Inflammation of the kidneys – symptoms, treatment

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Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis are disease processes that have different localization and other effects.


In pyelonephritis, the inflammatory process is localized in the renal parenchyma. The urinary tract infection begins to affect the nephrons and loops. Nephritis is caused by the bacteria E. coli. Pyelonephritis is the result of an ascending infection that usually begins with recurrent infections and inflammations called the lower urinary tract, i.e. the urethra and bladder, which have not fully healed in time.

If you notice any disturbing symptoms, consult your GP who will take a medical history and issue the necessary referrals. You can arrange an online consultation via the portal.

Pyelonephritis – symptoms:

  1. pain in the lumbar region (as an expression of the concomitant inflammatory process of the renal pelvis),
  2. changes in the urine (more white blood cells and many bacteria in the urine)
  3. low-grade fever or, more often, septic fever, i.e. with large fluctuations throughout the day,
  4. dysuria (frequent, small amounts of urination with a burning sensation, or even quite severe pain in the urethra).

Pyelonephritis – treatment

Treatment of pyelonephritis involves, inter alia, on taking antibacterial drugs to stop the inflammatory process. In therapeutic treatment, beneficial and supportive effects are provided by:

  1. warming the perineum and bladder area (e.g. warm underwear, warm baths in ordinary water or with the addition of potassium permanganate to a slightly purple color),
  2. agents that increase diuresis (the amount of urine), e.g. diuretic vegetables (parsley root) or fruit (slap pears) or hypotonic mineral waters,
  3. diuretic and disinfecting herbal mixtures and granules.

If you struggle with frequent recurrent urinary tract infections, try cranberry with probiotics and vitamin C, available on Medonet Market. You can also choose large cranberries, which also supports the functioning of the urinary system. Check also the action of the Kidney – a liquid supplement, which was produced on the basis of natural plant extracts that positively affect the urinary system.

Ureaplasma bacteria may be the cause of bacterial infections of the genitourinary system – in order to detect it, it is enough to perform a urine test for Ureaplasma infection. Timely detection and treatment of the infection avoids the development of diseases such as nephritis.

Check your kidneys by doing the Kidney Diagnosis – Blood and Urine Tests. You can buy it on Medonet Market.

Acute glomerulonephritis

Inflammation of the kidney that affects the glomeruli in the kidney is called glomerulonephritis. The disease is the result of an allergy to bacterial inflammation present in the body, e.g. in the tonsils, ovaries, gall bladder or dentition.

Acute glomerulonephritis – symptoms:

  1. unexpectedly severe pains in the lumbar region,
  2. a significant reduction in the amount of daily urine output,
  3. swelling of the upper torso (usually face in the morning),
  4. general feeling of being unwell
  5. apathy,
  6. somnolence,
  7. pale skin,
  8. headaches,
  9. increase in blood pressure,
  10. loss of appetite
  11. even breathlessness
  12. vomiting,
  13. change in the appearance of urine, which can sometimes become similar to meat washing
  14. low-grade or feverish state.

Objective identification of the inflammatory process in the kidneys is based on the detection of changes in the urine (mainly in the form of proteinuria and hematuria) as well as deviations of some biochemical indicators of kidney function and increased concentration of anti-streptococcal antibodies (the so-called ASO).

Acute glomerulonephritis – treatment:

  1. effective elimination of all intracorporeal infectious outbreaks,
  2. the use of an appropriate kidney-relieving diet, consisting in a significant reduction in protein-containing products,
  3. absolute rest (lying down), etc.

Acute glomerulonephritis – prevention:

  1. treatment of any infections and inflammations caused by streptococci in accordance with the doctor’s instructions,
  2. control urine examination 14-21 days after this type of infection.

Prophylactically for kidney diseases, it is worth using FOR KIDNEYS – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow, which contains only natural ingredients.

Chronic glomerulonephritis

The cause of chronic and subacute glomerulonephritis is acute inflammation that can last from several months to several years. The onset of the disease is difficult to detect as it manifests itself very gently. The disease is diagnosed, among others, by on the basis of ultrasound and kidney scintigraphy. Take advantage of the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in private POLMED facilities today.

It is worth taking care of your kidneys every day, so use the Herbal Detox – an ecological herbal tea that you can buy at Medonet Market as a preventive and supportive measure during treatment. We also recommend daily use of freeze-dried cranberries that have a positive effect on the urinary system. Learn about the offer of other preparations that favor the kidneys available on Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the diet. Do you have to stick to it 100% to stay healthy and feel good? Do you really have to start every day with breakfast? What is it like with sipping meals and eating fruit? Listen:

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