Influenza 2022-2023 in Russia
A vaccination campaign against seasonal influenza has started in our country. The composition of the vaccines was selected based on the forecast of the World Health Organization for the expected influenza strains this year.

Influenza virus strains are constantly evolving and the composition of influenza vaccines has to be revised frequently. In this regard, WHO holds two annual meetings (for the northern and southern hemispheres), which analyze current data on influenza, after which recommendations are made on the composition of vaccines.

In the 2022-2023 season, WHO experts recommended that Russia and other countries of the northern hemisphere include the following strains in the influenza vaccine:

  • тип A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1)pdm09;
  • type A/Cambodia/e0826360/2020 (H3N2);
  • type B/Washington/02/2019;
  • type B/Phuket/3073/2013 (this strain is recommended for quadrivalent vaccine)1.

According to WHO, two main strains have changed since last year – these are type A influenza viruses, which previously did not circulate in the human population.

The A (H1N1) strain is called pandemic because this type of virus is highly contagious and can cause severe complications.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent such complications. Vaccination data from past years suggests that vaccinations have reduced the risk of developing severe influenza by 50%, and vaccination results in children have been even more effective. Influenza shots are absolutely safe and are the main way to prevent it.2.

Together with experts, we have compiled a visual memo in which we tried to answer all the most common questions about the upcoming flu.

The main symptoms of the flu

Influenza is always accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37-39 ° C and above, as well as signs of intoxication (headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite).

Constant flu companions: nasal congestion, sore throat, inflammation of the pharynx and larynx (pharyngitis, laryngitis). With a weakened immune system, a bacterial infection can join a viral infection. The temperature can increase gradually and the highest values ​​can be recorded on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease. Possible discomfort in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea. The face of the patient is usually pale with a blush on the cheeks, the eyes are shining. In the beginning, a runny nose and cough, pain in the eyes (conjunctivitis) are usually disturbing.3. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a thorough examination.

The most common and dangerous complication of influenza is pneumonia. Often there is sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media.

Thus, influenza is characterized by:

  • the rapid onset of the disease: high fever, severe headache, especially in the area of ​​the superciliary arches;
  • muscle aches;
  • often the absence of symptoms of a “common” cold – no runny nose, no cough;
  • a sharp barking cough for 2-3 days, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

There are several main forms of the disease. They depend on the intensity of the symptoms:

  • mild severity;
  • moderate severity;
  • severe severity;
  • toxic;
  • lightning fast4.

Depending on them, treatment is carried out either at home or in a hospital.

Fatal outcomes in influenza, as a rule, are not associated with the disease itself, but with the development of complications that most often occur in those who have chronic diseases. The most common complications of influenza:

  • viral pneumonia;
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • meningitis or encephalitis;
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • in pregnant women, influenza can lead to abortion, as well as infection of the fetus.


Influenza prevention consists in good nutrition, hardening, walking in the fresh air, washing hands, and ventilating the room. During the epidemic, it is advisable to avoid visiting places with large crowds of people, take multivitamins.

It is important to follow other recommendations:

  • move away when they cough nearby, preferably 1,5-2 meters;
  • do not touch your nose, mouth, eyes in public transport;
  • wash hands with soap when returning from public places;
  • rinse the nose with sea water (sold in the form of sprays in pharmacies);
  • avoid lack of sleep (it weakens the body).

According to the WHO, vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. The vaccine will protect against those viruses, the strains of which are common this year5. Vaccination is usually carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of an increase in the incidence.

What to do if you get sick

If you are sick, it is important to stay at home. Communication with other people must be limited. To avoid infection, it is important to wear a mask in the presence of a sick person.

A patient who has the flu is advised to:

  • comply with bed rest;
  • drink acidified drinks (tea with lemon, cranberry, currant juice);
  • if necessary, after consulting a doctor, take symptomatic remedies: for headache, antipyretic, antihistamine (anti-allergic).

Are there effective medicines?

It is necessary to start treatment as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear (fever, weakness, headache, sore throat). The temperature in adults should be reduced only when it rises to 38,5 ° C and above, in children – up to 38 ° C and above. High body temperature increases the load on many organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, has a depressing effect on the nervous system, leads to dehydration.

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In order to remove toxins from the body, moisturize the mucous membranes, drinking plenty of water is indicated – tea, compote, fruit drink.

Of the antiviral drugs for influenza, oseltamivir has been proven effective, but only if it is taken within 48 hours after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. Also in Japan and the United States, a new generation anti-flu drug appeared – with the active ingredient baloxavir. It has not yet been registered in Europe or Russia6.

With discharge or nasal congestion, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops. You can also rinse your nose with saline.

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If you have a sore throat, you can rinse with a soda solution, use antiseptic sprays, anti-inflammatory solutions for rinsing.

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A few days after the onset of the disease, the cough can become productive, sputum appears, which is sometimes difficult to cough up. In these cases, the doctor may prescribe agents that thin and improve sputum discharge. They should also be used if you have already recovered, but the cough remains.

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Antibiotics for influenza are ineffective because they work against bacteria, not viruses. However, with the development of complications with the addition of bacterial infections, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Self-administration of these drugs is contraindicated.

With the flu, elevated body temperature can last from 3 to 5 days, and with the development of complications – even longer. If the temperature does not decrease for more than 5 days, it is very likely that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection. Against the background of the development of fever, the patient’s condition worsens7. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor at home.

When to urgently call a doctor at home or an ambulance

  • The temperature is above 38-39 degrees.
  • Shortness of breath, chest pain.
  • Persistent dry hacking cough.
  • Nausea, vomiting, attacks of which persist for more than one day.

Most Common Mistakes

  • Take immunomodulators (immunostimulants), etc. for the prevention and treatment of influenza. The effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven by international clinical studies.
  • Treat the flu with homeopathic remedies.
  • Take antibiotics at the first rise in temperature. Only a doctor can determine the need for them.

Popular questions and answers

Influenza is a serious disease that many people do not pay enough attention to. We discussed with experts what complications can arise and how to combine flu vaccinations with other vaccinations, especially during a pandemic.

What are the complications of the flu?

“Influenza is an infectious disease that can occur in completely different ways in different population groups,” says general practitioner, cardiologist Alexey Zhito. – The most susceptible to severe infections are the elderly, people with diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women and children. At the same time, complications of infection can occur both in individuals in high-risk groups and in other groups.

Complications of the flu may include:

Pneumonia. Influenza can cause both viral pneumonia on its own (it must be distinguished from viral pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection), and later – the addition of bacterial pneumonia.

Sinusitis. Influenza can be complicated by an infection that causes inflammation of the paranasal sinuses – sinusitis.

Myocarditis. Myocarditis is a formidable complication – inflammation of the middle muscle membrane of the heart, which is possible both due to the direct action of the virus, and as a result of a violation of immune mechanisms after the flu (an autoimmune process).

Septic condition. Sepsis is the most serious complication when a bacterial infection carried by the blood joins. This condition dramatically worsens the patient’s prognosis.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Patients who have had the flu often complain of severe fatigue and weakness.

Sleep disturbance. Influenza can lead to insomnia and various neurological disorders, including depression.

Autoimmune diseases. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system and aggression against one’s own organs underlie not only myocarditis, but also other diseases: type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, and others.

Deterioration of the skin and hair. Patients who have had the flu often report increased brittleness and hair loss, as well as dry skin.

Other complications may also develop.

How many people die from the flu in Russia per year?

“Lethality from influenza varies in different categories of patients,” emphasizes Aleksey Zhito. – Influenza reaches the highest lethality in elderly patients and patients with severe chronic diseases.

At the same time, active vaccination against influenza in Russia has led to a sharp decrease in the incidence of the population and the number of deaths from influenza is also decreasing year by year.

Should you get a flu shot?

The medical community reminds that annual flu vaccination is the most effective means of preventing the disease, and also, in case of infection, the patient’s risk of severe flu is significantly reduced.

Influenza vaccination is included in the vaccination schedule for most of the population – children over 6 months old, the elderly, pregnant women and people with concomitant diseases – diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, stroke survivors, etc.

For patients who are not on this list, it is also advisable to carry out an annual flu vaccination if contraindicated.

Is it possible to treat the flu with folk remedies?

As a treatment for acute respiratory viral infections, patients often use traditional medicine – tea with ginger, honey, inhalation of steam from boiled potatoes, and others. And some of them can help. For example, tea has tonic and restorative properties, the water contained in tea and fruits helps relieve symptoms of intoxication, and warm, moist air helps to better sputum discharge.

Does the flu shot help against the coronavirus?

The flu vaccine cannot protect against contracting a new coronavirus infection, but may be a key factor in preventing the development of severe and complicated forms of COVID-19. In connection with the expected annual seasonal increase in the incidence of influenza and SARS, of course, vaccination is necessary.

Can I get a flu shot after a coronavirus shot?

The interval between vaccinations against different infections when they are carried out separately (not on the same day) should be at least one month, this is recorded in the National immunization calendar, regional calendars and immunization schedules for epidemic indications.

However, the Russian Ministry of Health allowed simultaneous vaccination against coronavirus and influenza with the Sputnik V vaccine.


  1. Recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor to the population on vaccination. Rospotrebnadzor website –
  2. Konshina O.S., Erofeeva M.K., Nikiforova A.N., Maksakova V.L. Vaccine prophylaxis of influenza in modern conditions // MS. 2016. No. 7.
  3. Sergeeva I. V. Influenza // MS. 2011. No. 9-10.
  4. Litusov N.V. Influenza viruses. Illustrated tutorial. – Yekaterinburg: USMU, 2018. – 22 p.
  5. Briko N.I. Influenza vaccination: progress and prospects // Glavvrach of the South of Russia. 2011. No. 4 (27).
  6. Orlova N.V. Flu. Diagnosis, strategy for choosing antiviral drugs // MS. 2017. No. 20.
  7. Ambetova R.M. Complications and consequences of influenza according to clinical and statistical analysis // International Student Scientific Bulletin. – 2017. – No. 4-2.

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