Many people do not pay attention to the state of the lymph nodes, while they serve as real “guard posts”. Even their slight increase in size may indicate a serious illness requiring emergency treatment.
What is a lymph node?
Lymph node (lymph node) – This is a peripheral organ of the lymphatic system, which performs the function of a biological filter. Through this filter, lymph flows from the organs and parts of the body. There are approximately 150 groups of lymph nodes in the human body, called regional.
Lymphadenopathy characterizes a variety of pathologies. The doctor examining the patient is not always able to immediately make a diagnosis by looking at the lymph nodes. However, this condition indicates that the person needs further testing.
An increase in lymph nodes can be a sign of measles, infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis, rubella, toxoplasmosis, adenovirus infection.
Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed near the infectious focus. When a person has a sore throat, the nodes located on the neck and under the jaw are the first to respond. When an abscess appears on the leg, the lymphatic tissue in the groin becomes inflamed. If the upper limbs are affected, then a person develops axillary lymphadenitis.

The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes is the penetration of pathogenic flora into the lymphatic system. They are activated, getting up to protect the body. By containing the infection, the lymph nodes protect the person from the further spread of the disease. Lymphatic tissue begins to produce protective cells that accumulate in the nodes in high concentrations. Therefore, their increase in size indicates that the immune system has activated and is working hard. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes
The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) can be infectious and bacterial diseases.
Bacteria are divided into the following types:
Representatives of nonspecific flora: staphylococci, clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus.
Representatives of a specific form: tubercle bacillus, gonococci, pathogens of syphilis, brucella, actinomycetes, tularemia bacteria.
At the age of 1-3 years, inflammation of the lymph nodes most often occurs due to diseases such as:
Scarlet fever.
Infectious mononucleosis.
With inflammation of one lymph node, we can conclude that it is working hard. With inflammation of a whole group of lymph nodes, it is safe to say that this is a disease that requires treatment.
But before starting treatment, it is very important to establish the real cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes. If the lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged, this may indicate that there are diseases of the genitourinary system or sexually transmitted diseases. In such a situation, the doctor will probably prescribe a blood and urine test, tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and then, taking into account the results, prescribe treatment. If the lymph nodes in the armpits are inflamed, this can also indicate inflammation of the organs that are located in this area. Inflamed lymph nodes located on the neck will tell about an ear infection or a sore throat.
Also in science there is such a thing as lymphatism. It is characterized by an increase in several lymph nodes at once. Lymphaticism is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age, as well as at the age of 6-10 years. This is due to the rapid growth of the child, or with an unbalanced menu, when he eats meals containing a large amount of protein.
Lymphaticism does not require treatment. However, the child should be regularly monitored by a doctor. A combination of inflammation of the lymph nodes with inflammation of the thymus gland, which is also an organ of the human immune system, becomes a dangerous signal.
4 most popular causes of swollen lymph nodes
The first reason is the cat scratched. Cat claws are not sterile. They contain a lot of bacteria. If the infection enters the wound and reaches the lymph nodes with the blood flow, then they will definitely become inflamed. Doctors call this disorder cat-scratch disease (benign lymphoreticulosis). The animals themselves will not get sick. They are only spreaders of the infection.
Another infection that cats can transmit is toxoplasmosis. It enters the human body through the mouth. Lymph nodes become inflamed, body temperature rises to 37,5 ° C, eyes may water, and weakness increases.
The second reason is the callus on the leg. Often the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes are ordinary corns. If an infection gets into them, then this leads to inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes. Sometimes the body copes with the violation on its own, and sometimes suppuration of the lymphatic tissue occurs. In this case, you need to contact the doctor. The surgeon may open the affected node and wash it. If this is not done, then the likelihood of blood poisoning increases.
The third reason is boils. Boils often appear in people due to hormonal imbalances in the body. If a person sweats a lot, then abscesses form in the armpits. The skin around them becomes inflamed, reddens, it can be painful for a person to even raise his hand. This condition is called hydradenitis. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Skin prone to the formation of boils should be treated with salicylic alcohol or other antiseptic agents. Piercing boils is prohibited. It is necessary to visit a dermatologist and consult with him about adequate treatment. With increased sweating, you must carefully observe the rules of hygiene, wash at least 2 times a day. Linen should be changed daily. It is recommended to give preference to natural fabrics.
The fourth reason is tightness in the chest. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes can be a sign of breast cancer. This is a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. Therefore, breast self-exams should be performed regularly. This procedure for women after 35 years should become as familiar as brushing your teeth. If suspicious seals appear, you need to visit a gynecologist or mammologist, undergo an ultrasound or mammography, and also pass an analysis for a tumor marker. You need to independently examine the chest 2 times a month in a prone and standing position. If areas of compaction are found, regardless of their size, you should consult a doctor. Particular vigilance should be shown in the case when the chest has recently been injured.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes can be acute and chronic.
Acute inflammation is caused by infectious agents, or occurs when an injury occurs in close proximity to the lymph node.
Chronic inflammation occurs when a weakly virulent flora enters the node. Bacteria of syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis can provoke such a reaction.
Inflammation can have the following character:
Catarrh. It is characteristic of the early stage of infection. In this case, the lymph node begins to become impregnated with plasma.
hyperplastic inflammation. It characterizes the late stage of the pathological process. An increase in the size of the node occurs due to the division of immune cells in it.
Purulent inflammation. It occurs only when the node is filled with pyogenic bacteria, or when the node is injured with a direct infection. If there is a lot of pus, then it can penetrate into the surrounding tissues. If the pus is not encapsulated, then the person will develop phlegmon, which will spread throughout the neck. In the future, the likelihood of developing an abscess increases.
Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck
Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes will be indicated by symptoms such as:
Pain in the neck. On it, you can palpate the seal, which will be mobile and elastic. If the inflammation is intense, then the size of the seal will increase in size, reaching 5 cm in diameter and even more. In this case, it will be visible to the naked eye. The person will need anti-inflammatory therapy. When the node is dense, with fuzzy contours and tubercles, if it cannot be moved to the side, then this may indicate the presence of atypical cells in it. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with lymphadenopathy.
The seal will respond with pain when pressed.
It can be painful for a person to swallow food.
Over the lymph node, the skin often turns red.
Body temperature may increase, the patient gets tired faster, he has headaches.
In most cases, this inflammatory reaction is preceded by an infection. A person may experience a sore throat against the background of SARS, or suffer from measles or rubella, which are accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash. With scarlet fever or sore throat, the body temperature rises to feverish levels. Osteomyelitis or phlegmon of soft tissues is accompanied by pain in the jaw.
What to do if you find inflamed lymph nodes in the neck?
If one or more lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed, you need to do the following:
The area of inflammation should be examined. Sometimes there you can find an abscess or injury.
The lymph node must be gently moved and felt. If a person has lymphadenitis, then he palpates a small ball. When the cause of discomfort is myositis, there will be no seal on the neck.
It is important to assess the degree of soreness of the lymph node, to note whether it is displaced relative to other tissues, whether the local body temperature is elevated.
If the nodes are small, move well and there are a lot of them, then this indicates a violation in the immune system. To determine the cause of inflammation, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist.
When the node is bumpy, uneven, does not move well and hurts, you need to visit an oncologist. Such signs indicate a serious pathology.
A hot and painful lymph node may indicate a purulent process, in which case a surgeon’s consultation will be required.
Pain when probing the lymph node and its mobility often indicates inflammation of the throat or mouth. You should visit a dentist or an otolaryngologist. With the child, you need to go to the pediatrician.
After completing the steps, you need to conduct a self-examination. The condition of the throat and gums, soft tissues of the neck and face should be assessed. If any area is inflamed, then with a high probability it was he who caused the change in the lymph nodes. The next step is to see a doctor.
Lymph nodes are located in groups. All of them collect lymph from certain areas of the neck or head. It will not be difficult for a doctor to find the cause of the pathology. However, with a strong inflammatory reaction or with tumors, all lymph nodes can become inflamed at once. This can make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
Dependence of a specific lymph node on the disease
Site of inflammation of the lymph node | Characteristics of a lymph node | Diagnosis |
Under the jaw | The node hurts, moves, its consistency is soft | ARI, tonsillitis, measles, inflammation of the salivary glands, deep caries, periodontitis, paratonsillar abscess |
The node is lumpy, does not move and does not hurt | Cancer of the mouth, jaw, or salivary glands | |
next to the ear | Moves well, hurts, soft | Inflammation of the ear, carbuncle in the temple area, inflammation of the earlobe (may happen after a piercing) |
Doesn’t hurt, doesn’t move | Cancer of the skin of the temples, or the parotid region, or the ear | |
On the neck, behind her | Moves and hurts | Furuncle, carbuncle, neck cellulitis, ringworm, or other fungal infections |
Does not hurt, does not move, covered with tubercles | Cancer in the neck area | |
Below ear | Moveable and in pain | Otitis, purulent skin lesions in this area, mastoiditis |
No movement, no pain | Cancer of the dermis, or the presence of metastases in this area | |
On the front of the neck | soft and sore | Boils on the chin, herpes, stomatitis, pulpitis, tooth root cyst, inflammation of the gums, osteomyelitis of the jaw, inflammation of the thyroid gland, tuberculosis |
Lumpy, doesn’t move, doesn’t hurt | Lip, mouth, jaw, thyroid cancer | |
Several knots on the neck are enlarged at once |
| This symptom indicates inflammation:
Also, this symptom may be a sign of lymphogranulomatosis or toxoplasmosis. |
Multiple lymph nodes are inflamed, not only on the neck, but also in other parts of the body. |
| This symptom may indicate HIV, brucellosis, infectious mononucleosis, a systemic lesion of the body, for example, lupus erythematosus. Wissler-Fanconi subsepsis or reticulohistiocytosis may also be suspected. |
If the lymph node remains enlarged for some time in a person who has had ARVI, or some kind of oral disease, then no measures should be taken. You just need to watch him. 7 days after recovery, the condition of the node should stabilize. If it remains inflamed, then you need to see a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
However, if the lymph node becomes inflamed in a person who has previously had an oncological disease, you will need to go to the doctor immediately.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes is not an independent disease, but only a reaction of the body to a particular disorder. To find the right treatment, you need to find out the cause of the inflammation. An adult should go to an appointment with a therapist, and a child should be shown to a pediatrician. In the future, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, hematologist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist.
Analyzes and research:
Donating blood for a general analysis.
Ultrasound of the lymph node.
PCR of blood for the detection of viruses and bacteria.
Biopsy of a lymph node.
Sternal puncture of a lymph node.
Treatment of swollen lymph nodes
After the cause of the inflammation is identified, the patient will be prescribed treatment:
Fungal diseases of the skin and scalp are treated with systemic antifungal drugs.
With oral candidiasis, you will need to take antifungal drugs.
When the lymph nodes become inflamed due to dental disease, you will need to visit the dentist. The doctor sanitizes the foci of infection. Physiotherapy may be needed, such as galvanization or UHF.
Antibiotics are prescribed to patients when the disease is caused by bacteria. The specific drug will be selected by the doctor. You can not do without the use of antibiotics for sore throat, purulent processes (inflammation of the tooth cyst, otitis media, furunculosis), osteomyelitis, etc. It is mandatory to prescribe antibiotics to patients with suppuration of the lymph node. If the patient develops an abscess or phlegmon, then the help of a surgeon is required.
Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes with a viral infection does not require antibiotics.
Cancer tumors require surgery. At the discretion of the doctor, the patient will be prescribed radiation or chemotherapy.
If the lymph nodes become inflamed against the background of systemic diseases, then a consultation with a rheumatologist is required. He will prescribe drugs that will suppress the excessive activity of the immune system.