Inflammation of the urethra and bladder – symptoms, causes, treatment, home remedies

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Urethritis is a lower urinary tract disorder that affects men and women equally. What are the causes of urethritis? How can infection be avoided? We check what treatments are available, and how long it takes to recover from urethritis.

How common is urethritis?

Urethritis is a relatively common condition of the lower urinary tract due to the location of the urinary discharge tube itself.

There are anatomical differences between the urethra in men and women. In the case of women, the duct is much shorter (3-5 cm), and in men, it is longer (15-20 cm), connecting with the reproductive system.

Another differentiating point is the course of the urethral canal. For this reason, the urethra is often exposed to both bacterial and viral infections.

  1. Also read: Urethra in women and men – the most common ailments

Urethritis – causes

The most common cause of urethritis is pathogens that may remain in the outer layer of the epithelium or penetrate inside it. Belong to them:

  1. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  2. Chlamydia trachomatis
  3. Mycoplasma genitalium
  4. Trichomonas vagi-nalis
  5. Ureaplasma urealyticum

To check if any of the above-mentioned microorganisms has attacked our body, perform the tests from the Urogenital Package for Intimate Diseases – 7 Pathogens, which you can order on Medonet Market.


Mycoplasma genitalium and Veraplasma urealyticum can attack the genitourinary system without showing any symptoms.

Urethritis most often occurs through sexual contact with an infected person. Women are more likely to experience painful symptoms than men who may not have any symptoms of infection.

Want to get tested for common infections that cause inflammation of the urethra and bladder? You can now order a shipping urogenital test package based on a urine sample. We also recommend the Urinary Tract Infection Home Test for Children and Adults, which you can find on Medonet Market.

Urethritis in women – the most common causes

The main causes of inflammation in women include sexual contact with multiple partners, as well as poor hygiene, so doctors recommend urinating and washing the genitals after intercourse. Diabetes, as well as mechanical damage, including catheterization or frequent masturbation, can also contribute to urethritis in women.

In order to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation after sexual activity, it is worth reaching for appropriate products such as the Defense antibacterial lubricant.

  1. What is catheterization?

Urethritis in men – what can cause it?

Urethritis in men most often occurs as a result of mechanical irritation during sexual intercourse during the so-called hard sex. It can also be induced if a woman uses spermicidal gel that contains strong chemicals.

The causes of urethritis also include an enlarged prostate gland and ulceration in the penis.

Urethritis – types

There are two types of urethritis:

  1. Gonococcal urethritis – infection most often occurs during sexual intercourse, and its direct cause is the gonorrhea bacteria, 
  2. Non-gonococcal urethritis – the cause of the infection does not have to be sexual intercourse, but it is not excluded. Chlamydia, vaginal trichomoniasis, and mycoplasmas (less frequently) are responsible for non-gonococcal urethritis. 

Beneficial for the urinary system. Bladder and urinary tract – herbal-fruit tea, which contains bearberry leaf, yarrow herb, birch leaf, cranberry fruit and goldenrod herb.

Urethritis – characteristic symptoms

The most common local symptoms of urethritis include:

  1. Purulent discharge from the urethra, 
  2. Pain and burning sensation when urinating, 
  3. Itching at the outer opening of the urethra, 
  4. Pollakiuria. 

Symptoms of urethritis in women are also vaginal discharge, as well as increased menstrual bleeding and the occurrence of inter-monthly bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. On the other hand, men experience pain in the testicles and a feeling of heaviness during urethritis.

In the case of recurrent symptoms of the urinary tract, you can reach for the Uroner dietary supplement with D-mannose.

Urethritis – non-specific symptoms of infection

Non-specific symptoms are signs for symptoms that are not directly related to the site of the infection, in this case urethritis. However, they may point to it. Such non-specific symptoms include fever, lower back pain, chills, and general weakness.

Urethritis and urethral discharge

The most characteristic symptom of urethritis in men is purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the duct. It is greenish, brown, white or yellowish in color. Blood may be seen in the discharge.

Worth knowing

As it can stain bedding or a towel, sleeping in the same bed or using the same towels increases the risk of contamination.

Urethritis – diagnosis

The diagnosis and treatment of urethritis is performed by a urologist (for men) and a gynecologist (for women). The first step is to conduct a medical history, on the basis of which the doctor is able to assess whether there is a gonorrhea infection. For this purpose, there are questions about sexual contacts, ways of securing and sexual partners.

Then, the genitalia, the urethral opening and the groin are assessed. For men, the prostate gland is most often examined, which is done by inserting a finger into the rectum. If your doctor is unsure, he or she may order a Gram urethral swab or a standard urine test with culture.

  1. Why is urine testing important?

Urethritis – methods of treatment

The treatment of urethritis is mainly based on the administration of antibiotics. In the case of gonorrhea infection, ceftriaxone and azithromycin are primarily used, and azithromycin or doxycycline for the treatment of chlamydial urethritis.

As an aid in the treatment of problems related to the urinary tract, we recommend For Cystitis – a herbal mixture that currently has a promotional price on Medonet Market. Do not hesitate – buy today.

Important note

Treatment for urethritis usually lasts from 7 to 14 days.

It should also be remembered that sexual partners from the previous six months should receive treatment. During the antibiotic treatment, a probiotic is also taken to protect the gastric mucosa. It is also worth ensuring that you have a separate towel that will not be used by other household members.

Prophylactically and supportively during the treatment period, also use Cranberry Viridian extract, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the urinary system.

Urethritis – convalescence

Convalescence after urethritis usually lasts two weeks. After completing the antibiotic treatment, you should visit a doctor who will assess whether the infection has been cured. During convalescence, you should exercise sexual abstinence and be careful not to let your body become cold.

Urethritis in pregnancy – what is the treatment?

In the case of pregnant women, urethritis is mainly associated with the rapid stretching of the cervix, as well as the increased effects of hormones. It may be asymptomatic. Most often, urethritis in pregnancy is diagnosed during a routine blood and urine test.

Treatment is by administering oral antibiotics to the patient. It is extremely important because a child can become infected during childbirth and develops gonococcal conjunctivitis leading to complete loss of vision.

In the early stages of pregnancy, urethritis can be one of the causes of miscarriage, especially if not only the urethra is infected, but also the cervix.

Untreated urethritis – complications

Untreated urethritis can have very serious consequences. In men, it can lead to inflammation of the epididymis or testicle. It is also one of the rare causes of reactive arthritis. In women, if not treated, urethritis can affect the pelvic organs.

Urethritis – home remedies

Home treatments for the urethra should complement drug treatment, not replace it. There are herbs available in the pharmacy, the infusions of which have anti-inflammatory properties. Thorough personal hygiene, washing hands and intimate areas, as well as the use of your own cosmetic accessories are also important.

Ecological birch juice with quince can also be used for urethritis and bladder inflammation. It is also worth ordering Bladder – a mixture of herbs with antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Urethritis – How to Avoid Infection?

Urethritis can be avoided by keeping in mind some important information. First of all, remember to urinate regularly, especially after sexual intercourse.

Good personal hygiene is also very important, paying attention to the genitals. The risk of urethritis also increases if you have unprotected sex (condoms) if you change partners frequently.

For problems with the urinary system and prophylactically, it is worth using a Healthy Bladder – Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can now buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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