Insomniac: how to get to sleep?

Insomniac: how to get to sleep?

Indispensable for the proper functioning of our body, sleep has an essential role. And yet, the problems that hinder our sleep are numerous. Among them, insomnia, which is one of the most common ailments in the world and which affects the quality of life.

What is insomnia?

“I sleep badly, I don’t sleep enough, I don’t sleep at all, I can’t fall asleep, I

wake up too early, wake up during the night… ”these are the most common complaints about insomnia. There is currently no single, universal definition of insomnia. The main criterion is subjective: “an insomniac is someone who sleeps too little or badly.” Insomnia is therefore a reduction in the quantity or quality of sleep. 

It is considered pathological if at least for 1 month, more than 3 times a week, sleep is less than 6,5 hours per night and we complain about it, we speak of chronic insomnia.

Insomnia affects 15,8% of 15-85 year olds: 19,3% of women and 11,9% of men.

What are the causes of insomnia?

If insomnia is frequent and physiological during pregnancy or at the time of menopause, it can be due to physical problems (restless legs syndrome, osteoarthritis pain, cancer, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory problems) or of psychological origin such as anxiety disorders, depression, depressive patients having a risk of insomnia 7 to 10 times higher than others. Very often, the reasons are also due to a healthy lifestyle, bad habits such as permanent addiction to social networks, screens in general, sedentary lifestyle, stress.

How to get back to sleep?

A few things can help you in your fight against this unpleasant companion of the night that is insomnia. 

Here are all our tips:

  • Dine neither too much nor too little, and above all, at least two hours before joining Morphée;
  • Favor carbohydrates and slow sugars (pasta, rice) without salty and protein foods (cold cuts, meats in sauce);
  • Do not hesitate to drink a hot drink in the evening, which will have a relaxing effect and will help you fall asleep if you combine this with a soothing evening away from the various screens that keep alertness awake;
  • Goodbye laptops, computers and others from a certain time;
  • One detail that is of great importance, try night socks, warm feet help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. This is what two South Korean academics demonstrate in a study: wearers of socks took an average of 7 minutes less than others to fall asleep. Added to the fact that their number of nocturnal awakenings was 7 times less than those who did not wear socks, they slept 32 minutes more overall.

Some natural aids

Herbal medicine

Among the many plants that fight stress and insomnia, Valerian (valerian) was recommended by Hippocrates against insomnia. Double-blind placebo-controlled studies have shown its effect on insomnia. A significant 78% improvement in the subjective quality of sleep was also observed in around ten insomniacs who ingested a single dose of 400 mg of a preparation of Valerian.

Passionflower: an infusion of passionflower taken for 7 days improved the subjective quality of sleep.


Certain essential oils (ET) help fight insomnia.

  • HE Roman Chamomile: it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is that of relaxation and sleep. Use it for olfaction: place the cap of the EO bottle under the nose and inhale for five times, exhale through the nose for five times. Then stay with empty lungs for five beats or less, this time must be comfortable. Repeat several times.
  • HE Fine lavender: for its relaxing and calming properties, put 5 drops of fine lavender ET in an electric diffuser placed in your room for 10 minutes, 20 minutes before going to bed.
  • HE Petit grain bigarade: breathe it on a handkerchief, thanks to its deeply relaxing and soothing action, it will allow you to avoid insomnia. You can also place a drop or two on the wrists to inhale its woody scent with tangy notes.

A self-hypnosis session  

Self-hypnosis acts on the most frequent causes of difficulty falling asleep: stress, anxiety, ruminations in a loop, negative thoughts that maintain insomnia. If insomnia is chronic, self-hypnosis reinforces the work done with a hypnotherapist.

Make yourself comfortable on your bed, in the dark. Inhale, slowly exhale ten times. Try to feel each of your limbs, their temperature. Close your eyes when the urge strikes you. Let go. Project yourself to a place you love, a quiet place, maybe a vacation memory. Visualize the landscape, the blue sky, observe the details, the colors, the setting sun…

To calm your thoughts which keep coming back, imagine a mill and its paddle wheel which turns while carrying the water and which slows down little by little. The appeasement arrived, feel the drowsiness and from there, go to bed.

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