Inhalations for sinusitis

Nebulizer inhalation for sinusitis

The only right solution for non-started forms of sinusitis is the use of a nebulizer. This device is really capable of producing a positive effect.

A nebulizer is a special device with which inhalation is carried out. It acts as a nebulizer of a substance, the composition of which may be different, but mainly it is medicines. This device was invented back in the XNUMXth century and over time it was improved to the form in which we see it now. Nebulizers are convenient for the treatment of sinusitis in children. After all, this procedure is simple and the child will not be able to do something wrong.

The basic principle of operation of the nebulizer is to disperse the drug solution through a special nozzle. The nozzle consists of two parts: a mask and a breathing tube. The nebulizer sprays the medicine into small particles, so it quickly enters the sinuses without obstacles, affecting the inflamed areas. The effect comes almost immediately in the form of facilitating the breathing process. This is the main advantage of using a nebulizer in the treatment of sinusitis. But you need to choose the device carefully, taking into account some of the nuances. Pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device. It will depend on how effective its use will be. After all, a patient with sinusitis with shortness of breath is waiting for a quick effect from the treatment.

Inhalations with a nebulizer for uncomplicated sinusitis are considered indispensable procedures. They have practically no shortcomings, and the advantages are obvious. In no other way is it possible to make the medicine quickly get into the most remote parts of the maxillary sinuses and produce a therapeutic effect.

Another significant advantage of the nebulizer is the ability to use it not only in a medical institution, but also at home. The device allows you to clearly control the dosage of the substance. The nebulizer cannot be compared with all kinds of sprays, drops or tablets. In addition, they can give side effects, while procedures using a nebulizer simply do not have them. The device has an effect on specific areas of the maxillary sinuses. This treatment really has a beneficial effect on the inside of the nose.

Solutions for inhalation

There are medicinal formulations designed specifically for their use in a nebulizer. They are available in small containers called nebules or in vials. The volume of one nebula is 5 ml, including solvent. You can not independently prescribe a dosage for yourself, only a doctor can do this. It takes into account not only the age of the patient, but also concomitant diseases, and the severity of the sinusitis itself.

Before starting inhalation, a solvent is poured into the nebulizer container in an amount of 2 ml. After that, the number of drops prescribed by the doctor is added to it. Do not use distilled water as a solvent in the composition of the solution, this can provoke an attack of suffocation. For inhalation, a saline solution heated to 19C is well suited. It is noteworthy that sinusitis can be treated with saline alone, without medicinal solutions. After all, saline through a nebulizer “washes” the sinuses and cleanses the nose of pathogenic accumulations of mucus. The mucous membrane of the sinuses becomes hydrated, and recovery occurs soon enough.

Inhalations with a nebulizer should be done no earlier than a couple of hours after active physical activity. Do not smoke or drink alcohol before the procedure. In addition, during the course of procedures, it is necessary to stop taking expectorant drugs, if they were previously prescribed. During the treatment procedure, you need to breathe evenly and slowly.

Remember that before you start using a nebulizer, you need to consult a doctor and take into account all his advice.

Steam inhalation for sinusitis

Steam inhalations can be performed independently by making your own medicinal composition. The composition may contain the following elements:

  • Herbs

  • Essential oils

  • Decoctions and infusions

  • Medications

  • Bee Products

To cure a dry cough, you can use essential oils: eucalyptus, peach or sea buckthorn. In cases of chronic cough, chamomile, sage, thyme, eucalyptus help well. It is advisable that prescriptions regarding the medicinal product be made by a professional doctor in order to avoid situations with complications from the use of an unsuitable remedy.

Popular ingredients used for steam inhalation are:

  • pharmaceutical camomile

  • Eucalyptus

  • Sage

  • Propolis

  • Honey

  • Lavender

  • Horseradish

  • Garlic

Before starting the procedure, the nose must be cleaned. You should not start treatment before eating or immediately after it. As for the regularity of the procedures, they can be done twice a day for several minutes each time. A week’s course of treatment can give significant results.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out procedures in the following situations:

  • Increased temperature

  • Nosebleeds

  • Respiratory failure

  • Heart Disease

Recipes for home inhalation

There are many recipes for self-preparation of solutions for steam inhalation.

Chamomile, eucalyptus and yarrow

It is necessary to mix in certain proportions:

  • Chamomile (2 tsp)

  • Eucalyptus leaves (tsp)

  • Chives (2 tsp)

Pour everything with two liters of boiled water (90C). Let it brew.

Chamomile, sage, string

Make a mixture of these herbs in the following proportions:

  • Chamomile (3 tsp)

  • Sage (1 tsp)

  • Series (1 tsp)

Brew three liters of boiling water, insist and cool.

Essential oil

Take two liters of boiled water, drop 7 drops of eucalyptus oil into it. Sea buckthorn oil is allowed.


In a liter of boiled water, thoroughly stir 1 tbsp. l. honey.

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