Inflammation of the lymph nodes in children: how to treat? Video
Inflammation of the lymph nodes, or lymphadenitis, most often occurs in children against the background of an infectious disease. Depending on its severity, one or several, including distant lymph nodes, can be affected. Lymphadenitis can be quite difficult and painful, but in most cases you can deal with it on your own.
Causes and symptoms of lymph node inflammation
The lymphatic system, of which the lymph nodes are a part, plays an important role in the formation of immunity. It is she who is a kind of protective barrier that helps the body to resist viruses and bacteria. In children, this system is not fully developed, and therefore the lymph nodes themselves often suffer from inflammation.
As a rule, this occurs against the background of the following diseases:
- colds and flu
- angina
- diphtheria
- rubella
- chickenpox
- scarlet fever
- caries
- stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity
In rare cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes may indicate such serious diseases as leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. In order not to run them to an incurable stage, it is important to show the child to the doctor on time
Normally, a child’s lymph node is less than 0,5 cm in size and cannot be felt through the skin. With inflammation, it sharply increases in size and becomes painful to the touch. The more lymph nodes are affected, the worse the overall well-being of the baby will be. Lymphadenitis can lead to sleep disturbance, fever, loss of appetite, weakness, and severe swelling at the site of inflammation. The pain with lymphadenitis is often so severe that the child is not able to turn his head (with inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes) or move his hand (with inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes). If the cause of lymphadenitis is a bacterial infection, the area of inflammation may turn red.
How to treat inflammation of the lymph node at home
In case of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the child, you need to show the doctor so that he finds out the cause and prescribes treatment. Most often it is carried out in two directions: with the disease that caused the inflammation, and with lymphadenitis itself. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, antiviral or antibiotic therapy is performed. Against her background, the lymph nodes quickly decrease in size and become painless.
There are also local remedies for the treatment of lymphadenitis. Cooling compresses are especially effective for relieving pain. They can be done by applying ice wrapped in a dense cloth or a small towel to the site of inflammation.
You need to keep such a compress no more than 5-10 minutes
Otherwise, as a result of hypothermia, the lymph node may increase in size even more.
Iodine gives a good effect in the treatment of lymph nodes. To reduce edema at the site of inflammation, it is enough to draw an iodine mesh on the skin several times.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes can be cured with the help of folk remedies. A compress made from a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of flour and 3-5 drops of aloe is especially effective. When all the ingredients are mixed, you will need to apply the resulting mass to the skin, cover it with a plastic bag, and warm it with a scarf or towel on top.
The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes
If treatment with folk remedies does not bring relief to the child within a week, you need to see a doctor again. He may prescribe physical therapy or recommend surgical removal of the inflamed lymph node.