Insomnia What to avoid so as not to “vampirize” your hours of sleep

Insomnia What to avoid so as not to “vampirize” your hours of sleep

Light from mobile devices and over-information have a negative impact on our sleep hygiene

Insomnia What to avoid so as not to “vampirize” your hours of sleep

When after a long day we get into bed and turn off the lights, even though our bodies and minds are exhausted, they may want more. For this reason, it is tempting to take our mobile and take a quick look in case “you have a new WhatsApp message”, “if your ex has just posted a new photo” or a last visit to Twitter. This situation, with which almost everyone possibly empathizes, is very common, but nevertheless it has terribly negative consequences for our rest.

This is highlighted by Gabriela Paoli, a psychologist and expert in technological addictions, who warns that, not only is the exposure time harmful, because of the call cold light emitted by our phone, but you also have to have the type of information that is received and how that affects the quality of sleep.

But it is not just the dream that is affected. The overuse of the mobile, as well as other devices such as tablets and computers, can cause problems such as reduced vitality and lack of concentration. Carla Sánchez, wellness expert and co-founder of The Holistic Concept, explains that, on average, we visit some 40 websites a day and perform most of the tasks frantically, in less than two minutes. «I propose to carry out a digital detox that seeks to promote healthier habits and establish simple and positive rules to sleep better, longer and deeper. It is important to disconnect to reconnect ”, he assures.

The hours of sleep are, by definition, hours of disconnection. Is the moment when our body recovers energy and our immune system is strengthened. Sleep also reduces internal inflammation, improves cognitive functions (including attention and concentration), contributes to psychological-emotional balance and, ultimately, promotes a state of happiness and well-being. A non-restorative sleep, on the other hand, makes the person more vulnerable to diseases, causes irritability, increases the feeling of stress, reduces tolerance to frustration and causes fatigue and lack of energy.

Banish all screens

In order to fall asleep easily, it is important that we generate melatonin. If we do not generate it, it is difficult for us to sleep and we do it little and badly. The use of mobile phones at the time of going to sleep affects the gland responsible for the production of melatonin, so we have a worse quality sleep. That is why Gabriela Paoli recommends avoiding, yes or yes, taking electronic devices such as mobile phones or tablets to bed, as well as using them in the moments before going to sleep. She even advises against having a television in the bedroom, since the light emitted by the screens is “cold”, similar to daylight, so, the psychologist explains, “it is as if we were saying to our body” It is daylight , It is not time to sleep »». “When we turn off the screens, it still takes a while for the body to adjust to the darkness, understand that it is time to sleep and produce the necessary melatonin,” says Paoli.

From The Holistic Concept platform they give some tips to adopt a good sleep hygiene. First of all they recommend turning off the Wi-Fi connection. “Psychologically, this blackout has a great positive impact since it generates a pleasant feeling of total disconnection,” they point out. Also, they explain that it can be beneficial to put the mobile aside and buy a traditional alarm clock, in order to remove from the bedroom any device that can receive messages and avoid that, the first thing we see in the day, is the mobile phone.

Healthy habits before bed

They also comment that “all digital cleaning requires a relaxation routine before going to bed,” so they recommend soften the lighting with candles or indirect lights, take a hot shower before bed and try to eat an early and light dinner to promote sleep.

For her part, Gabriela Paoli emphasizes that the most important recommendation is not to use any type of electronic device before going to sleep, not only because of the blue light they emit, but also because of the information we receive from them. «All this can alter us, and therefore create a certain state of anxiety, worry, discomfort and tension that would take away the necessary tranquility to fall asleep “, says the psychologist.

On the other hand, Paoli recommends that, if you wake up at night, do not take the opportunity to take a look at your mobile. It is also very positive to create your own rituals. You can go back to activities like reading a book, painting, listening to music or perform some relaxation technique. Ultimately, the basis is “to control your digital leisure time to be able to function properly the next day.”

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