Instagram as a key to mental health

The photos we share online speak volumes. This is a means of self-expression, and a traveler’s diary, and a reflection of our style. What’s more, photographs hold the key to mental health, researchers Andrew Rees and Christopher Danforth believe.

Scientists are sure that Instagram user’s photos can determine whether he suffers from depression. “Pixel-wise, there are more blues, grays, and dark tones in photos of test subjects diagnosed with the disease compared to photos of healthy subjects,” explains Andrew Rees.

To participate in the experiment, scientists selected 166 people. All of them are active users of Instagram, 71 of them were clinically diagnosed with depression in the past. During the study, scientists analyzed 43 images.

Special computer programs were used to find patterns in the images and create a model that would help identify depression from publications. The researchers analyzed the hue, color intensity, and brightness of each image, and counted the number of faces in the photos, the number of posts per user, and the “likes” and comments that accompanied the posts.

Depressed subjects are more likely to choose the black and white Inkwell filter. Members from another group prefer the Valencia filter

Rees and Danforth found that depressed people were less likely to use color and brightness editing filters, and more likely to use the black-and-white Inkwell filter. Participants from the other group prefer the Valencia filter, which brings colors to life in a photo. In addition, users with depression are more likely to post photos with a face, but the number of people in each picture is lower on average.

Computer analysis also revealed that posts by depressed authors garnered the most comments and the least “likes.” In general, depressed users post more frequently than healthy users.

While the researchers point out that this doesn’t apply to all Instagram users, they are confident that the computer model they have developed will one day be a useful tool for early detection of mental illness.


Arina Lipkina, psychologist

Instagram as another assessment and diagnostic tool for mental health professionals is an idea that has every right to exist. It can be used for the benefit of caring friends and loved ones of a person who suffers or may suffer from depression. For example, preferred colors and filters do provide a lot of information. Dark blue and shades of gray are more often chosen by people with anxiety disorders and depression. If a person “plays” with his image too often, changing his face, body, surrounding objects with the help of applications, and publishes it, then we can assume that he is disguising himself, “running away” from his own mood disorders.

If Instagram leaves a feeling that the user is trying to show normality, this may be a sign of a depressive state.

In addition, such a person will appear in photographs surrounded by other people, either wanting to get lost, or imitating the general good mood of the group. “I am not alone, there are many of us, look how fun we are, and there is no need to peer into my face.”

Other objects caught in the frame will also draw attention to themselves: dishes, buildings, scattered objects, trees, animals. If all this is in great abundance and appears too often in photographs, there is a risk that a person seeks to put ahead of himself what will be socially accepted, approved, “soften” reality so that no one sees what is really happening to him.

In short, if an Instagram user leaves the feeling that he is desperately trying to demonstrate normality (of his own and his life), this can also be a sign of hidden depressive states.

About the authors

Christopher Danforth — Professor at the University of Vermont, co-author of Human Language Reveals a Universal Positivity Bias, National Academy of Sciences, 2015.

Andrew Reece is a psychologist at Harvard University.

Source: New York Times.

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