Insecticide: application for the garden
One of the main helpers for gardeners is an insecticide. The use of such drugs protects crops, fruit and flowering crops from the invasion of any pests. But in order for the funds to bring maximum benefit, they must be used correctly.
Instructions for the use of insecticides
Preparations of this group are extremely toxic not only for insects, but also for humans. Therefore, observe the dosage indicated on the packaging. In addition, the products should be used in protective clothing. It is also recommended to wear goggles and a respirator during use. After processing, you need to take a shower.
Timely application of insecticides will protect plants from any insects
Insecticides come in the form of powders, granules, liquids and crayons. As a rule, these drugs are diluted in this way:
- Pour 1/3 of the volume of water into a suitable container.
- Shake the product and add the correct dose.
- Stir the preparation for 5 minutes until completely dissolved.
- Add remaining water and stir the solution again.
It is better to dilute insecticides with water at room temperature. In this case, the liquid does not need to be heated, otherwise it will lose a lot of oxygen. Treat plants in the morning or evening in warm, calm and dry weather.
The best insecticides for the garden
There are many drugs that help gardeners get rid of pests. Especially popular are:
- Aktara. A contact-intestinal insecticide that helps against aphids, whiteflies, thrips, wireworms and other pests. Effectively works regardless of weather conditions. Cannot be used near bodies of water with fish.
- “Anticolorad”. Helps with most pests, including ticks. It is not addictive to insects, therefore it always acts as efficiently as possible.
- “Confidor Maxi”. One of the most effective and at the same time safe insecticides. Destroys most pests and improves the protective properties of plants.
- “Antizhuk”. Practically non-toxic to humans, pets or birds, but very toxic to insects. Moreover, it destroys not only adults, but also larvae.
- “Decis”. An extremely poisonous preparation, harmful not only to pests, but also to bees, fish and domestic animals. Harvesting is possible only 3 weeks after processing.
- Akttelik. Fights pests well, but unfortunately toxic to bees. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it during the flowering period.
Pests have always been, are and will be the main problem for gardeners. But today there are many insecticides that will help get rid of all insects in the garden. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly.