Inhalation with soda solution when coughing
Soda inhalation eliminates sore throat, relieves dry and wet coughs. As part of complex therapy, they are recommended for bronchitis, laryngitis, flu, sore throat, allergic rhinitis. Inhalation can be carried out using a special device and improvised means.
When coughing, while doing steam soda inhalation, cover your head with a towel
Inhalation with a soda solution using a nebulizer is shown even to babies
How to prepare a soda solution for inhalation
A teaspoon of baking soda is taken per liter of boiled water. In case of nasal congestion, add 1-2 drops of iodine, peppermint or fir oil to the resulting solution. With bronchitis and severe rhinorrhea, together with soda, it is advisable to dilute a teaspoon of sea salt. The solution is heated to 40 degrees. Depending on how you feel, they breathe steam for 5 to 10 minutes. The procedure should be carried out one hour after meals 3-4 times a day.
Soda inhalation for coughing:
- oppress pathogens;
- reduce swelling of the nasopharynx;
- dry the nasal mucosa;
- relieve spasm of the muscles of the larynx;
- liquefy phlegm in the bronchi, thereby facilitating the passage of mucus.
Already after the first procedure, relief comes, but for a lasting result of inhalation with soda, it is necessary to do it for 5-7 days in a row.
It is impossible to breathe steam at elevated body temperature, pulmonary diseases, purulent processes in the respiratory tract. The procedure is contraindicated for heart and vascular diseases.
Before doing inhalation to children, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. The duration of the procedure for babies should not exceed 5 minutes.
How to inhale with soda solution
If you don’t have an inhaler at home, you can use a saucepan. The solution is prepared in a large bowl. During the procedure, the head is held over the container at a distance of 25–30 cm. In case of rhinitis, breathe through the nose, and in case of sore throat, through the mouth. So that the steam does not dissipate, and the solution cools down more slowly, cover your head with a towel. In the same way, you can do inhalation over the kettle, having previously inserted a funnel made of rolled paper into the spout.
With frequent diseases of the ENT organs, it is advisable to buy an inhaler. There are many types of such devices, but it is most comfortable to treat with a nebulizer. How to use it?
- Pour the heated soda solution into the inhaler chamber.
- Put a nozzle on the hose: a child’s or adult’s mask, a mouthpiece or a nasal mouthpiece.
- Switch on the inhaler.
- After applying the mask to your face, breathe slowly and deeply through your mouth. For diseases of the nose, a mouthpiece is used.
- Turn off the nebulizer after 5-10 minutes.
- Disassemble the device, rinse with clean boiled water, dry.
Inhalation with a nebulizer is more effective and safe than inhalation of steam over a saucepan. Procedures with the device are indicated even for young children, since there is no risk of getting burned. When preparing a solution for an inhaler, it is recommended to take 0,9% sodium chloride instead of water. In the pharmacy, you can also buy a ready-made preparation for procedures – buffer soda.
So, the main indications for inhalation are inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. ENT organs can be treated both with a steam method and with a nebulizer.