The infusomat is an almost full-fledged portable pumping station, the main purpose of which is to connect to droppers and other input systems. With the help of a multifunctional design, it will be possible to organize the transport of nutrients and concomitant drugs to the patient’s body.
Completely such an installation is called an infusion pump, but the doctors themselves prefer to reduce the professional term to a simple infusion pump. Due to such a device, doctors can administer various therapeutic solutions by several methods, and not just drip. When rearranging the mode, it will be possible to organize the supply of nutrient fluid by volume or bolus type.
The price of the unit depends entirely on its functional features, additional options and labor productivity. Also, many consumers have put the possibility of buying spare parts in the list of mandatory purchase requirements.
The pioneer in the supply of the presented medical equipment was B. Braun. Devices of this brand are still in demand in the medical market.
Characteristics of infusion pumps
The installation system was developed in order to provide the ability to administer drugs and other medical solutions in strictly dosed, but in large quantities. Such devices are used even in anesthesia and intensive care.
Such an unusual dropper is controlled not by a person, but by electronics, which eliminates the risks of the human factor, as well as any errors, up to the minimum deviation. It is not for nothing that doctors highly appreciate the presented equipment precisely for its good accuracy, as well as safety for the victim.
Moreover, infusions of healing fluids through an infusion pump are allowed to be performed not only with an intravenous or arterial supply scheme. The system is in demand when it is necessary to give drugs with epidural, enteral and even subcutaneous infusion.
It is enough just to program the desired mode, adjust the speed of conduction and clarify the specified dosage. All this happens by entering data into the electronics of the pump itself. The use of such useful medical instruments even allows you to administer funds strictly in stages, taking into account a pre-set delivery schedule, which is convenient for many hours of therapy.
The work of a “doctor’s assistant” perfectly helps the medical staff to cope in cases where the patient is in a particularly serious condition, requiring constant monitoring of the state of health. Some models can even independently calculate the current weight of the victim in order to administer the optimal dosage of a pre-specified drug based on the information collected.
If the device has a multi-channel highway, but it can easily cope with the supply of several planned solutions at once. The doctor is only required to pre-program the order of delivery. But the classic syringe version is unlikely to boast of such an opportunity.
It was replaced by an innovative technique with a two-syringe mechanism, which means integrated pumps that function autonomously to ensure the safety of the patient.
Each such syringe is able to “remember” the last entered information, displaying it on the monitor for easy control by the doctor. Upon completion of the manipulation, this is signaled by a sound notification. It will also make itself felt if there are any technical or other problems.
Despite the fact that the infusomat, the stand to which is not always attached by default, belongs to the class of high-precision innovative technology, they are easy to manage. The syringe itself is attached by a button. Separately, you can choose accessories that help attach the base to the station, headboard, stretcher. Such innovations greatly simplify the subsequent transportation of the patient, if necessary, to carry out resuscitation.
Infusion classification
Before insulin or any other drugs are loaded into the hopper for further transfer to the patient, it is worth determining the specific type of infusion. This will allow you to select the correct mode in the settings of the equipment itself.
In total, the infusion classification covers the following varieties:
- periodical;
- continuous;
- complete;
- controlled by the patient.
In the first case, magnesia will enter the body of the victim at high speed with time intervals. Delays are set manually through the optional menu. This tactic is ideal, if necessary, to supply the human body with antibiotics or other drugs. Small pauses in automatic mode have to be maintained if you have to use an infusion that irritates the walls of blood vessels.
The continuous line is based on the infusion, which consists of small impulses. The range here can vary from 500 nanoliters to 10 thousand miroliters. In order not to be mistaken, doctors have to take into circulation the parameters of a specific instrument. The frequency of repetition, as well as the speed, are set by medical personnel according to the instructions.
The most difficult situation is with the implementation of total parenteral nutrition. The difficulty lies in the fact that the process completely repeats the full natural nutrition. This necessitates the operation of the device almost around the clock.
Sometimes the perfusor functions in such a way that even the consumer of the solutions can control it. But here you have to be careful about a possible intentional or accidental overdose, which is why many doctors, as administrators of the electronic system, set artificial dosage limits.
But a person is able to twist the feed rate on their own. Such an assistant will prove to be the best solution for those who need temporary or permanent painkillers, which are served in small doses. Innovative modifications can even adjust to the time of day so as not to get out of the organization of the circadian cycle. Such a well-thought-out tactic often forms the basis for taking certain medications.
Principle of operation
To understand how the pump copes with its tasks, you will need to at least superficially understand the structure of the infusomat.
It consists of:
- plastic frame;
- a set of tubes on a newer PVC material;
- balloon;
- built-in antibacterial filters.
If we are talking about mobile versions, then the package includes two varieties. The first includes the mandatory presence of a regulator of the rate of administration. The second is a module, which is necessary for additional transportation of drugs. It is also called a PCA bolus.
But the balloon is the main component of the mechanism, because the central rod is still attached to it. As soon as the necessary liquid has entered there, it begins to swell to fill the space with a protective hard shell. Initial filling is carried out thanks to a syringe without a needle through a special port.
After that, the clamp is removed, which provokes the start of the movement of the solution along the pin-type connector. If we are talking about a PCA bolus, then the victim can count on additional infusion at certain intervals. Most often this is a division into 10, 15, 30 and 60 minute breaks.
The connector serves as a central connecting element here, which is designed to combine an epidural, intravenous catheter with a pump.
Areas of use
The scope of future operation of the infusomat is strongly influenced by its functionality. Among the main properties, the function of setting the rate of constant infusion is distinguished, which became possible due to the balanced contraction of the silicone balloon.
Only in this way will it be possible to achieve the reliability of a therapeutic measure without fear that the concentration of the finished fluid in tissues and cells will be exceeded due to a medical error. To fulfill the tasks assigned to the balloon, the developers use exclusively chemically inert and at the same time elastic silicone to create it. And for reliability, it is hidden in a plastic case, which is characterized by increased resistance to external negative conditions. It is not for nothing that the pump remains resistant to mechanical damage for a long time without loss of patient mobility. At the same time, the roller pallet will allow you to transport the unit throughout the ward. For the same reason, the instrumentation is not strictly tied to only a horizontal or exclusively vertical position.
The fact of confirmed safety for allergy sufferers deserves special attention. Such a loud statement is explained by the fact that there is no DEHP type plasticizer and latex inserts.
Due to the multi-stage bacterial filter, it is possible to provide the victim with additional purification of the solution used and complete sterility.
Since the system is not tied to the electrical network, any risks of emergency shutdown due to power outages are excluded here.
All of the above makes it possible to attract the presented assistants for a wide clinical practice. But most often infusion pumps can be found in the departments of oncology hospitals. There they are positioned almost as equipment No. 1, if necessary, to provide analgesia and conduct a full course of chemotherapy.
It is also used in the departments of neurological hospitals, where it is required to administer vascular drugs for a long period. But even in an ordinary hospital, there is a use for him, because postoperative analgesia is also included in the list of his functional duties. Even pain relief during labor in the midwifery environment today is not complete without specialized infusion pumps.
What can we say about cardiological dispensaries, where a constant infusion of anticoagulants and nitrates is required to maintain stable cardiac activity.
Base classes
In addition to the standard classification in medicine, there is a special division into basic classes. There are only two of them: reusable and disposable. The former are necessary for pumping large volumes, which is typical for the supply of a nutrient solution. And small analogues are suitable for endocrinological purposes, when you need to infuse hormonal drugs like opiates or insulin.
Reusable designs have another sorting that covers portable and stationary versions. The latter are active exclusively in hospital conditions, while the former are easy to move even in the field.
Disposables have their own classification.
Such installations are called microinfusion and they are divided according to speed modes. We are talking about adjustable high-speed administration and constant high-speed infusion.
But, regardless of belonging to any division, modern alternatives are equipped with systems for transferring data to removable media.