Ingrown hair: how to get rid of after epilation? Video

Ingrown hair: how to get rid of after epilation? Video

After the epilation procedure, you may encounter a problem such as ingrown hairs. Most often they appear with a sufficiently high sensitivity of the skin. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance, ingrown hair can cause many other troubles: itching, pain, redness, the formation of abscesses and age spots.

Ingrown hair removal: video recommendations

Ingrown hairs can appear for the following reasons:

  • the newly growing hair is weak and thin, and therefore it is difficult for it to break through the skin, as a result of which it bends and begins to grow under it
  • thickness and dryness of the skin (the thicker, rougher and drier the skin, the harder it is for a hair to break through)
  • curvature of the hair canal when removing a hair against its growth
  • wearing very tight clothing (the skin is compressed and the hair cannot germinate)
  • breaking hair

Ingrown hairs can be caused by waxing, electric epilators, or shaving.

If only the upper part of the hair is captured during the epilation process, the bulb and subcutaneous part remain intact. After that, the surface of the skin coarsens, and the hair thickens, bends into the hair follicle and begins to grow under the skin.

Areas of the body where hair grows in

The bikini area, legs and armpits are the parts of the body that are most likely to experience rapid hair growth. In addition, they are most susceptible to ingrown hairs after epilation. This is due to the fact that the skin in these areas often comes into contact with tight and synthetic clothing, which creates friction, additional irritation, and also increases the risk of bacteria and infections.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area are especially uncomfortable as they come into contact with synthetic clothing, especially when running or walking. In this case, many inflamed purulent tubercles are formed.

In the presence of ingrown hairs in the armpit area, there is a risk of inflammation of the lymphatic system, since in these places the lymph nodes are located close to the skin. Here it is problematic to cope with the problem of hair ingrowth on your own, therefore, in this case, it is advisable to contact a beauty salon.

There is usually no strong hair growth on the abdomen, chest, back and buttocks. However, in some cases – for example, in the presence of hormonal disruptions in the body – hair removal can also be performed on these parts of the body. This means that skin irritation and ingrown hairs are also possible here.

Ingrown hair removal tips

It is highly undesirable to remove ingrown hairs with a needle or tweezers. Even if these instruments are disinfected and do not introduce infection, such rough intervention can lead to inflammation. In turn, it can develop into a more serious disease requiring surgical intervention.

The procedure for exfoliating the skin using a cosmetic scrub will help get rid of the problem of ingrown hairs. Treat the damaged area of ​​the body 2 times a day to remove the top layer of the skin and also to loosen the ingrown hair. Peeling is also useful for prophylaxis. It can be used to prevent abnormal hair growth after each epilation.

It is possible to use a scrub to remove ingrown hairs only if there is no inflammation on the skin.

Apply a small amount of acne remedy to the affected area. For example, it can be a cream that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. This will reduce or relieve skin irritation and speed up the healing of the damaged area. This treatment should be carried out several times a day until the problem is eliminated.

If you have redness of the skin, and the hair itself is deeply ingrown, a hot compress will help it get out. Soak a towel in hot water and then apply it to the inflamed area. Repeat this procedure when the fabric has cooled. Do this until you see hair on the surface. It should be borne in mind that skin inflammation may not be associated with ingrown hair. If you apply a hot compress for a long time and do not see results, the redness is likely due to another cause.

For the duration of treatment, it is necessary to refuse epilation. In pursuit of beauty, you can damage your skin even more.

If all of the above methods did not help get rid of the problem of ingrown hair and the inflammatory process continues, you should consult a doctor. It is important to remember that even a small ingrown hair can cause a fairly strong inflammatory process.

Prevention of ingrown hairs

Prepare your skin before your hair removal procedure. Use a mild scrub for this. This will get rid of dead cells, making it easier for the hair to grow through the skin. In addition, peeling helps to improve blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, smooth it, and also prepare the hair follicles for epilation. It is best to do this after a bath or shower, when the skin is steamed and the pores are open and cleaned to avoid the risk of infection from dirt.

In addition, before or after epilation, it is advisable to use gels or creams containing d-panthenol, aloe vera, allantoin or bisabolol. They will prevent irritation and also help slow hair growth. You can also buy lotions or sprays from the pharmacy that have the words “to slow down hair growth.” These products will help to further protect you from the problem of ingrown hairs.

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