Inhalation for lung cancer

Lung cancer is considered the most severe oncological disease. A person, getting sick with cancer, feels a breakdown, he is worried about coughing, shortness of breath, hoarseness of the voice. The inhalation procedure for lung cancer at home alleviates the symptoms that appear and improves the patient’s well-being.

Cough as a sign of cancer

Inhalation for lung cancer

The cough reflex is a kind of airway clearance mechanism, in which harmful particles and sputum are brought out.

Coughing fits, accompanied by the release of mucus, exhaust a person, especially if this is accompanied by shortness of breath, vomiting, pain in the bones and muscles.

Treatment methods at the initial stage with the help of inhalation can overcome the causes of coughing. To create a comfortable environment for the patient, the following actions are carried out:

  • Inhalation with vapors of menthol, eucalyptus;

  • Mucoleptic drugs, potassium iodide, antistrumine;

  • Drugs that change the chemical structure of sputum;

  • Centrally acting drugs – morphine, codeine.

In the case of progression of the disease, cough appears at night, complicated by respiratory convulsions. To alleviate the patient’s condition, you need to use inhalations, but first coordinate their composition with the attending physician.

Is it possible to do inhalations for lung cancer at home

Treatment with inhalation can be divided into types:

  • Natural procedures saturated with phytoncides (forest, mountain, sea healing air);

  • Artificial, with the help of special devices or improvised means;

  • Wet inhalation using a nebulizer;

  • Warm-moist procedures with a solution temperature not higher than 400WITH;

  • With lung cancer, you can do inhalations, the recipes of which contain soda, herbal, oil infusions.

Organization of the procedure

Like any therapeutic manipulation, inhalation requires compliance with certain rules.

  1. Within two hours before the start of the procedure, the patient should not eat;

  2. All prescriptions used must be agreed with the doctor;

  3. Breathing during inhalation should be even, natural;

  4. Clothing on the patient should not hinder movement.

Side effects with inhalation

Patients who use a nebulizer as an inhaler for lung cancer should be aware that side effects may occur in this case. They can be expressed as severe dizziness, nausea, fainting. Therefore, it is recommended to use a nebulizer under the supervision of a doctor or with his approval.

In the case when the course of the disease is accompanied by fever or high blood pressure, inhalation treatment is prohibited.

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