Influenza and other viruses: symptoms and common treatment errors

Influenza and other viruses: symptoms and common treatment errors

In the cold season, malaise is common. But when trying to improve your well-being, it is important not to make a mistake. Honey and inhalation will sometimes make things worse.

Physician at the Semeynaya clinic

ARVI is a disease of the respiratory tract that begins abruptly and develops rapidly. It is caused by viruses, each of which is capable of infecting certain parts of the body: the nasopharynx suffers from some, conjunctivitis develops from others. Moreover, immediately, regardless of the measures that the patient and his doctor will take. Therefore, the opinion that if a sore throat is not cured in time, the infection will “go down” and bronchitis will begin, is a delusion. This is impossible, since diseases are caused by different pathogens. This means that in each case there are specific features of the treatment.


  • Virus types: unstable in the external environment, it is easy to destroy by disinfection. Usually resolves in 7 days.

  • Areas of action: mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The patient ceases to be contagious after the cessation of the common cold.

  • Symptoms: in the first 5 days, low temperature, slight chills, muscle pain, weakness, aching in the bridge of the nose. After – watery nasal discharge, sore throat, hoarseness.

  • Treatment errors: the case when the body copes with the disease itself, without the help of drugs. It is important to create conditions for this: warm drinks, rinsing the nose with saline solutions.

Respiratory syncytial virus

  • Virus types: unstable in the external environment. The duration of the disease is from 14 to 21 days. It is very dangerous for children under 3 years old.

  • Areas of action: bronchi. The patient becomes contagious 1-2 days before the first symptoms of the disease appear and remains so for 3-8 days.

  • Symptoms:

    – elevated temperature (from 37,5 ° C and above) for 4 days;

    – headaches, chills, weakness;

    – nasal congestion;

    – dry cough, shortness of breath.

  • Treatment errors: it makes no sense to do inhalations through the nobulizer: the water drops are too small and do not stay in the desired section. Much more useful breathe steam over a sink with hot water.


  • Virus types: able to persist in the environment for a long time. To disinfect the premises, regular ventilation and disinfection are required. The incubation period lasts 2 weeks.

  • Areas of action: respiratory department, conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye, intestines. Organs are affected in strict sequence.

  • Symptoms:

    – the first 10-15 days – weakness;

    – intoxication, severe runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils;

    – an increase in lymph nodes throughout the body;

    – dry cough turns into wet, bronchitis develops.

  • Treatment errors: no need to force the patient to eat if he complains of nausea. Bed rest required, as you can infect others.


  • Virus types: constantly mutates. The most dangerous strain today is considered to be the H3N2 strain. Dies when heated to 50 degrees and when interacting with chemicals. Infection often leads to serious consequences and even death.

  • Areas of action: all parts of the respiratory tract are affected, but mainly the trachea, so the disease is accompanied by a dry cough and pain that is directed from the larynx to the lungs, aches and pain in the joints are characteristic.

  • Symptoms:

    – short incubation period, acute onset and severe course;

    – high fever, headache, nausea;

    – back pain, nasal and ear congestion, dry cough.

    – possible discomfort in the abdomen, bleeding gums.

  • Treatment: only two classes of antiviral drugs are used to treat influenza: neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantane drugs (M2 inhibitor). They should be prescribed by a doctor.


  • Virus types: quickly collapses in a ventilated area. Children from one to five years old are most susceptible to the virus.

  • Areas of action: multiplies in the cells of the nasal mucosa, larynx, trachea and destroys them. After 7-10 days, antibodies begin to develop in the blood.

  • Symptoms appear on the 5th day after infection:

    – temperature above 38;

    – sore throat, hoarseness, barking cough;

    – muscle aches, chills;

    – in severe form – laryngeal spasm, severe intoxication.

  • Treatment: antibacterial drugs are prescribed only for complications.

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