Instructions for use Vertimek contains a description of the action of the drug, its chemical composition, the algorithm for preparing the solution and other rules. The insecticide is used to treat tomatoes, cucumbers and other protected ground plants, as well as flower (including potted) plants, grapes and apple trees. The tool is quite effective – the complete death of pests is observed within 2-3 days after spraying.

Description of the preparation Vertimeka

Vertimek is a drug belonging to the class of biological pesticides. It is used to kill insects and mites, i.e. it is an insectoacaricide. Vertimek can be used to control such pests:

  • thrips (greenhouse, tobacco, western flower);
  • Colorado beetles;
  • spider and common mites;
  • apple honey.

Vertimek is used for processing various crops – vegetables, flowers, including violets, and others (in open and protected ground): apple, grapes, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers.

The manufacturer and registrant of the drug is Syngenta LLC (Our Country, Moscow, brand country: Switzerland).

Active ingredient and principle of operation of Vertimek

According to the type of action Vertimek refers to intestinal and contact insecticides. It contains the active substance abamectin (concentration in the initial emulsion 18 g/l). It is an organic compound of empirical formula CH3C47H70O14.

Belongs to the chemical class of avermectins – substances that are a fermentation product of soil bacteria. According to the mechanism of action – a neurotoxin. Penetrating into the body of an insect or tick, abamectin stimulates the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to paralysis of ticks and insects, as a result of which they die.

The substance relatively quickly saturates the tissues of the plant, is characterized by translaminar activity (penetrates deep into the leaf blades, and does not simply remain on the surface). It is noted that pests lose their activity after a day, and complete death occurs after 2-3 days. At the same time, the protective effect persists for 3-4 weeks after treatment with an insecticide.

Insecticide Vertimek: instructions for use, description, dosage, hazard class

The drug is sold in plastic containers of different sizes.

The waiting time for Vertimec biological agent depends on the culture. So, you can start harvesting at least three days after the last treatment in the case of such plants:

  • eggplants;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper.

For fruit and berry plants (grapes, apple trees), the waiting period is much longer and amounts to 28 days.

During flowering insecticide Vertimek is not used. It can be used for prevention (at the beginning of the season) and pest control (in summer).

Attention! It is impossible to start harvesting before the expiration of the waiting period – this is dangerous for human health.

Therefore, you need to plan the time of the last processing in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug Vertimek has long been known to experienced and novice farmers, gardeners and summer residents. It is characterized by a number of advantages.

Insecticide Vertimek: instructions for use, description, dosage, hazard class

Vertimek is effective in the fight against mites, thrips and apple sucker


  • highly effective action (complete death of insects in 2-3 days);
  • affects pests on both sides of the leaf plate;
  • safe for plants;
  • quickly (in 2 hours) penetrates into the tissues of the leaf plate;
  • long period of protection (up to four weeks).
  • the waiting period is relatively short (3-28 days);
  • the likelihood of resistance is low.

But there are several drawbacks that are important to consider before starting processing.


  • Vertimek is dangerous for humans and bees;
  • cannot be used in the water protection zone;
  • not used in tank mixes.

How to prepare a working solution of Vertimek

The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate – a liquid that is used to obtain a working solution by diluting with water. You can dilute Vertimek according to the following instructions:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Measure the required volume of the product (for example, 5 ml per 10 l). It is most convenient to use a syringe.
  3. Dissolve first in a small amount of water.
  4. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Bring the total volume to 10 liters (standard bucket).
  6. Pour into a spray bottle.
  7. Start processing plants.
Insecticide Vertimek: instructions for use, description, dosage, hazard class

The prepared solution is used for total processing of apple trees and other plants.

Instructions for use of the drug Vertimek 10 liters

You can use the drug according to the dosages below. Vertimek is not a fertilizer. It is a biological pesticide relatively dangerous to humans and beneficial insects. Therefore, the instructions must be followed carefully, not exceeding the allowable number of sprays. The finished solution should not be stored – the entire volume is recommended to be used at a time.

Treatment with insecticide Vertimek, regardless of crop and pest, is carried out according to the general rules:

  • late evening (preferably after sunset);
  • in calm or light wind (no more than 2 m/s);
  • in dry weather.

During treatment with a solution, the ground part of the plants is totally sprayed, trying to get on the stems, the upper and lower half of the leaf. It is impossible to spray on the inflorescences, so the insecticide is used before the flowering stage, and then already during the formation of the ovaries and after it.

From a tick

To destroy spider and common mites, they act as follows:

  1. Measure 2,5-3 ml of the drug with a syringe.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of water.
  3. Then bring the total volume to 10 liters.
  4. Mix thoroughly and proceed to processing.
Attention! The total number of treatments – up to three times per season.

Taking into account the fact that the minimum period of protective action is 14 days, the interval between sprayings is chosen the same, i.e. two weeks.

From thrips

To combat thrips, you need to get a Vertimek solution in an amount of 5 ml per 10 liters of water. The agent is first also dissolved in a small volume and brought to 10 liters. The number of treatments – up to three per season.

From the Colorado potato beetle

For treatment from Colorado beetles, dissolve 1 ml per 10 liters. Pour into a spray bottle and start spraying. It is enough to carry out 1-2 treatments.

From apple honey

Apple trees are sprayed with a weak solution of Vertimek insecticide. It is enough to dilute 1 ml in 10 liters of water. At the same time, 2-3 buckets may be needed immediately for one adult tree. Carry out one treatment per season (spring).

Insecticide Vertimek: instructions for use, description, dosage, hazard class

From the last spraying of the apple tree to harvest, a minimum of 28 days must pass

Other pests

To destroy aphids and other pests, a concentration of the drug is also used in the amount of 1 ml per 10 liters of water. The number of treatments is 1-3.

Compatibility with other drugs

Vertimek insecticide is not used in tank mixes. It is undesirable to mix it with other pesticides, as well as fertilizers and growth stimulants. Treatment with drugs is carried out at different times, for example, after 2-3 days.

Safety Precautions

One of the disadvantages of the Vertimek insecticide is its high toxicity: it is very dangerous for bees (class 1) and dangerous for humans (class 2). Therefore, during the spraying with the drug, it is necessary to observe safety measures:

  1. During treatment, avoid eating, drinking, smoking, talking.
  2. Work with the solution only with gloves, wear a mask and goggles. You can also use special clothing.
  3. If Vertimek’s solution comes into contact with the skin, wash off with warm water and soap.
  4. If product splashes into eyes, rinse immediately with running water.
  5. If swallowed, take several tablets of activated charcoal. Drink plenty of water. Seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of poisoning occur.
  6. Insecticide Vertimek is forbidden to be used in the water protection zone of reservoirs.
  7. After the treatment, bees should be excluded from the apiary for 4-6 days.
  8. The prepared solution is used in full. It is absolutely impossible to drain it into the general sewer, water bodies, since Vertimek is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms.
Important! Store the drug Vertimek should be in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, in the temperature range from -18 to +35 degrees.

The total shelf life is four years from the date of manufacture.

Analogues of the preparation Vertimek

Analogues of the insecticide include such drugs: Sareip, Kraft, Cleopatra.

With prolonged use of the Vertimek insecticide, pests may develop resistance (addiction, resistance). Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to alternate the use of the drug with other drugs (by season).

Insecticide Vertimek: instructions for use, description, dosage, hazard class

Handling should be done with gloves.


Instructions for use Vertimek is quite simple. On a standard bucket of water take from 1 to 5 ml of suspension. You can use the product only in the late evening, in dry and calm weather. If the invasion is not very strong, only one treatment is enough. Plants are sprayed no more than three times during the entire season.

Reviews about Vertimek

Markova Nina, 51 years old, Cheboksary
For a long time I wanted to pick up a universal drug to save from all known ticks and thrips. I bought five different acaricides, they didn’t save much. But Vertimek helped. I process them with strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse. All ticks die already on the first day, and you need to process a couple of times in May and June – that’s enough.
Voronin Mikhail, 42 years old, Yekaterinburg
Vertimek is a proven tool. Let’s put it this way: it just does its job well, nothing more. It is a pity that it is not universal – it is better to use other insecticides from aphids. But with its functions it copes with a solid five.
Insecticide Vertimek 1l. original Syngenta packaging.

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