Ingrown toenail: how to get rid of? Video
An ingrown nail, or “onychocryptosis”, is a disease associated with ingrowth of the nail plate into the lateral part of the nail fold. As a rule, redness occurs around, the finger swells and begins to hurt. The discomfort is worse when walking. You can treat such an ailment both independently and in a hospital setting.
Usually the nail grows on the big toes. The first sign of the disease is redness of the skin, when pressing on the finger, pain is felt. Just like that, the symptoms will not go away, in order to avoid swelling, purulent discharge, swelling, you need to carry out timely treatment. If this is not done, the finger will acquire a bluish-red hue, and will begin to fester. It will increase in volume, due to which there will be constant pain while walking.
There are several reasons for an ingrown toenail:
- improper pedicure, that is, a very deep undercut of the nail at the edges
- hereditary predisposition
- tight or uncomfortable shoes
- weight gain, especially dramatic, such as during pregnancy
- toe injuries and many others
Ingrown nails is an unpleasant disease that is difficult to treat.
You can carry out therapy using traditional methods, or immediately contact a specialist. It is worth contacting not only surgeons, you also need to visit an orthopedist. Only a competent doctor will be able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the right treatment. If the nail grows in the same place more than 2 times in a row, it is recommended to remove it completely.
How to get rid of an ingrown toenail using folk methods
Treating an ingrown toenail at home will lead to a positive result if carried out in the early stages of the disease. You can use an aloe leaf. Peel part of the plant from the upper skin, attach to the damaged area and bandage with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for XNUMX hours, then trim the ingrown edge of the nail and reapply the sheet. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.
In the absence of pus and bleeding, baths with the addition of soda and iodine help well. Take a bowl of water at room temperature, pour boiling water into it. The hot liquid should be added as long as you can tolerate it. Stir 200 g of baking soda and a few drops of iodine, add 200 g of salt. Lower your leg and hold for about 15 minutes. Then pat dry with a towel and carefully cut off the steamed edge of the nail.
Before doing a pedicure, you need to rinse all instruments with an aseptic solution so as not to infect and not provoke ingrowth
For steaming, it is good to use decoctions of herbs and flowers. Relieve inflammation of chamomile and calendula, St. John’s wort. You can use potassium permanganate in small quantities. If suppuration of the affected area begins, apply Vishnevsky ointment. This agent will draw out the pus and prevent further spread of the infection.
Butter helps effectively. Apply a piece of product to your nail and tie with a bag. As soon as the pain subsides, remove the bandage and carefully put a piece of gauze under the nail plate, tie it with a bandage and leave.
Use an abrasive file to file off the small groove in the center of the top of the nail. Then the nail will thicken towards the middle, and not on the sides. This will result in a normal plate growing out, without cutting into the skin of the finger. And even in this case, it must be properly trimmed and the length adjusted. If necessary, you can do a pedicure at beauty salons.
Ingrown toenail Inpatient treatment
Traditional methods do not always help. Therefore, in difficult cases, for example, when the pain cannot be eliminated, and it becomes difficult to move, you should contact the first-aid post. The surgeon under local anesthesia will remove the ingrown nail, cleanse the wound of pus, and gently apply anesthetic medicine. After the procedure, you will have to do daily dressings until the new plate grows back. This is a long-term manipulation; you will have to travel to the hospital for at least a month after the surgery.
There are other methods for removing an ingrown toenail. For example, gentle laser correction of the nail roll. Specialists painlessly remove “overgrown skin” around the nail. But, since the laser burns out soft tissue, the wound will heal for a very long time.
Relapse is possible after any intervention
This does not depend on the competence of doctors; only security measures can completely eliminate the predisposition to ingrowth. So, it is not recommended to wear someone else’s shoes or walk in public places in shoes. In addition, some experts associate the formation of an ailment with foot fungus, therefore, at the same time as treatment, it is advised to disinfect your shoes, boots and boots. And also, treat nails with antifungal agents.
Ingrown toenail treatment
In medicine, there are other methods of treating an ingrown toenail. There is a way to relieve pain of patients with X-rays. A lamp is placed on the finger, held for about 5 minutes, then the patient is released home. The painless procedure is performed only three to five times with an interval of two days. Relief comes after one procedure, regardless of the stage of the disease. However, such treatment should not be carried out for pregnant women, children and people who have been diagnosed with tumors in the body. No follow-up is required, the disease goes away completely after the course.
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