It is quite easy to cure inflamed tonsils if treatment is started on time, following an individually developed scheme for the patient from the attending physician. But if you skip the peak moment of the development of the disease, where just such a condition appears as the main symptom, then the development of many complications is possible. Dealing with them will then be an order of magnitude more difficult.
Literally translated, the word “tonsils” means “acorn”. The term comes from Latin. This part of the body received another name thanks to the ancient Greek doctors, who called it “amygdalis”. So designated almonds in the old days. In Russian, the name “tonsils” has taken root. But, regardless of the chosen term, the principle of lteachings is kept identical.
Typical anxiety symptoms
Before treating the affected organ, the doctor conducts an initial examination to determine the degree of damage, and at the same time checks whether the surrounding tissues and neighboring organs are affected.
The tonsils belong to the so-called lymphoepithelial formations, because in the tonsils the lymphocytes are very close to the epithelium of the follicles. In some areas, the epithelium layer is so thin that lymphocytes, seeping through it, fall on the surface of the tonsil, where the interaction of lymphocytes with foreign agents occurs.
Tonsils have a different structure. For example, the palatine tonsils are completely dotted with lacunae (crypts) into which follicles open. The lacunae have a branched structure and penetrate the tonsils through and through. The number of lacunae in humans can vary from 10 to 20 in each amygdala. The tonsils have no other localizations of lacunae. Follicles are located throughout the depth of the tonsil and its surface. With follicular angina, the follicles break into the ducts of the lacunae and onto the outer surface of the tonsils. Inflammation of lacunae with angina leads to lacunar angina. Lacunas and follicles are in a healthy state, produce the required amount of macrophages, lymphocytes, plasmocytes, and when examining the oral cavity, no changes in the tonsils are observed. And with angina, it is these cells, together with the destroyed foreign microorganisms, that are the components of the pus, which is located in the follicles and lacunae. In chronic tonsillitis, pathological microorganisms are inside the lacunae of the tonsils and, under certain factors, can lead to an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. The ducts of the small salivary glands open into the lacunae, which can lead to their infection during exacerbation of pathological processes.
Additionally, with exacerbation, the tonsils begin to increase in size. In advanced cases, they reach the size of a walnut. Therefore, in such clinical cases, the best option for resolving the issue would be to make an appointment with a specialized specialist. Often, the diagnosis of the primary source of inflammation of the tonsils is carried out by an otolaryngologist.
Often, an increase in lymph nodes is found in an adult along the way. If we are talking about classic diseases, including inflammation of the specified part of the body as one of the symptoms, then it is possible to add:
- aches in the joints;
- ailments;
- muscle weakness;
- sore throat;
- headache.
Often the patient’s temperature rises along the way. But with this symptom, special vigilance should be exercised, especially when it comes to children. After all, temperature is not always an indicator of a deterioration in well-being, it is only an auxiliary marker.
The classic inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Curing it yourself, hoping that everything will go away on its own is not the best way out. The disease, which initially proceeded in an acute form, with insufficient quality treatment, turns into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to treat than at the acute stage.
Etiological factors of the inflammatory process
At home, without prior consultation with an ENT, testing, it is difficult to diagnose the disease. But if we summarize all the clinical cases, then in most of them the inflammatory process that originated in the throat suggests that the patient is faced with manifestations of tonsillitis.
In the people, this disease is called angina. At least once in a lifetime, everyone has encountered a similar phenomenon, when the throat hurts badly. As mentioned above, depending on the site of the lesion, sore throats are divided into:
- lacunar;
- catarrhal;
- follicular.
They differ somewhat in symptomatology and etiology. Pathogens can be several families of microorganisms, including:
- staphylococcus;
- B-hemolytic streptococcus group A.
To prevent the development of extensive inflammation, it is better to start treatment immediately. Such foresight will prevent the transformation of ordinary tonsillitis into chronic tonsillitis, which is a focal type infection. But even if such a risk factor is omitted after an untreated sore throat, chronic damage can be a direct consequence of scarlet fever and other diseases caused by streptococcus.
The main reasons why it suddenly became sharply painful to swallow may be:
- infection from an infected person, or through household items;
- inflammation of the focal type with localization in the nose, oral cavity;
- bacterial infection of the paranasal sinuses;
- consequences of purulent sinusitis;
- advanced stage of dental caries;
- hypothermia;
- unfavorable external conditions.
The latter include work in unsuitable conditions at a constantly low temperature, or in areas with increased gas pollution, poor environmental situation in the region. Diet can also contribute to the inflammation of the tonsils.
With a constant deficiency of proteins, certain vitamins, a relapse of inflammation is possible. It is equally important to take into account the factor of drinking contaminated water without prior boiling. Genetic predisposition, weakened immunity due to a recent serious illness, or being in constant stress will add problems.
Among other reasons that contribute to the spread of the infectious process of the throat, one can also include untimely seeking medical help and, as a result, the development of really serious complications:
- destabilization of the activity of the heart muscle;
- joint pains together with rheumatic arthrosis;
- kidney lesions: glomerulonephritis, classic nephritis;
- skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis.
That is why it is important not only to understand the procedure, rinsing the tonsils, but also to get a doctor’s advice. And at the end of the course of treatment, see the doctor again to prevent the development of a relapse due to incomplete treatment.
Traditional approach to therapy
It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate without prior consultation with an otolaryngologist. This is especially true of the desire to self-prescribe antibiotics, which are an important part of effective therapy. Most often, drugs of the penicillin group are prescribed to those who are faced with lacunar and follicular tonsillitis.
To understand the difference between them and choose an individual treatment regimen, a doctor will help, who needs to be warned about known allergic reactions. Antibiotic susceptibility testing may be required. To protect the microflora of the digestive tract, concomitant treatment with various probiotics is desirable.
With advanced forms of the disease, as a rule, injectable forms of broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.
As an adjunct therapy, which is designed to quickly eliminate the most painful symptoms, gargling is used. It is enough to rinse it every time after eating. Special drugs are added to the solution, some of which have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects.
The budgetary remedy remains effective – furacilin tablets, which are dissolved in a glass of water according to the instructions. The resulting solution is used as a rinse and to alleviate the course of the disease.
It may be recommended to take a course of vitamins, immunostimulants, change the diet, making it more complete and balanced. You need to clarify the list of allowed products with the ENT. During the first appointment, you can ask him about the use of warming compresses.
Auxiliary therapy from traditional medicine
Regardless of what specific reasons became the basis for the development of the inflammatory process in the tonsils, representatives of traditional medicine have an answer to almost every question of a person with such an ailment. Adherents of official medicine confirm that some of the “grandmother’s” recipes can indeed be useful, but only as adjuvants, and not as the main therapy.
Among the tips that help children soothe an irritated throat are herbal rinses. Even therapists agree with the effectiveness of the presented approach, offering parents to rinse the mouth of children with decoctions to reduce purulent plaque on the mucous membrane.
These remedies include decoctions from:
- chamomile;
- nine force;
- propolis tincture.
To restore water balance, it is recommended to give patients herbal tinctures at room temperature. Milk, lemon, honey have a beneficial effect. One of the simplest options is aloe juice with honey, diluted in a ratio of 1: 1. You need to use the composition once a day, a teaspoon after waking up.
But before using this method, you will need to determine the absence of individual intolerance to the components. Doctors also warn that not everyone is allowed to use aloe, because chronic diseases are on the list of its contraindications.
If the previous compositions do not have the desired effect, you can try to prepare jelly or compote based on rose hips, raspberries, currants. Some folk healers even suggest using beetroot juice, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Warnings in the treatment of inflammation of the tonsils by inhalation
Separately, in the treatment regimen for inflamed tonsils, there are always inhalations. Initially, they were used only in a vapor inhalation format, so the common grandmother’s advice to “breathe the potatoes” should not be taken as the best treatment option, and use a more effective version of the inhalation equipment. We are talking about nebulizers.
They can reduce the risk of complications by approximately 80%. It also has a beneficial effect on the neutralization of extensive inflammation of the tonsils, simultaneously stopping the pain syndrome.
If you apply the installation correctly, then additionally there is a thinning of the mucus that accumulates in the bronchi, which will speed up the healing process. Together with the steam, the victim will inhale compounds that have an antibacterial effect. However, it should be remembered that inhalation should not be used at elevated body temperature of the victim. Also, you should not take risks if the patient suffers from nosebleeds, or is at the stage of acute tonsillitis. Also at risk are pregnant women, who are better off looking for a more benign alternative.
Prevention approaches
With frequent inflammation of the tonsils, preventive measures are effective to prevent possible relapses. To reduce the chances of relapse will allow hardening, which is advisable to start from childhood, developing in the body resistance to a sharp change in temperature.
To reduce the risk of white plaque can follow the rules of personal hygiene. Many patients are surprised that they become victims of inflammation of the tonsils solely due to the fact that they do not follow good oral hygiene, which contributes to the development of caries. Therefore, when the first symptoms of increased sensitivity of the teeth appear, you should contact the dental office for qualified help.
No one has canceled the rules for supporting a healthy lifestyle, among which sports are included. Even school knowledge from physical education lessons will come in handy for a five-minute exercise in the morning.
It is equally important to protect yourself from infection when there is a sick person in the family or at work. The rules of general hygiene and isolation will help here: do not use shared bedding, utensils. It is recommended to ventilate and humidify the room more often.
The main factor in maintaining the normal state of the body’s forces is by no means therapy with folk remedies, but a rational approach to compiling a daily menu. It is especially important to adhere to the principle of “more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries” in seasons when there are peak rates of diseases with inflammation of the tonsils as the main symptom.
The leaders of the rating should be products that saturate the depleted body with vitamin C. It is also useful to add fish and meat to the menu.
But if all of the above measures did not work, and the person still fell ill, then one should not hope that the inflammation will go away on its own. If you find the first alarming signs, you should immediately seek qualified help from a therapist and an otolaryngologist.
- Sources of
- Sagandykova N. S. Features of the microflora of palatine tonsils in chronic inflammation. – Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, 2015.
- Internet resource – Inflammation of the tonsils: symptoms and treatment at home.
- Internet resource – Treatment of tonsils.