Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Slimming injections can be called a fairly innovative way to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to injections, you can get rid of body fat without long workouts and diets. Weight goes away, and the person who is losing weight does not put absolutely no effort into this. Therefore, it is not surprising that slimming injections are of genuine interest to both women and men.

Injections allow you to achieve weight loss in problem areas. After all, even those people who are actively involved in sports know very well that some zones are very difficult to correct. However, injections can do it. They can be injected into the abdomen and buttocks, into the chin and arms.

It should be understood that injections will not be able to break down a lot of fat. They allow you to cope with small wrinkles. Therefore, such injections are practiced to reduce the severity of cellulite, to increase skin elasticity. Sometimes they are administered to combat stretch marks.

So is it worth it to make just a few injections and get a slim figure, or refuse them, for fear of possible harm to health?

Виды уколов для похудения

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Косметологи предлагают несколько видов уколов для похудения, которые отличаются своим составом и механизмом действия. Существуют такие инъекции, введение которых возможно исключительно в медицинских центрах, а другие разрешено делать даже на дому. У каждого препарата имеются свои показания и противопоказания. Среди них различают:

  • HCG

  • In 12

  • Lipotropics

  • Ozone therapy

  • Mesotherapy

  • Липолитики

HCG injections for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy. In medical practice, it is used to treat female infertility. If you inject hCG in the form of injections into problem areas, this will help burn fat, but the muscles will remain intact.

The combination of injections with a low-calorie diet (you can not consume more than 500 kcal per day), according to some experts, should give the desired result. The fat must dissolve, but the muscles remain. Although, as practice shows, there are very few patients who are satisfied with their “updated” body. In addition, subcutaneous administration of the hormone can provoke a number of side effects.

The injections are injected into the abdomen. The procedure itself is practically painless. The doctor selects the dose individually. For it to be as correct as possible, a preliminary examination is necessary.

Having decided to lose weight with the help of the introduction of hormonal drugs, you need to understand all the consequences of such an intervention. Even if a person knows which hormone is responsible for the process of losing weight, it is not always possible to determine what exactly caused the weight gain: its increased or decreased level. This can be found out only with the help of special tests and only in the doctor’s office.

Hormones for the female body are of great importance. Violation of their balance instantly affects not only appearance, but also health in general. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to take risks and start an independent fight against fat in this way.


Contraindications to the introduction of the hCG hormone:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

  • Malignant tumor of the ovaries.

  • Early onset of menopause.

  • Lactation.

  • Thrombophlebitis.

  • Склонность к формированию тромбов.

  • Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

  • Inflammatory processes in the adrenal glands.

Side effects

If the injections are not administered correctly, or the doctor prescribes too high a dose of the drug, this will provoke ovarian hyperstimulation.

This side effect is expressed as follows:

  • Поликистоз;

  • Ascites;

  • The appearance of acne;

  • Thrombus formation.

It should be understood that the introduction of injections with the hCG hormone is possible only on medical advice. Moreover, reviews indicate their low effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Since the information currently available is very contradictory, the use of human chorionic gonadotropin for weight loss is not recommended.

B12 injections for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Введение этого витамина позволяет привести в норму обмен веществ, даёт заряд энергии организму, что способствует похудению. Витамин В 12, вводимый в виде инъекций в проблемные места вреда здоровью не нанесёт. Однако, похудеть с его помощью получится вряд ли. Эта процедура в большей степени направлена на оздоровление организма. Что касается борьбы с лишним весом, то эффект возможен, но лишь в комплексе с иными процедурами.


Vitamin B12 injections are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Carrying a child (exceptions are possible, but only on strict medical advice). The fact is that when the vitamin is administered in excessive doses, it has a teratogenic effect.

  • Индивидуальная непереносимость витамина В12.

  • Thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis.

  • Lactation.

Perhaps the introduction of vitamin B12 in the following cases (but only after a medical consultation):

  • Oncological diseases.

  • Lack of cyanocobalamin.

  • Tendency to form blood clots.

  • Angina pectoris.

Если у человека имеется аллергия на кобальт или кобаламин, то уколы витамина В12 категорически запрещено.

Be sure to tell your doctor about the following health problems:

  • Allergy.

  • Cold.

  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.

  • Lack of iron or folic acid in the body.

  • Infectious diseases.

  • Taking medications that affect the bone marrow.

  • Carrying a child or planning a pregnancy.

Expert Commentary

Brent Bauer, MD: “A number of clinics practicing dietetics and overweight problems offer their patients the introduction of vitamin B12. Supporters of the method claim that it allows you to disperse the metabolism, due to which the fat goes away. However, against the background of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, it will not be possible to accelerate metabolic processes.

Кроме того, витамин В12 способен оказать негативное воздействие на всасывание иных лекарственных средств. Поэтому о проводимом лечении нужно обязательно сообщать врачу заранее.

Быстрые и лёгкие способы похудения – это не лучший вариант, если рассматривать его с точки зрения здоровья. Главное, вести правильный образ жизни, хорошо питаться и заниматься спортом, включая тренировки в свой распорядок дня.»

Lipotropics for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Lipotropics are those substances that must be produced in the body on their own. However, if this does not happen, then their injection is possible.

Lipotropics are also called “fat blockers”, as they do not allow it to be fully absorbed from food. Lipotropics are designed to regulate metabolic processes in the body. In case of malfunctions in metabolism, they allow you to bring it back to normal. Lipotropics are of different types. They are administered at different intervals, which largely depends on the selected complex. Therefore, the selection of the drug should be carried out on an individual basis.

Если рассматривать эффективность подкожного введения липотропиков, то это весьма спорный вопрос. Хотя, судя по отзывам, она всё-таки помогают избавиться от нескольких лишних кило. Однако, научно этот факт не подтвержден.

Ozone therapy for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

This is a relatively young method of getting rid of excess weight, but it has already found a lot of fans. During the procedure, an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin, which consists of only 5% ozone, and 95% oxygen. The result is a figure correction without harm to health.

After the injection, a cascade of chemical processes is launched that occur in the lymph, in the blood and in the subcutaneous fat. Fat under the influence of a mixture of ozone and oxygen begins to break down, and toxins will be removed from the body. Cellulite is reduced due to increased blood flow in problem areas, as well as due to accelerated lymphatic drainage.

In beauty salons, they offer to reduce body volume with the help of ozone therapy. In this case, injections are administered directly into body fat.

Subcutaneous injections. Ozone is injected under the skin using a special device called an ozonizer.

The doctor fills a syringe with an ozone-oxygen mixture and makes several subcutaneous injections. From the outside it may seem that the syringe is completely empty. An injection is made directly into the problem area.

С помощью процедуры можно привести в порядок такие участки, как:

  • Stomach;

  • Hips;

  • Buttocks;

  • Chin;

  • Arms.

For one procedure, you can not enter more than 2 liters of the mixture. Failure to comply with this recommendation will lead to intoxication of the body. Therefore, during a single visit to the doctor’s office, it will be possible to work out only one problem area.

Although injections cause minor pain, it is quite possible to endure them. In the event that a person has a low pain threshold, he may need to be given anesthesia before starting the procedure.

Чтобы избавиться от жировых отложений может потребоваться 5-15 сеансов. Интервал между ними должен составлять не менее 2 дней. Более точное количество процедур сможет огласить только доктор, так как это зависит от толщины жировой прослойки, от которой хочет избавиться человек. Результат можно будет увидеть уже через 4 сеанса. Полный курс позволяет убрать до 10 лишних сантиметров.

The introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture using multi-injector needles. Возможно введение озонокислородной смеси с помощью мультиинжекторных игл. В данном случае вместо одной инъекции врач одномоментно вводит сразу пять игл.

Stages of the procedure:

  • Иглы вкалывают в тот участок, который подлежит обработке.

  • The mixture is supplied to the body through the ozonator.

  • After a quarter of an hour, the needles are moved to another place.

  • In order for the gases to be evenly distributed, the doctor massages the treatment area.

The session does not take more than half an hour. If the purpose of the procedure is to eliminate the orange peel, then the doctor performs an anti-cellulite massage.

Contraindications to the procedure can be identified as follows:

  • Allergy to ozone.

  • Inflammation of the dermis.

  • There is a risk of bleeding.

  • Inflammation of the pancreas.

  • Гипотония или гипертония.

  • Blood clotting disorders.

  • Cancer diseases.

  • Disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.

  • Alcohol intoxication.

To minimize the risk of side effects, you should refuse to visit the bath, sauna, steam room, gym on the day of the procedure. This will prevent contact with chlorinated water at the injection site.

The opinion of doctors about ozone therapy

Dermatologist O. V. Stryukova: “Injections with an ozone mixture are unable to provoke mutagenic changes in the body. This is a great replacement for liposuction. Fat disappears from problem areas, skin tone increases. In a short period of time, you can get the maximum effect.

Ozone therapy specialist Olga Abramova: “The procedure allows you to quickly get rid of cellulite due to the active breakdown of fats, so this method is a priority in terms of local fight against extra pounds.”

Mesotherapy for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of fatty deposits due to the fact that the active active substance is delivered directly to the problem area, bypassing the digestive system and the circulatory system. The main advantage of the procedure is that you can get rid of fat exactly in the place where the patient considers it necessary. For example, you can remove fat deposits from the sides or thighs. The cocktail contains vitamins and other nutrients that allow you to improve the body as a whole. Therefore, mesotherapy has a positive effect on the well-being of a person.

Injections allow you to dissolve fats, but at the same time they cannot reach visceral fat. After all, it lies in the deep layers. Therefore, mesotherapy is a technique that corrects body volumes.

With its help, you can deal with problems such as:

  • cellulite;

  • A small accumulation of fat in problem areas;

  • Дряблость кожи;

  • Reducing the severity of stretch marks.

Used drugs in mesotherapy

Preparations that are used for mesotherapy are also called vitamin or therapeutic cocktails.

You can use the following sets:

  • Lipolitics, which are responsible for the breakdown of fat. They are introduced in quite impressive volumes, if there is a fight against cellulite.

  • Ферменты, которые делают соединительные ткани более рыхлыми. Они позволяют «разбить» тот пузырёк, которые окружает целлюлит.

  • Elastin and collagen, which help to increase the tone of the dermis, allow you to fix the result, tighten the skin and provide the necessary visual effect.

  • Сосудистые препараты, которые позволяют избавиться от отёков и улепляют сосудистую стенку.

  • Vitamins that make the skin healthier and more radiant.

Types of mesotherapy

There are two types of mesotherapy:

  • Hardware. It is not too painful, as injections are performed using a special machine, which allows high speeds to be achieved. The puncture depth is also automatically adjusted. It is possible to treat large areas of the body.

  • Мануальная, когда инъекции вводятся вручную. Доктор самостоятельно подготавливает коктейль и вкалывает его пациентке. Если требуется достичь омолаживающего эффекта, то иглу вводят на глубину 1-2 мм, а для борьбы с целлюлитом прокол делают более глубоким: до 2 см. Врач самостоятельно контролирует этот процесс.

Результаты мезотерапии

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Результаты мезотерапии будут заметны уже через 1-2 процедуры. За этот период можно потерять до 3 см в объёме, потянуть кожу, повысить её упругость. Если мезотерапия проводится с целью избавления от целлюлита, то результат можно будет оценить лишь спустя 5 процедур, но не раньше.

To ensure that the result is not lost in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions of the doctor. In particular, you need to limit yourself in nutrition, play sports. If this is not done, then the weight will return very quickly.

There is also a phenomenon of psychological dependence on mesotherapy, when the patient begins to think that in other ways he will not be able to bring his figure back to normal. The problem of such a plan must be eliminated in a timely manner, involving specialists in the work.  


Противопоказания к проведению мезотерапии можно выделить следующие:

  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding a baby;

  • Cancer diseases;

  • Blood clotting disorders;

  • Болезни, имеющие аутоиммунный характер;

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

  • Allergy to the components that make up the meso-cocktail.

Side effects

The side effects of mesotherapy are as follows:

  • In case of violation of the technique of the procedure:

  • Burn. It can occur when, immediately after mesotherapy, the patient is sent for physiotherapy.

  • The appearance of bruises. This side effect occurs more often than others. The severity of hematomas depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

  • Рубцы. Они могут формироваться в том случае, когда врач не владеет техникой наппаж, либо выполняет свою работу невнимательно.

  • Side effects caused by the drug itself:

  • In the event that the drug is administered at too high a rate, the following negative effects may occur: local skin hyperemia, drop in blood pressure, nausea or vomiting, fainting, negative reactions of calcitonin. After 30 minutes, all these manifestations should be completely stopped. They do not pose any serious threat to human life and health. If the patient suffers from gastritis, then the introduction of NSAIDs can provoke pain in the stomach.

  • Allergy. Shock may develop in response to the administration of Procaine. However, over the past 50 years, such a complication has never happened. In addition, the sulfite radical is a fairly strong allergen.

  • Side effects that occur when the cocktail is administered incorrectly:

  • Tissue death can occur when the doctor absolutely does not know the technique of the procedure.

  • Pain. In order for the patient not to experience severe pain, the doctor must correctly calculate the depth of insertion and choose sparing drugs.

  • Soft tissue infection. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the injection site.

Мнение эксперта об мезотерапии

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

“The main advantage of mesotherapy is that it allows you to lose weight only in problem areas. To achieve this with the help of diets or sports is often very difficult, because the body weight as a whole will go away.

Correction lends itself to the back of the thighs, the zone of riding breeches, the abdomen. The drugs go directly into the tissues where they will work. It is very effective to break down fats when several technologies are combined at once: ultrasound receipt, LPG complex, mesotherapy and other hardware techniques.

The cocktail for mesotherapy contains not only substances aimed at burning fat, but also vitamins and nutritional complexes that are carried with the bloodstream throughout the body. To achieve weight loss, a wide variety of substances can be used, including: rutin, caffeine, vitamins, L-carotene, sodium deoxycholate, etc. The mixture must be selected for each patient individually.

Biopuncture or as it is also called, pharmacopuncture is an innovative method of losing weight, which is also based on the introduction of certain drugs under the skin. However, in this case mesotherapy is combined with acupuncture. In this case, small doses of drugs are injected precisely into the acupuncture points. It should be understood that biopuncture is a technique not only for getting rid of extra centimeters, but also for improving the body as a whole. In addition to getting rid of cellulite, you can tighten the skin and accelerate metabolic processes. The effect can be seen after the first procedure.

Lipotherapy for weight loss

Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Lipolitics are soy enzymes (PPC). They are also known as lecithin because they are found in foods. The body produces these enzymes on its own. Their synthesis is carried out in the liver. After all, it is this organ that is responsible for the breakdown of fats and for lipid metabolism in the body. In order for lecithin to have the maximum effect in terms of weight loss, other components are added to it.

Липотерапия (инъекционный липолиз) представляет собой процедуру, которая сводится к введению в проблемные участки специальных препаратов. Инъекции осуществляются с помощью тончайших игл. В состав лекарственного средства могут входить витамины, биологически активные вещества и пр. Эти препараты позволяют устранить жировые отложения в проблемных местах, например, избавиться от второго подбородка, уменьшить объём беде или ягодиц. Жировые клетки разрушаются и выводятся организмом, кожа становится более подтянутой, уходит целлюлит.

Lipotherapy is a rather painful procedure, after which hematomas and edema remain on the body. During the administration of drugs, the patient experiences a burning sensation, and then numbness of the treated areas is possible. To create the most comfortable conditions for the patient, it is possible to use anesthesia. One session lasts no more than 20 minutes. The needle is inserted to a depth of 12 mm.

The number of procedures is selected individually. The first effect can be visualized after 3 trips to the beautician. Re-conducting the course is possible not earlier than in a year.

Липолиз и мезотерапия: в чём разница?

The procedure of lipolysis and mesotherapy are two procedures that are different in terms of the mechanism of action. They are united only by the fact that the drugs are injected under the skin.

The main differences between lipolysis and mesotherapy




How deep is the puncture

At 6 mm

10 mm or more

What is used

To rejuvenate the dermis, to increase its firmness and elasticity, to even out the tone.

To reduce volume and to get rid of cellulite.

So, with the help of mesotherapy, you can improve the condition of the skin, and with the help of lipotherapy, you can lose weight. It is these differences that determine the depth of drug administration.

Список основных липолитиков

Косметологи предлагают своим пациентам на выбор несколько липолитиков. Они имеют различный состав и разную эффективность.

  • Dermastabilon. Препарат выпускается в ампулах по 5 мл. В его состав входить дезоксихолат и фосфатидилхолин. Максимальная глубина прокола составляет 10 мм, расстояние между вводимыми инъекциями – 1 см. Один укол должен содержать 0,2 мл препарата. Вводить Дермастабилон можно не чаще одного раза в восемь дней. 

  • Aqualix. The composition of this pinkish or colorless solution includes sodium deoxycholate, a polymer and galactose. One ampoule contains 8 ml of the drug. Aqualyx has a unique structure that allows the drug to be evenly distributed under the skin. With the help of one injection, it is possible to treat an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. see Thanks to this, it is enough to make only 2, maximum 3 injections. The maximum insertion depth is 15 mm. This drug is very often used to eliminate fat deposits in the chin area.

  • Revital Cellûform. This drug differs from other lipolytics in that it contains meso-cocktail components: deoxycholate, phosphatidylcholine, arnica extract, amino acids, nicotinic acid, antioxidants and vitamins. The volume of one ampoule is 10 ml. As a rule, 6 sessions are enough for a course, the interval between each session should be at least 7 days. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to conduct 2 courses per year. After the injection, inflammation will occur in the problem area, which will fade away after a few days. This drug is used for lipolysis and mesotherapy.

  • MPX is a lipolytic complex. This complex contains components such as: benzopyrone, carnitine, deoxycholate, dandelion extract and lidocaine. One ampoule contains 5 ml of solution. The distance between injections should be at least 20 mm, the needle is inserted to a depth of 10 mm. For one trip to the cosmetologist, you can not inject more than 10 ml of the drug.

  • Фосфатидилхолин. This lipolytic allows you to break down fats into light components, which are easily excreted from the body through the lymphatic system. The basis of the drug is a natural substance that is produced by the human body. Therefore, the risk of allergic reactions is minimized. The introduction of this lipolytic does not cause severe pain, so it will be possible to do without anesthesia.

  • sodium deoxycholate. This lipolytic can be used as a monocomponent for injections, as well as in combination with other drugs for mesotherapy. It is most actively used to remove extra centimeters in the abdomen. The result is stored for a year, and subject to medical recommendations, this period can be extended.

  • Cocktail Dermaheal LL. The cocktail contains peptides, phosphatidylcholine and L-carotene. The drug promotes the breakdown of fats, and also allows you to activate metabolic and regenerative processes in tissues. Another advantage of this complex is that it has been on the market for more than 15 years and has managed to earn an excellent reputation.

  • Cocktail MIC. This cocktail contains choline, inositol and methionine. It is used to work out the abdominal area. In addition to the fact that the drug helps to lose weight, it facilitates the work of the liver, removing the load from it.


Injections (injections) for weight loss: types, pros and cons

Contraindications for lipotherapy are as follows:

  • Violations in the liver and kidneys;

  • varicose disease;

  • Violation of blood clotting;

  • Any inflammatory process in the body;

  • Allergy to the components of the administered drug;

  • bearing a child;

  • Tendency to form scars;

  • Acute stage of any chronic diseases;

  • Disruptions in the endocrine system.

Side effects

Among the side effects are the following:

  • The occurrence of a burning sensation at the injection site;

  • Itchy skin;

  • Hyperemia of the skin;

  • Increase in local body temperature;

  • Puffiness and bruising that will go away for several days;

  • Violation of the skin relief, which will even out on its own after 10-15 days.

Injections at home for weight loss

At home, you can administer Aqualix. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Этот препарат является абсолютно безопасным, поэтому если имеется опыт постановки уколов, то можно начинать проводить процедуру даже дома. Чтобы достичь положительного эффекта, достаточно 3-4 инъекций.

It is worth considering that experts still do not recommend giving themselves injections for weight loss on their own, since the risk of complications cannot be ruled out.

В домашних условиях также можно воспользоваться мезороллейром, которые не позволит повредить ткани на внушительную глубину. Достаточно провести роликом по коже, после чего нанести на обработанную зону мезококтейль. Через сделанные проколы активные вещества смеси будут проникать в глубинные слои кожи, производя нужный эффект.

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