Inhalation with sea salt and soda: how to do it at home

Inhalation with sea salt and soda: how to do it at home

We will tell you about the healing properties of sea salt and how to make inhalations yourself.

Do you suffer from ARVI, bronchial or nasopharyngeal diseases? Inhalation with sea salt will help you get rid of these problems quickly and effectively. You can perform such procedures at home, because all the necessary ingredients are sold in any pharmacy.

Inhalation with sea salt will help get rid of a cold

Salt inhalation: how to prepare it yourself?

Sea salt is a rich source of iodine. This product has a positive effect on the body:

  • promotes rapid wound healing;

  • eliminates allergic reactions;

  • normalizes the condition of the thyroid gland;

  • relieves sore throat;

  • heals a runny nose, relieves congestion;

  • effectively fights colds.

If you sore throat, runny nose or other signs of a cold, inhale effectively with sea salt. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will get rid of the disease.

For inhalation, you will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt and a liter of water.

  1. We mix these ingredients in a deep container and send them to the stove.

  2. The solution should boil for 10 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat and breathe in the steam.

  3. For maximum effect, it is best to cover your head with a terry towel or blanket.

For the treatment of bronchi inhale by inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. This method of treatment also allows you to get rid of sinusitis, rhinitis and even purulent sore throat.

Inhalation with baking soda and salt

Soda is an excellent remedy for relieving sore throat, coughs and runny nose. To quickly restore health and forget about colds, do breathing procedures with the addition of baking soda and sea salt. To prepare a special solution, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;

  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;

  • 1 st. l. sea ​​salt.

  1. In a deep saucepan, combine all ingredients and bring to a boil.

  2. Inhale the vapor through your mouth or nose, depending on the type of illness. Soda fumes eliminate attacks of severe coughing, have an expectorant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

  3. When inhaling at home, remember that the inhaled vapor should not be too hot (less than 50 degrees).

Not recommended perform this procedure more than 2 times a day. Do not speak for a while after inhalation. It is not recommended to eat or drink for an hour. So the fumes will stay in the oral cavity for a long time and the effectiveness of the treatment will increase significantly.

Expert Tips

– Inhalation of soda and sea salt is now considered to be part of traditional medicine. A very wide range of medicinal properties are attributed to these substances. But let’s figure out if this is really so.

Baking soda (otherwise sodium bicarbonate) in official medicine is considered a drug. The only proven property of this drug is thinning and facilitating the excretion of sputum due to a shift in the alkaline side of the reaction of bronchial mucus.

But purulent sputum (i.e. the bacterial component) is a strict contraindication to the use of baking soda… And here there is a risk – not every man in the street can accurately determine whether a bacterial component is present in his sputum. Also contraindications include arterial hypertension, and a huge percentage of the population is affected by this syndrome. Sodium bicarbonate is praised for its use during pregnancy… And this is completely surprising, because the drug by the FDA system (category of risk of using drugs during pregnancy) is assigned to category C (embryotoxic effect was revealed in animals). 

It is possible to use inhalation with soda only under certain conditions.

  • For adults, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 50 degrees, for children 30;

  • inhalation time for adults 10 minutes, for children 5 minutes.

Sea salt is not a drug. All ideas about its health-improving effect in colds are only empirical. The only effect of steam inhalation with sea salt will be to rinse the nasal and oropharyngeal mucosa.

Daria Vertinskaya, Expert

1 Comment

  1. Старадах от суха и доста силна кашлица. Чувствах се болна, отпаднала, с температура, главоболие и при кашляне главата ме билеше непоносимо. Няма откашляне – 3 дни борба, сироп за кашлица- и никакво подобрение… Тогава започнах инхалации с морска сол и сода- вечер, преди лягане. Още след първата инхалация почувствах, че започвам да се откашлям. След 3 инхалации спрях да кашлям. Все още не мога да повярвам колко ефективни са тези инхалации!..

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