Sciatica is a common disease in which the roots of the spinal cord suffer. The cause may be transferred diseases of an infectious nature, injuries of the spinal column and its other pathologies. Since with sciatica a person suffers from a severe pain syndrome, doctors prescribe him certain medications, which are most often used in the form of injections.
Depending on the location of the inflammation, sciatica is divided into cervical (it is difficult for a person to turn his head, pain in the back of the head and dizziness are observed), cervico-shoulder (arms and shoulders hurt), thoracic (paroxysmal pain occurs when trying to take a deep breath) and lumbar sacral (lower back hurts, it is impossible to sit, the pain shoots into the buttocks and legs).
The main mistakes in the treatment of sciatica
For some reason, most people do not take the resulting back pain seriously, and many try to get rid of it on their own. For this purpose, some drink painkillers, some begin to warm up the spine. However, such procedures, at best, can only temporarily eliminate discomfort, and at worst, harm your own health and aggravate the course of sciatica.
In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to observe strict bed rest, as well as to influence the body with certain drugs. It will be most correct to treat sciatica with injections and physiotherapy procedures.
List of injections for pain with sciatica
Drug treatment is based on the removal of pain, reduction of swelling and elimination of inflammation. It is injections that make it possible to obtain a more pronounced and rapid therapeutic effect.
Most often, with radiculitis, doctors prescribe the following remedies:
Ketonal. This drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Its action is aimed at blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins and eliminating the focus of inflammation. With the introduction of the drug, pain receptors become less sensitive, which is extremely important in the acute phase of sciatica. Ketonal can also help with other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, for example, with bursitis, neuralgia, myalgia, etc.;
Ketorol. The agent in the form of injections is used to relieve discomfort in sciatica, is an effective blocker of pain receptors, quickly brings relief. However, there are restrictions on its use, this is a violation of blood clotting, the presence of bronchial asthma and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
Diclofenac has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Often used to relieve pain from sciatica. However, in the form of injections, it should not be used for more than 2 days in a row. Diclofenac should be injected deep into the muscle. To achieve a stronger effect, you need to combine injections with other dosage forms (for example, with tablets or suppositories). In addition to relieving pain and inflammation, the drug helps to reduce body temperature;
Milgamma – an effective remedy in the fight against sciatica. This drug is a combination of lidocaine with vitamins. In addition to eliminating pain, it provides the affected areas with additional nutrition. This contributes to the extinction of the pathological process;
Ozone injections together with steroid drugs. This is a new, but very effective method of treating sciatica. The injection is made once, directly into the affected area;
Novocaine blockade. In order to almost completely eliminate pain, spinal novocaine blockades are used, which give a pronounced and rapidly onset effect;
Ambene. Another effective remedy that can reduce inflammation and pain caused by sciatica is Ambene. It can be used as an injection solution. Thanks to the combined action, Ambene not only quickly eliminates all the symptoms of the disease, but also affects its cause. The drug is able to reduce the temperature. You can not do more than 3 injections per week, most often, a course of treatment is prescribed using the drug every other day. Do not use at the age of under 14 years and over 70 years of age, as well as lactating and pregnant women and people with gastrointestinal and kidney diseases;
Dicloberl belongs to the group of NSAIDs, has an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, is able to relieve pain in sciatica. If you use the remedy intramuscularly, then a pronounced effect will come after fifteen minutes. The drug is injected deep into the muscle, once, if the treatment is required for a long time, then you should switch to other forms of Dicloberl – suppositories and tablets. The drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy, with allergic reactions, as well as with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In order to determine the most appropriate remedy, a qualitative diagnosis of the disease is necessary, and, first of all, the establishment of the causes that caused it. In the treatment of sciatica, an integrated approach is important, in which the leading place is given to well-chosen therapeutic injections, and only after that – auxiliary methods: massage, physiotherapy and gymnastics.