The actress of the series “You all piss me off” on STS shared with the readers the secrets of winter care and good shape.
Shower and ice in the morning. I have an irregular working day. It happens that there are no days off for several months, and sometimes I rest for weeks. But in any case, in the winter it is difficult for me to get myself out of bed. They save coffee, which I always brew in a Turk and drink with milk, but without sugar (I have not used it for many years), and a contrast shower. The main thing is to adjust the temperature of the water so that it is cold and warm alternately, but not very hot. This does not invigorate, but lulls. First, I just wash my face, cleanse it with tonic, and then awaken the skin with ice cubes. I give them massage movements. By the way, if you suffer from edema, freeze the chamomile infusion and wash your face with it, it helps a lot. Can’t stand the cold? Then wrap the ice in a damp cloth, you will stimulate the vessels, but you will not harm them.
For the face – cream, for the lips – honey. My principle of skin care is as follows: cleansing, then a cream around the eyes, in winter I choose one that promotes rapid cell regeneration, and then I apply a moisturizer for the face with retinol, as my beautician advises. Here the main secret is this: the cream must be used at least an hour before going outside, then it will protect you. And if you spread it and immediately jump out, the effect will be the opposite, you will get peeling and all the other “delights”. At night, if you have been in the cold for too long, you can use not your daytime, but a more oily product, do not rinse it off and leave it on your face as a mask. In the morning you will see a good result in the mirror. I fight the problem of chapped lips with the help of nourishing glosses and a honey scrub, due to its stickiness and rough texture, it perfectly smoothes the skin and removes unnecessary particles. When none of the chapsticks work, mix honey and sugar and massage your lips.
I am not friends with gloves and hats. From the first, I get some kind of inner claustrophobia, the second spoil my hair. Since childhood, I have disliked these accessories, for which my mother still scolds. When your phone is constantly ringing, messages come, it is simply impossible to get along with gloves, and the skin of your hands suffers, reddens, cracks. I found a way out, bought glovelettes, that is, gloves that do not cover my fingers, and every three hours I apply a nourishing cream, which is always in my purse. It helps. They need to be used 40 minutes before leaving a warm room in the cold. But I never put up with hats. I protect my hair from the cold with a cashmere scarf, wrap myself in it, and my hair does not electrify at all, and once this problem haunted me. By the way, earlier it didn’t strengthen them in winter, it irritated me that the hair was frizzy, but all the cosmetics directed against these troubles only polluted the roots and turned the strands into icicles. Now I use shampoo, balm, conditioner and nourishing oil for the ends. And before filming and photo shoots, I apply products with the function of thermal protection of curls from high temperatures. They are especially necessary at this time of year, because when weakened hair meets a curling iron or straightener, it becomes very difficult for them. Keep in mind when doing styling.
I don’t drink vitamins, but cook. I tried various useful supplements, but the relationship with them did not work out, then I missed receptions, then I completely forgot. What I remember is that I always have to have a fresh salad. In principle, I eat little and are very picky about the menu: I have given up red meat for six years now, I prefer chicken, turkey, sometimes fish, buckwheat, bulgur, brown rice, I allow myself cheese cakes, casseroles. But the main thing is the salad! In winter, it is not so difficult to find tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, parsley, dill and fresh broccoli in stores. I mix all this, season with olive oil, salt, pepper, and it’s done! What else is needed? An excellent vitamin dish to support yourself from within. And no beauty pills are needed, except in the form of tangerines and persimmons.
I train in 15 minutes. I travel around the city by subway – it’s an amazing sport. You turn on cheerful music in the gadget, and run on business. If a person says: “I want to lose weight by summer. To do this? I’ll go open the fridge and eat ”- this is wrong. Our physical form primarily depends on our own desires. Now there are many applications for phones and tablets with sets of exercises that you can download and agree with yourself: “I work out for 20-30 minutes a day.” I have such an application, but I no longer use it, and so I know everything by heart. If I don’t go to the gym for a long time, I work out the press at home. I do twists and leg lifts 40-50 times, I do push-ups from the floor, kneeling, squat 25 to 50 times without dumbbells, it’s absolutely impossible with him, because I will quickly turn into Kim Kardashian. You need 15-20 minutes for such a workout, and you can forget about winter weight gain. I have also been boxing for four years now, for me, as an emotional person, this is an amazing relaxation plus a good cardio load. True, the last time I was in the gym was already a month ago, because I flew to Italy, a truant. But I’ll be back to sports soon. In principle, I do not like to sit still at any time of the year.