply will result in economic sanctions.

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