Injury and damage to the eye – what to do?

eye injury – damage as a result of exposure to environmental factors, during which its integral structure and functionality were violated. These include either a blow with a solid object, or the ingress of a chemical on the mucous membrane of the eye. 

Corneal injury

The cornea is the most unprotected part of the organ of vision, therefore it is most often injured. The number of people who go to doctors with similar damage is large. In most cases, they are caused by the ingress of a foreign body from the external environment, injuries caused by the influence of chemicals are slightly less common.

If the cause of damage was the ingress of a foreign body, then the diagnosis, as a rule, is not difficult, since the foreign object is clearly visible under focal illumination. Depending on how far the foreign body has penetrated, doctors distinguish between deep and superficial damage.

A common type of damage is corneal erosion, when there is a violation of its integrity due to the destructive effects of chemical, mechanical or toxic substances.

There are also wounds of the cornea, which can be non-penetrating and penetrating. Separately, there are burns of the cornea, which in more than 40% of cases lead to the fact that a person becomes disabled. 

Symptoms of damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye

The cornea is very sensitive, because the slightest irritation of it leads to the fact that a person feels severe discomfort in the eye.

 Additionally, the following symptoms of damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye can be distinguished:

  • Profuse lachrymation.

  • Increased sensitivity of the organ of vision to light.

  • Blepharospasm. This condition is characterized by the fact that the circular muscles of the eyelids contract uncontrollably. With an injury to the cornea, blepharospasm occurs as a response to pain.

  • Pericorneal injection of the conjunctiva. It is formed in the event that the deeply located vessels of the conjunctiva expand.

  • Defect of the epithelial layer of the cornea.

  • Painful sensations.

  • Sensation of sand in the eyes.

  • Violation of the function of vision.

  • Expansion of intraocular vessels, and as a result – redness of the eye and eyelids.

  • In some cases, there is a headache.

Despite the nature of the damage to the cornea, this complex of symptoms most often does not change. The exceptions are only a few of them, for example, a headache, which may sometimes be absent.

Sequelae of damage to the cornea

The consequences of an injury to the cornea of ​​​​the eye can be very serious, up to a complete loss of vision, without the possibility of its restoration. Especially often such complications occur with penetrating wounds and chemical burns of the cornea. Therefore, it is so important to seek first aid in a hospital and receive qualified treatment.

Secondary glaucoma often becomes a complication of deep burns. This is a whole group of diseases that occur against the background of a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid. After an injury on the cornea, rough scars, pupil displacement, clouding of the vitreous body, corneal edema, and increased intraocular pressure may occur.

Another consequence of damage to the cornea is a traumatic cataract, which is expressed in clouding of the lens and visual acuity. Its resorption can lead to aphakia. This condition is characterized by the absence of the lens in the eye.

However, serious consequences can most often be avoided if competent first aid was provided to a person on time.

First aid for eye injury

Depending on the nature of the injury, the correct and highest quality first aid should be provided:

  • If a person has received a cut injury, then it is necessary to cover the eye and eyelid with a clean cloth and fix it with a bandage. If possible, the uninjured eye should also be covered in order to stop the synchronous movement of the eyeballs. After that, you need to consult a doctor.

  • When the eye has been injured as a result of a blunt blow, a bandage should also be used. However, it must first be moistened in cold water, or a chilled object should be placed on top of it.

  • When eye damage occurs as a result of a chemical burn, it is necessary to rinse it with running water as soon as possible. The amount of water should be large, the eye should be washed, holding the head at an angle. In this case, the organ of vision should be below, and the water should drain outward from the nose. The eyelids must be moved apart with the fingers. After washing, cover the eye with a clean cloth bandage and consult an ophthalmologist.

  • If a foreign body has got into the eye, then in no case should it be removed, especially when it has penetrated the eyeball. You can not remove it on your own even when this foreign body is metal shavings or when a foreign particle is located in the area of ​​​​the iris of the eye. You just need to cover your eyes with a cloth and see a doctor. If a foreign object is represented by an eyelash or other mote and floats on the eyelid, moving freely, then you can try to get it with a tissue swab. To do this, you need to pull the lower eyelid and wait until the foreign object goes down, and then remove it. In the event that the particle is under the upper eyelid, it is worth asking for help from a nearby person. To do this, the victim needs to lower the eye down, and the assistant to pull the upper eyelid and bend it up using a cotton swab. Once the particle is in the field of view, it can be carefully removed. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, then you should seek medical help.

  • If a person has suffered a penetrating injury to the eye, then the task of paramount importance is to stop the bleeding. If there is an object in the eye that caused injury, such as a knife, you should not try to remove it yourself. This will cause increased bleeding. It is enough just to press a clean cloth to the damaged eye, and cover the second with a handkerchief, which will help reduce bleeding. If it does not stop at all, then at least it will not increase. In this state, the person must be taken to the doctor.

First aid for any injury to the eye should be provided in a timely manner. The damaged organ should be handled with the utmost care and caution. Timely initiation of systemic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is a guarantee that it will be possible to minimize the consequences and complications of the injury.

Where to go with an eye injury?

If an eye injury has been received, then you should contact a specialized trauma center. As a rule, they function round the clock in all large populated objects. If this is not available, then any local hospital, hospital, clinic or paramedical station will do. If it is not possible to get to a medical facility on your own, then you should call an ambulance and report the problem.

It happens that an eye injury is received far from populated areas. In this case, you need to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility on your own, after providing first aid.

When contacting a medical institution, you should take care of the minimum package of documents – it is advisable to have a passport, policy and SNILS with you.

Sequelae of an eye injury

The consequences of an eye injury directly depend on its nature and the timely provision of first aid.

If the treatment was of poor quality, and the therapy was inadequate, then the following complications may develop:

  • Sepsis. This is a serious condition caused by the ingress of infectious agents into the blood and poisoning of the whole organism with toxic products of their vital activity.

  • Loss of an eye.

  • Persistent loss of vision.

  • brain abscess. It is characterized by the accumulation of pus in the cranial cavity.

  • Panophthalmitis. It is characterized by global inflammation, which is purulent in nature, causing the melting of all membranes and structures of the eyeball.

  • Sympathetic inflammation. It is expressed in the fact that the healthy eye begins to suffer. This is a kind of reaction to the trauma of the first. Fibroplastic iridocyclitis is the most common complication that affects an eye that has not been injured.

  • Endophthalmitis is an accumulation of purulent mass in the cavity of the vitreous body of the eye and inflammation of its internal structures.

  • The appearance of a disfiguring scar.

  • Deformation of the soft tissues of the face.

  • Inversion, eversion and ptosis of the eyelids.

  • Violation of the functioning of the lacrimal apparatus.

Treatment of eye injuries

Treatment of an eye injury cannot be started without a quality diagnosis. For this patient, an ophthalmologist examines, if necessary, additional examination procedures are prescribed, such as: biomicroscopy, radiography, determination of visual acuity, gonioscopy, ophthalmoscopy, etc. Therapy begins as soon as possible and cannot be delayed. If a mild contusion of the eye has been diagnosed, then most often the patient is prescribed outpatient treatment. An examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary in any case. In the first hours after the injury, the victim is recommended to apply cold to the eye and instill anti-inflammatory drops, for example, albucid. If there is pain, then you can use an anesthetic, such as Analgin or Nurofen. Hemostatic drugs can be prescribed – Dicinon and Etamzilat, as well as calcium preparations.

Eye burns require immediate removal of the damaging substance. Hospitalization of the victim is indicated for moderate and severe burns.

If a penetrating wound of the eye was received, then it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention. The operation is emergency and is performed by an ophthalmologist.

If a foreign body gets inside the eye, it must be removed, systemic treatment is carried out and a sterile bandage is applied. Treatment is carried out in a hospital or outpatient setting. This will be determined by the doctor.

Drops for eye injury

When an eye injury occurs, the following drops are recommended:

  • Mezaton, Tropicamide, Midriacil are instilled up to 3 times a day, 1 drop in each eye. They are used to diagnose the fundus and the lens, as well as anti-inflammatory and prophylactic agents after the operation.

  • Torbex, Oftaviks, Florax are broad-spectrum antibiotics designed to fight inflammation.

  • Diklof, Naklof, Indokollir – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops.

  • Oftan-dexamethasone – hormonal eye drops.

  • Painkillers – Inocaine.

Do not use drops after an eye injury, without first consulting a doctor. You can only drip Albucid to disinfect the mucous membrane, with simple eye injuries.

Prevention of eye injuries

Prevention of eye injury consists in observing safety precautions in any production, in the careful use of chemicals in everyday life, as well as in the careful handling of dangerous objects in life.

It is especially important to observe safety rules when working in a school laboratory, in a training enterprise and in a workshop. In addition to the fact that any activity in these institutions in itself belongs to an increased class of danger, in addition to everything, there are often schoolchildren there. But it is eye injuries that occupy the first place among the general traumatization in children.

It is important to conduct a safety briefing and make sure that each child is familiar with it and has learned all the rules. Before starting work on any machine or device, it is important to check its serviceability. During work, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, use personal protective equipment.

In everyday life, all chemicals and substances should be out of reach of the child. These are cleaning products, glue, ammonia, vinegar, etc. When choosing toys, it is important that they are age-appropriate and do not have sharp corners. All this will protect the eyes from damage and preserve vision, both for a child and an adult.

Author of the article: Degtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist

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