Insecticide Oberon Rapid is an effective drug against most types of mites and certain varieties of insects. Apply a tool for processing grapes, apple trees, tomatoes, cucumbers and houseplants. Differs in the long period of protective action and practically unlimited period of storage.


Oberon Rapid is an insecticide and acaricide of the intestinal and contact type. This means that it acts not only against insects, but also against ticks. It is used for processing such crops: apple tree, grapes, tomato (in greenhouses), cucumber, indoor plants.

Oberon Rapid is also used as a drug for different types of mites: grape, brown fruit, hawthorn, red, spider, felt.

Attention! The tool is used to protect crops from greenhouse whitefly and grape itch.

The active ingredient in Oberon Rapid

The insecticide is produced in the form of a suspension concentrate. Packaging – a bottle of different volumes: 50 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml, 1 l. The active ingredients of Oberon Rapid, KS are:

  • spiromesifen – concentration 228,6 g / l suspension;
  • abamectin – 11,4 g / l suspension.

These are organic compounds belonging to the classes of avermectins and biological pesticides. They are selective insecticides. The manufacturer is Bayer CropScience, Germany.

Principle of operation

The effect of the insecticide Oberon Rapid on spider mites and other pests is associated with a neurotoxin effect. So, abamectin penetrates into the body of an insect by direct contact, as well as through the intestines. It stimulates the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid. As a result, the transmission of the nerve impulse is blocked, which leads to inevitable paralysis in some insects and ticks. Pests lose their activity a day after treatment with an insecticide. Moreover, total death is observed after 2-3 days.

Spiromesifen is a new generation active ingredient. It belongs to tetronic organic acids. Blocks lipid metabolism in insect tissues. This leads to a violation of molting and a deterioration in the development of larvae. Also, the effect of spiromesifen is associated with a decrease in the rate of reproduction (fertility).

Important! Over time, insects can get used to the action of the components of the agent due to the formation of resistance.

Therefore, Oberon Rapid is used in alternation with other acaricides and insecticides.

Advantages and disadvantages

A review of the drug Oberon Rapid and reviews of gardeners shows that this insecticide has several tangible advantages.

Insecticide Oberon Rapid: instructions for use, reviews, how to breed, consumption

The active ingredients penetrate deeply into plant tissues, but do not spread through the vessels.


  1. Effective destruction of pests in 1-2 days.
  2. Relatively safe for beneficial predatory mites (their population is restored in 7-10 days after treatment).
  3. Long protective action – 20-25 days.
  4. Oberon Rapid combines well with most other drugs, including insecticides, growth stimulants and fungicides.
  5. Comparative safety for humans – class 3 (moderately or moderately hazardous).
  6. Insecticide treatments Oberon Rapid can be combined with the use of biological remedies.
  7. No strong odor.


  1. High danger to bees – class 1 (toxic).
  2. Adult males are not destroyed.
  3. Sterilization of eggs – no more than 50%.
  4. Proven effectiveness only at an air temperature of 15-35 degrees, sometimes it is allowed to spray at +10 ° C.
  5. Cannot be used during flowering.

Instructions for use of the drug Oberon Rapid

Instructions for preparing the solution are as follows:

  1. Measure the required amount of suspension with a syringe.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of water.
  3. Mix and bring to a total volume.
  4. Pour into a spray bottle and start processing.

As a standard, no more than four sprayings are carried out with a break:

  • 5-7 days if the weather is predominantly warm;
  • 10-12 days if it’s cool outside.

When processing fruit and vegetable crops, it is important to take into account the waiting time – the minimum number of days that must pass from the last spraying to the start of harvesting. Otherwise, fruits and vegetables can be hazardous to health.

Dosage, number of treatments and waiting period depend on the specific culture. The main uses of the insecticide are described below.

For an apple tree

You can use Oberon Rapid for processing apple trees according to this instruction. Measure the required amount of the drug based on the dosage of 6-8 ml per 10 liters. Then dissolve the product and proceed to the total processing of the leaves. The maximum number of procedures per season is two. Harvesting can be started no earlier than 40 days after the last spraying.

For tomatoes

For the treatment of tomatoes with the insecticide Oberon Rapid, a solution with a concentration of 5-8 ml per 10 liters is used. You need to spray no more than two times per season. At the same time, the waiting period in this case is short – only three days.

Insecticide Oberon Rapid: instructions for use, reviews, how to breed, consumption

After processing the tomatoes in the greenhouse, the crop can be harvested in three days

For grapes

For the treatment of grapes, an insecticide solution Oberon Rapid is prepared based on a concentration of 6-8 ml per 10 liters. No more than two procedures are carried out per season. Harvesting can be started no earlier than one month after the last spraying.

For cucumbers

Instructions for using the insecticide Oberon Rapid for cucumbers are the same as for tomatoes. The agent is prepared in an amount of 5-8 ml per 10 liters. Spraying is done up to two times per season. You can start harvesting in three days.

Oberon Rapid for orchids

The use of insecticide Oberon Rapid for orchids is possible at all stages, except for flowering. To achieve the desired effect, prepare a solution and immerse the crown of the plant for a few seconds. Instead, you can carry out a total processing of the leaves from the outside and inside. Dosage – 0,6-0,8 ml per 1 liter.

Oberon Rapid for indoor plants

The insecticide is also used to treat indoor plants at all stages, with the exception of flowering (including repeated). It is important to remember that Oberon Rapid has contact action, therefore, total wetting of all leaves from the outside and inside is required. This is achieved by carefully spraying or dipping the crown for a few seconds in an insecticide solution. The dosage is the same as for orchids: 0,6-0,8 ml per 1 liter.

Compatibility with other means

Oberon Rapid is well combined with many drugs, which makes it possible to use it in tank mixtures. However, it is not used with those means that give an alkaline reaction. Therefore, when compiling a mixture, it is recommended to conduct chemical compatibility tests and measure the pH of the starting components (the indicator should not exceed 7,0). This can be done using indicator paper or a pH meter.

accident prevention

Oberon Rapid is a pesticide belonging to the third class of danger to humans. It is quite simple to work with it, while certain safety measures must be observed:

  1. Use rubber gloves to prevent liquid from coming into contact with skin.
  2. Do not talk, drink or eat while spraying.
  3. Keep children out of the area.
  4. Avoid contact with eyes or inside.
  5. Since the drug is dangerous for bees, if there is an apiary nearby, insects should be excluded in the next 3-5 days.
  6. It is forbidden to use the product in the water protection zone.
Insecticide Oberon Rapid: instructions for use, reviews, how to breed, consumption

Spraying is best done in protective clothing.

If the Oberon Rapid insecticide solution comes into contact with the skin, it can be washed with warm water and soap. In case of contact with eyes, stop working. Rinse the affected area thoroughly with a medium pressure jet. If by mistake the product got inside, you should take 7-10 tablets of activated charcoal and drink plenty of water. If you experience abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms, you should seek emergency help.

Important! If skin peeling or allergic reactions occur upon contact with chemical solutions, it is recommended to work in a protective suit.

Analogues of the preparation Oberon Rapid

The insecticide has no complete analogues. However, there are abamectin relatively similar in component. This substance is also included in the composition of such funds: Cleopatra, Vertimek, Sareip, Kraft, Mekar, Lirum and others.

Shelf life of the drug Oberon Rapid

Shelf life is not limited if the storage conditions are observed: dark, dry place, temperature in the range from +15 to +30 degrees. Children’s access should be prohibited. Do not allow direct sunlight. The prepared solution must be used in one day – long-term storage is impossible.


The insecticide Oberon Rapid includes two active ingredients at once, due to which its use is quite effective. Tick ​​colonies die completely on the third day after treatment. However, it is worth remembering that the product is dangerous for bees. Therefore, no more than two sprayings are usually done per season.

Reviews about the drug Oberon Rapid

Bukhara Valentina, 56 years old, Kurgan
Oberon Rapid is a very mild drug, the waiting period is short. I process only tomatoes and cucumbers in greenhouses, grapes, of course, cannot be grown in our latitudes. Works very well – usually one spray in May is enough, and no mites! Checked it personally.
Illarionova Daria, 39 years old, Yaroslavl
Oberon Rapid is great at destroying red fruit mites on an apple tree. This tool has been a lifesaver for me. You do the processing, and after two days all the pests die. Only more than two years in the open field is not used. Be sure to alternate with other acaricides, otherwise the effect is reduced.
Oberon Rapid against ticks, whiteflies, thrips, aphids/Oberon Rapid against ticks, thrips

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