Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

An increase in the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) is a common ENT pathology in the age group from 5 to 10 years. This disease can occur in acute and chronic form. It occurs as a result of an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, provoked by pathogenic bacteria – staphylococci, streptococci, adenoviruses, pneumococci.

How does inflammation of the adenoids develop?

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

An increase in adenoids located on the back wall of the nasopharynx can be triggered by influenza, scarlet fever, and SARS. Sometimes it occurs due to the child’s genetic predisposition to respiratory pathologies. Nasopharyngeal tonsils perform a protective and hematopoietic function. Inflammation and enlargement of these glands leads to difficulty in nasal breathing, hearing loss, coughing and runny nose. The child sleeps restlessly, during sleep and wakefulness his mouth is open, sniffling is heard, a nasal tone of speech is noticeable.

The appearance of these symptoms is a reason to visit an otolaryngologist for diagnosis and treatment.

He can offer the following treatments:

  • Drug therapy using antibiotics and vitamin complexes;

  • Inhalation with the use of medicines;

  • Surgical removal of adenoids (performed in the last stages of the inflammatory process).

In the treatment of adenoids in children, inhalations using a nebulizer are extremely effective.

The benefits of inhalation for adenoids

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

This method is used only in the early stages of the inflammatory process, when conservative treatment can stop the hypertrophy of the tonsils.

Action of inhalations:

  • Reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;

  • Eliminate pain and irritation;

  • Stop or prevent the development of the inflammatory process;

  • Stimulate the outflow of blood and lymph from the tonsils;

  • Reduce the intensity of the common cold;

  • Liquefies mucus in the nasal cavity;

  • Moisturize the nasopharynx;

  • Eliminate the flow of mucus along the back of the throat;

  • Prevent possible complications in the form of laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Inhalations can be carried out both during an exacerbation and during the chronic course of the disease.

Benefits of using a nebulizer

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

The number of nebulizer users is constantly increasing, pediatricians and otolaryngologists recommend using it.

Advantages of the nebulizer:

  • High efficiency – the device converts the drug solution into a fine suspension, which facilitates the penetration of medicines into the child’s body;

  • No risk to the health of the child – with steam inhalation using this device, the possibility of burning the mucous membrane is completely excluded;

  • Simplicity of design – there are no difficulties with the procedure;

  • The possibility of using effective drugs with pronounced effectiveness.

Rules for using a nebulizer

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

Before inhalation, at least 5 ml of the medicinal solution must be poured into the device. As soon as the solution ends, the procedure is terminated. After the session, you need to thoroughly rinse and dry the device. Essential oils should not be placed in it to avoid clogging. Medicinal solutions should be slowly warmed to room temperature before use.

In order for the procedure to be beneficial, it is carried out no earlier than an hour after eating in a child with normal body temperature. Clothing should not restrict his breathing.

Inhalations and exhalations should be made, breathing slowly, through a special mouthpiece. The average duration of inhalation is 10-15 minutes, it can be longer according to the doctor’s indications.

During the procedure, it is important that the child does not lie down, but sits, slowly inhaling and exhaling the air suspension. After inhalation, you should not immediately go for a walk, it is better to stay at home for 30-40 minutes. 

Indications and contraindications for the use of a nebulizer

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

There are the following indications for which inhalations with a nebulizer will be extremely effective:

  • Enlarged tonsils;

  • Runny nose;

  • Cough due to mucus running down the throat;

  • Frequent respiratory illness.

Inhalations are not used with a rapid increase in adenoids, with an acute purulent process. Children under one year old, due to their age, are not able to follow the technique of the procedure, therefore, a nebulizer is used for their treatment in exceptional cases.

Other contraindications:

  • Fragility of blood vessels, provoking frequent nosebleeds;

  • High body temperature;

  • brain tumors of any etiology;

  • Hypertension;

  • Bronchial asthma;

  • Bronchospasm;

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If contraindications are not taken into account, the child may experience a headache, hearing impairment, and immunity may decrease. Regarding the use of a nebulizer for inhalation in children, you should consult a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist.

Solutions for inhalation in the treatment of adenoids

Inhalation for adenoids with a nebulizer

The base fluid for dissolving drugs is a sterile saline solution that can be purchased at a pharmacy. If it is not available, non-carbonated mineral water is used. Both saline and mineral water can be used independently to moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa. These drugs have no restrictions for use for 10 days, 3-4 times a day.

Solutions for inhalation:

  • With Cycloferon. The recommended dosage is 4-1 ampoules for injection per 2 ml of saline solution. Duration of inhalation – 7 minutes.

  • With Fluimucil. It has a mucolytic effect, reduces the intensity of inflammation. To prepare the solution, Flumiucil powder is first mixed with the water for injection attached to it, then diluted in a ratio of 1 ml of saline to 1,25 diluted powder. The duration of inhalation is 6-10 minutes.

  • With Miramistin. The drug destroys bacteria, stops the development of the inflammatory process. The recommended dosage is 1 ml of Miramistin per 2 ml of saline.

  • With aminocaproic acid. The solution relieves swelling of the mucosa, improves the general condition. Dosage – mix 2 ml of saline and aminocaproic acid, inhalation lasts at least 5 minutes.

  • With Derinat. Immunomodulator Derinat helps to strengthen the immune system, destroy pathogenic bacteria, restores the nasopharyngeal mucosa, relieves swelling. For the procedure, 2 drops of Derinat are dripped into the required volume of saline. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

  • With Pulmicort. The drug relieves swelling, improves breathing. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days. The procedure time is gradually increased from 3-4 to 7 minutes.

  • With Interferon. Interferon stimulates the immune system of the child and improves his condition. The recommended dosage is 2 ml of saline per 1 ampoule of Interferon.

  • With hydrocortisone. Used to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The doctor determines the dosage and duration of the course of treatment in accordance with the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

If the dosage and the rules for using the nebulizer are observed, there are no side effects, the therapeutic effect is quickly manifested.

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