Inna Dulkina, Jean-Felix de la Ville God «Il est des Russes. Russians. 24 meetings: photos and interviews”.

The book about Russia and Russians includes interviews with 20 of our compatriots – from Yuri Shevchuk, Elizaveta Glinka to Ekaterina Samutsevich. The book is published in Russian and French.

“Russians do not need the appearance of relations”

Musician Yuri Shevchuk, cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov, actress Renata Litvinova, deputy Oksana Dmitrieva and 20 more of our compatriots became the heroes of the book “Russians”. It is published in two languages, which means it is addressed to at least the audience of two countries. To the French – to better understand Russia. Russians – to … look at themselves through the eyes of those whom the authors consider the symbol of our country.

Did you manage to understand Russia better?

No, it didn’t. The picture has not cleared up, but rather, even clouded. I knew that Russia cannot be understood and explained with the help of ideas. One can only get closer to understanding it in conversations with the people who live here. I do not claim that the heroes of the book are the best people of the country who change her life, but they are interesting to us. They do not think like everyone else, they feel in their own way, they are original. And when I talk to them, I feel the abyss that separates the French and the Russians. Because we want everything to be beautiful and fine with us – clothes, relationships, and the Russians don’t give a damn about that. You do not need a beautiful appearance, a presentation of relationships. None of our heroes cared about their own image, did not try to show themselves in the best light, to impress. Restaurateur Novikov, when asked about the purpose of his work, bluntly said: “I want fame and money.” I am sure that his French colleague would have answered differently: “I want to create new jobs.” In general, they said what they really think, what they really thought it was important to say. The distance between the image they create and their essence was very small..

Who impressed you the most?

Elizabeth Glinka. I worked for Doctors Without Borders and saw many famous doctors there. It seemed that their main task was to meet with journalists and tell how they save the world. With Dr. Glinka, everything was different. We arrived at her homeless assistance center and immediately got the impression that she was already bored with us. At some point, she even stopped answering questions and continued to help other volunteers. This is how I set my priorities.

Which of your questions didn’t get answered?

I asked each character questions about childhood and invariably received very clear answers. Everyone, as one, said: this is a wonderful time, everything was great … As if childhood simply had to be cloudless. But it’s not like that! In a word, these clear answers turned out to be the most deceitful and clouded the picture. I couldn’t believe them. Why did they sincerely talk about their country or work, and in the answers about childhood they tried to describe some kind of ideal world? I have no answer. But I keep looking for it.

Inna Doulkina, Jean-Félix de La Ville Baugé “Il est des Russes. Russians. 24 meetings: photos and interviews»

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