Insert for stretch ceiling: types of inserts, how to install

Vinyl stretch ceiling is attached to the walls using a special profile made of aluminum or plastic. At the same time, a technological gap with a width of several millimeters remains along the perimeter of the web. A special insert for a stretch ceiling allows you to create an aesthetic frame.

Color solutions of inserts in the stretch ceiling

Manufacturers of stretch ceilings have developed special decorative inserts in the form of tapes that mask the joints between the canvas and the wall or between two canvases. Stretch ceiling with an insert looks complete.

When choosing a masking tape for edging a stretch ceiling, you should pay attention to the type of profile that is used to attach the canvas. Some types of overlays are designed for installation in specialized profiles – side, separating, under the glazing bead.


An asymmetric flange for a stretch ceiling, made in the shape of the Latin letter F, is installed on a plastic wall profile. Notched side shelves allow you to fix the tape so that the vertical post covers the bottom plane of the profile. It is used for sealing the adjoining of the ceiling to the wall with a flat solid cladding made of wood or tiles.

F-lining for stretch ceiling


The most common type of plug for stretch ceilings. In profile, the tape resembles the letter “T” with a double leg. The vertical part of two parallel elements allows you to fix the insert on the lower plane of a standard aluminum wall profile for stretch ceilings. A long horizontal shelf is a decorative lining element that closes the edge of the stretch ceiling fabric and goes to the wall, completely closing the gap.

Models of T-linings differ:

  • according to the width of the decorative shelf (the TLP insert with an enlarged horizontal element is suitable for installation in various types of profiles);
  • according to the proportions and shape of the wings of the decorative shelf (for TLX and TLG inserts, the wings of the horizontal element have a curved shape for a better fit of the edges to the surfaces).
T-shaped inserts for stretch ceiling

Due to their rigidity, T-shaped inserts are not used for ceilings with curved outlines. Ideally adjoin only to equal walls. A special spatula is required for installation.


An L-shaped insert is the simplest configuration option designed for stretch ceilings with harpoon fastening of the canvas. This overlay is also called L-shaped profile or corner. Such a corner for a stretch ceiling is flexible enough and suitable for installation in rooms of complex shape.


It should be borne in mind that under load, as well as at low temperatures, due to a decrease in the size of the stretch vinyl web, the wall corner can be squeezed out of the groove. During installation, it is recommended to walk around the entire perimeter of the ceiling two or three times in order to tightly fix the plug along the entire length. A spatula is not required.

SL lining

The SL insert for stretch ceilings is similar in configuration to the T-lining, but the element that secures the tape in the profile is not made with a “clothespin”, but resembles a glazing bead or a cork with spacers.

Stretch ceiling inserts: S, SL, R

The side shelves of the SL lining are quite elastic and are able to mask small wall irregularities. Tapes of this series are suitable for mounting on aluminum and plastic profiles. Inserts are easy to install and can be easily dismantled if necessary. Do not squeeze out of the groove under load.

Specialized overlays

The list of specialized edgings includes tapes for decorative sealing of joints between canvases. When choosing, the width of the stretch ceiling profile is taken into account. In the dividing profile is installed:

  • plug “fungus”;
  • plug “Christmas tree”;
  • tape-tube – thanks to its flexibility, it is suitable for framing curved sections.

This category also includes the R-plug (pictured above), used as part of bead systems.

Another option for a specialized ceiling insert is a light-diffusing element that closes a wide, open part of a special profile designed for installing an LED strip. Such systems are used in the installation of “floating” stretch ceilings with lighting around the perimeter.

Material and color

Stretch ceiling plugs and dividers are made:

  • Made of rubber. Thanks to its flexibility, it is a versatile option for simple ceilings in rectangular rooms and structures with curved outlines.
  • PVC or polyurethane. Despite some elasticity, the linings are quite rigid, they are mounted in straight segments or with a small bending radius.
Color of PVC inserts in stretch ceiling

White border tape is a classic neutral option that blends harmoniously with stretch ceilings and walls of any color and texture. But for more expressiveness, you can choose a stub:

  • Under the color of the stretch ceiling canvas – this will visually expand the room.
  • To match the walls. Ceilings will look higher, while the room will visually become narrower.
  • A contrasting insert relative to the color of the ceiling is chosen to match any interior elements. This technique helps to focus on the ceiling, add zest to the design of the room. However, the walls must be perfectly even, as even small irregularities will be evident.
Contrasting insert in the stretch ceiling

Rubber inserts are available in two colors – white and black. In contrast, PVC masking tapes are attractive in a wide range of colors – from pastel to acid colors. The texture is matte and glossy. This allows you to choose the right option for any interior.

Inserts can be independently painted in the selected color with acrylic paint. It is recommended to do this a day or two before installation, so that the tape has time to dry completely.

Installation of the insert

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to choose the right masking tape. You should pay attention to the type of profile with which the canvas is fixed, the outlines of the ceiling, the evenness and texture of the walls. The technology for mounting rigid and flexible plugs is different, in some cases a spatula may be required to insert stretch ceilings with a flat or rounded metal working part, it is advisable to wrap it with a cloth so as not to damage the canvas and the plug.

Spatulas for working with stretch ceilings. To fill or remove the insert, you need your own spatula

To determine the required footage, the perimeter of the room is measured with a tape measure or with a cord. A minimum of 10% is added to the resulting value for adjustment.

How to install a plug

In a small room, a flexible molding in a stretch ceiling is recommended to be mounted in one piece. If the PVC insert is rigid, the tape is cut along the length of the walls with a margin of 5 cm to fit the joints.

It is desirable to join the edges of the lining in a corner or an inconspicuous place. When joining in the corner, the edges are cut with a sharp knife at 45 degrees. If the connection fell on the plane of the wall, it cannot be made vertical – the polymer ceiling tape decreases in size at low temperatures, and the joint will be striking. It is recommended to cut the joining edges at an angle.

Installing the T-Insert

Consider how to insert an elastic band into a stretch ceiling. The flexible tape is supplied in coils – during installation it is unwound and inserted into the profile groove, pressing with your fingers.

It is more difficult to insert a piping made of a harder polymer – you will need to press on the tape with a spatula, metal or plastic, until the mount fully enters the groove. A spatula may also be required to open the lock before fitting the lip. It is important to act carefully so as not to damage the stretch ceiling with the tool.

Muff for stretch ceiling profile

Mounting Features

The adjoining of the stretch ceiling canvas to the walls is easiest to arrange using a twisted decorative cord. Its thickness should correspond to the gap in the standard profile for harpoon mounting. The cord is mounted simply, you need to carefully insert it into the gap.

If the binding cord fits perfectly into the groove, no additional fastening is required. The frame can be easily dismantled and reinstalled if necessary.

When the diameter of the edging is less than the width of the groove, it is fixed with a hot glue gun. Make sure the hot glue and gun nozzle do not come into contact with the vinyl ceiling sheet. With this method of attachment, reuse of the cord after dismantling is impossible.

Alternative options

If you want to make the interior of the room more expressive, add features of a certain style, instead of the usual insert-stub, ceiling borders or skirting boards are chosen. They are not inserts, but also serve to mask the gap from the installation of a stretch ceiling. In addition, these elements allow you to design a curtain rod. Let’s consider this alternative.

The adjoining of the stretch ceiling to the wall can be arranged using a decorative border, but only if the walls in the room are fairly even. In case of noticeable irregularities, this option is not suitable. The gaps between the edge of the curb and the wall will be clearly visible, and it is best to install masking tape.

Types of borders

The joint of the stretch ceiling with the wall can be closed:

  • fillet – a narrow plank of a concave shape;
  • baguette – carved bar;
  • plinth – panel or rail.

It is important to pay attention to the ratio of the width of the border and the height of the ceilings. Unlike an insert in a stretch ceiling, a curb can conceal height. The higher the ceilings, the greater the permissible border width:

  • up to 7 cm – for ceilings 2,5 m or less;
  • up to 12 cm – for ceilings up to 3 meters;
  • from 13 cm – for ceilings above 3 m.

Elements for framing a stretch ceiling differ in the material of manufacture. Baguettes, plinths and other decorative elements are made from:

  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • tree.

Foam elements for framing attract with a variety of design, low weight. Skirting boards and foam borders bend, fit snugly even to uneven walls. But they are less cleaned of dirt and cannot be reused – when repairing the ceiling, the foam frame will have to be removed and replaced with a new one.

Polyurethane fillets are strong and durable, dirt from their surface is easily removed. The disadvantages include relatively large weight – this complicates installation.

Wooden decorative elements for stretch ceilings are usually used in cases where the interior style involves finishing with carved cornices. Borders made of wood are also characterized by a fairly large weight. In addition, their protective lacquer coating needs to be updated periodically.

Some skirting boards have the ability to mount an LED strip on the inside, which allows you to make ceiling lighting.

Skirting board with stretch ceiling lighting

Border installation principles

If the cord and decorative plug are installed in the gap of a plastic or aluminum profile, then skirting boards, fillets and other edging elements are mounted on the wall. This allows you to save the stretch ceiling from the additional load.

Light foam borders can be glued with any suitable adhesive over wall finishes, including over paper wallpaper.

Decor made of polyurethane or wood cannot be glued to the wallpaper due to the relatively large weight. To fix the polyurethane frame on the wall, it is recommended to use specialized adhesives, Titan universal glue or acrylic putty. The wooden border is glued to the “liquid nails” and fixed with self-tapping screws.


Stretch ceiling without an insert does not look aesthetically pleasing. Knowing how to choose and how to insert a tape into a stretch ceiling, you can independently mount a spectacular frame. At the end of the topic, the advice of an Asta M specialist on the selection and installation of inserts for a stretch ceiling.

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