The wife of footballer Yuri Zhirkov frankly told Woman’s Day about how she prepares for the appearance of a third baby in the family, how she keeps fit during pregnancy, copes with the crisis in her own atelier, and what difficulties she and her husband had to face during eight years of marriage.
– Just a couple of weeks ago I told my friends at breakfast that I didn’t even have time to go and buy bottles and baths. It’s time to get ready, the baby will appear at the end of September, but I can’t do it. And then they suggested: “So let’s organize a party and give everything to you ourselves.”
– From the sonny there was a stroller. On this, perhaps, that’s all. I have one brother and in general a lot of relatives to whom I gave everything, you will not keep children’s things at home all your life … Besides, now everything is more modern. The same baby monitor used to work over short distances, now they have been improved. The baths have appeared much more comfortable, on legs, there will be no need to stand hunched over, so that the back gets tired.
Victoria Lopyreva at a party in honor of the future baby
– This has never happened. The maximum, as far as I could leave my husband and child alone, was 15 minutes. (Laughs.) Yura himself was a little afraid that the baby, for example, was not holding his head, and so on … I don’t know, maybe now everything will change. Take a walk with the children in the yard – Yura is always in favor, ride bicycles or play football with them. Although he arrives tired after training, he never refuses to children, the whole yard gathers, and they all play football together. In this regard, he is just a daddy.
– That is unnecessary. Dima (the eldest son, the boy is 7 years old. – Approx. W’day) has been asking his brother for a long time, I still asked him: “Well, what if there will be a little sister?” To which he replied: “No, there will definitely be a brother,” and he was right. So the son can’t wait any longer. Milana (daughter was born on August 21, 2010. – Approx. W’day) also constantly asks: “Mom, when will you go to the doctor?” And they always come up, kiss the tummy, stroke. Of course, when one child is already quite an adult, it is more difficult for him to understand that someone else will appear and the attention of the parents will switch. And when there are two children, they don’t even think about it.
– I have always believed that two children, a boy and a girl, are the ideal. And when Milana was born after her son, I thought that there was nothing more to dream about. But this does not mean that we did not want a third. Yura always wanted a big family, he himself has the same. He knows what it is when many brothers, sisters, all support each other. I have a brother, but apart from him I have always dreamed of a sister. I wanted to share with her my girlish thoughts, secrets … Now Dima will have a brother. Of course, I won’t think about it, but if God willing and everything goes well, I also want Milana to have a sister.
The face of a child, and the body of a woman
– You pay less attention. Difficulties were only at the very beginning, when I fell ill with pneumonia. And then throughout the pregnancy she was actively engaged in her atelier, created her first collection MiloMilo by Inna Zhirkova, karaoke. There were a lot of worries, frequent flights, I returned home in the evening, and there was no time to think about how my legs or back hurt.
– Yes, during my first pregnancy I weighed 90 kg. It was hard for me. Now I scored 15, as opposed to the previous 35. For myself, I realized that if during pregnancy I eat the same way as in ordinary life, in which I do not particularly limit myself, I will quickly recover. But to understand is one thing, and to do is another. The first time I tried. I steamed everything – steamed vegetables, steamed cutlets. But now I can’t see them. And she decided: “Oh, okay, there is not much time left, you can relax.” So what do you think? For a week hop – and plus 4 kg. And again you have to get the steamer …
– For me it was such a shock. I am 19 years old, and I weigh 90 kg! I have a kind of face of a child, and the body of an adult woman: a 10th size breast, hips. Of course I was in a panic. I didn’t understand what to do, especially when you were breastfeeding and you couldn’t get away from a small child. Then I realized, you just need to wait it out. The most important thing is to have support nearby. I am now reviewing the photographs of those times and I think this is how much a man needs to love in order to be silent and not say a word. On the contrary, Yura constantly repeated: “Come on, stop it, everything is fine there.” I now look at this “normal” and understand what my husband has patience! Not every man will understand this. After all, he met me when I was a thin, little girl, and then suddenly turned into an aunt. And here you need to find the right incentive. I understood that Yura was young, famous, of course, I wanted to look the same next to him. Therefore, I did my best to lose weight. I can’t even say now what exactly helped me: sports or proper nutrition.
– I went to the pool, did all sorts of myostimulation, cosmetic procedures. When I gave birth to the first one, it was even a little easier, because we lived in Moscow. I also gave birth to Milan in Moscow, but at that time Yura and I had already moved to London, I flew to the capital just for the sake of giving birth and returned to London when my daughter was only three months old. They did without salons there. But I regularly went with the kids to the park. I ran there. And somehow I tried to limit myself in food.
– You know, for me and for Yura, this is not the most important problem that you need to worry about. Of course, at first I was afraid, I thought: “How can I restrain myself during pregnancy? I don’t want to weigh 90 kilograms again ”. And not only because it is ugly. But because it’s just hard. But as it will be, so it will be.
– It was hard for the first months. Because I opened in the summer, when there was no one in Moscow. Now more or less. I try to keep the prices affordable, because I understand how hard it is for everyone now. It is not easy for us either, but we are trying. I understand that now it is pointless to buy rolls of fabrics for future use so that they lie, I don’t want to work in the negative, right? Therefore, I purchase material for a specific order.
– The idea came to my mind many years ago, when the first baby appeared. The child constantly needed to sew something, hem. It was then that I first thought about how nice it would be to have my own atelier. She did not plan to become a designer at that time, of course, like all girls, she dreamed of being a designer as a child, painted all her life, most often evening dresses. But then I realized that I don’t so much want to be a designer as to have my own atelier, because I myself very often resort to the services of tailors. My children are thin, tall, it is impossible to immediately choose the right size, or rubber bands need to be inserted, or hemmed, sutured. There were many attempts to create your own atelier. At first I wanted to open up in Kaliningrad, because my parents are there. Then for a long time they could not find a room in Moscow. I am very glad that this problem has now been resolved.
– No … Because before, after training, I always met him at home, fed him, watered him. With the advent of the atelier, everything changed, now it happens, he goes from training, and I’m still far away and I’m not even going home … Yura, probably, at first thought that I would not get carried away so seriously, and then realized that I was worried about every little thing, that I try to do everything myself. Now, of course, he supports everything, even sometimes goes shopping with me for fabrics. In the choice, of course, does not participate, but will bring, take away, report. For me, this is a great indicator that he even agrees to wait for me. Although it’s not 10 minutes.
– Sure. He tells everyone, shows. Pleased! Although I don’t sew so much for my family, I still want to give the client an order first.
– I will. I am already an experienced enough mommy, I do not see any obstacles to move around with the baby. Of course, the first couple of months I’ll sit at home, and then I’m sure everything will work out. My daughter always asks to work with me, because she really likes the studio. She has a children’s car here. She draws sketches, then sews them for fun. The son, of course, is less interested in all this. But he went to first grade with us, so he is busy with his own business.
– During the year, we went to additional classes, 2-3 hours a day, because now first-graders should already be able to do everything: read, write, and speak English. The school itself was chosen for a long time, because, in my opinion, this is a very important step. I don’t want to later have to transfer from one institution to another due to the fact that we were in a hurry with the choice and did not notice any shortcomings. We looked at a lot of schools, wrote entrance tests everywhere, because every time I thought: “Everything, we will definitely go here.” But then she met the teacher and changed her mind. In my opinion, the first teacher is the most important thing. I still remember my first homeroom teacher. I adored her, she really was like a second mother to me. As a result, we stopped at a private school not far from home, after all, a small one will appear soon, God forbid, I won’t even be able to take the child to school. And here I can walk with a stroller for 10-15 minutes, and my son is at school.
– Oh no, I’m such a boy … Well, of course, when he grows up, we’ll see. But for the first three years I will take him to school myself. And what else is convenient, so that a preparatory class is being recruited in the next building, I want to give Milan there. And I will take them two to the same place.
– Nobody told him that he must definitely become a footballer. Dima actually tried a lot of things: hockey, figure skating, capoeira. But now, when the school started, I had to give up something. Only football does his eyes really shine. He and Yura play together, watch all the matches. “And who are you for? What are you doing? ” – constantly discussing something. The son is waiting for training, although no one forces him, he really fell in love with this sport. He’s been doing it since childhood. When we lived in London, we put a gate in the courtyard of the house, and Dima still didn’t know how to walk, but he was already chasing the ball.
– She also plays football with dad and Dima in the yard and often scores! The daughter got to the game for the first time when she was 3 months old. There are no options. (Laughs.) She also went to figure skating, dancing, and acting. I think in September I will try to send it to Fidgets. Maybe you will like it. Because at home she often puts on some scenes, dresses up in my scarves, trains. The actress is like that.
– Absolutely. She’s such a fox. When she needs something, she knows what to tell her dad to melt and give up.
– I’m strict because I spend all the time with them. And when Yura comes home from the training camp, and the children ask him for an iPad, how can he refuse? Of course, he wants to please the children, and he gives. The same story with chocolate, “kinder”, chupa-chups. Children know that it is useless to approach me with these questions. And daddy, of course, wants to do everything for them. But in some moments, especially with Dima, Yura is even, on the contrary, too strict. Even I am ready to regret, but my husband says: “Nothing. He will be patient. Man. “
– For example, Dima comes to complain about Milan, to which his dad immediately tells him: “Don’t even come up with this,” or he can scold him during training. But now Dima is really great, for example, if he fell on the field and it is clear that he is in pain, blood is flowing, he can hardly restrain himself, but gets up and continues the game.
– When Yura and I met, I was only 17 years old. I was a little girl. And Yura was still very young. With age, I became more restrained, patient. Previously, Yura and I argued every day about something, but now we react calmly to everything.
– Many frightened me with terrible frontiers: a year, three, seven. I waited all the time. But there was nothing. We can argue, swear at least every day. But this lasts a maximum of an hour. And after Yura comes up as if nothing had happened: “What, kid, let’s go?” As if nothing had happened. But I could grumble in response: “Why did you come up to me?” The only difficult time was when Yura moved to London for Chelsea, and I was not given a visa. This is the first time we parted for such a long time. And no one could do anything. Then, thank God, it was all resolved, a visa was given, and we arrived there.
– Enough. When I was finally given a visa and I flew to London, I thought that Yura would meet me at the airport. But he was not released from training. And I was with a small child in my arms, without knowing the language … I somehow got to the hotel, and I didn’t even know the room in which my husband lived … Then we rented a house near the base where Yura trained. I hoped that he would be more comfortable that way, that he could spend more time at home than spend an hour on the road.
– We settled in this house in the forest, there is no one around us, not a single neighbor, there is no Internet, no telephone, nothing. Yura went to the training camp, he was not at home for weeks, and we were alone with the child. It’s even difficult to go shopping for food, because I don’t drive a car, my parents were not given a visa, so they would at least come, help, dilute my loneliness. Otherwise, even to chat with them on the phone, I had to go out into the street and almost climb a tree, and all sorts of chanterelles were running around … Yura saw this and understood everything. Probably, he respected me for that, because I never squeaked or screamed: “I can’t take it anymore! What should I do? Give me a nanny. Give me a housekeeper. Someone else. ” We just silently moved back to the city.