Infertility: we treat ailment in Rostov (IVF, hirudotherapy, something else)

Infertility: we treat ailment in Rostov (IVF, hirudotherapy, something else)

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What can you do to achieve the most cherished goal – motherhood.

Examinations, injections, pills, a thermometer in the morning … And the long-awaited pregnancy still does not come. Do not despair! Modern medical science can do a lot, including conquering an illness. And the conventional wisdom that a woman is to blame for everything is not always true. If after a year of active attempts to have a child there is no result, then both spouses need to go to the doctor.

Medical Center “Slavia”: “We say” woman “, we mean -” mother “

According to long-term statistics, among Russian couples, almost every eighth cannot have children. Infertility, according to the medical center Slavia, Is a disease of the reproductive system, it affects men and women equally often. There are countless methods of dealing with the problem, but there are not so many really working methods. In “Slavia” they propose to dwell on the old and effective – hirudotherapy, in other words – treatment with leeches. It is both an auxiliary treatment and the main, but most importantly, suitable for both spouses. In women, under the influence of leeches, adhesions in the fallopian tubes are absorbed, the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus increases due to improved blood circulation, and hormonal levels normalize. In addition, after hirudotherapy, the expectant mother is almost completely ready for the IVF procedure. Hirudotherapy for male infertility will give its effect – by improving the metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland. Also, after hirudotherapy sessions, the production of seminal fluid and its quality are noticeably improved.

Below are the specialists of the clinic “Slavia” who will assist in the diagnosis and treatment of any types of infertility to anyone who has difficulty conceiving.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Tolmacheva, oncologist, hirudotherapist of the highest qualification category, Ph.D.

Photo Shoot:
archive of the clinic “Slavia”

The main task of the clinic’s specialists is to restore the reproductive health of patients. Hirudotherapy at the Slavia clinic – professional services and excellent results! But the most important thing is your chance to have a baby!

Slavia Clinic: Rostov-on-Don, st. Vostochnaya, 4a, tel .: + 7 (863) 269-10-00, 266-56-56.

Medical center “Slavia”: Rostov-on-Don, st. M. Gorky, 226/43, tel .: + 7 (863) 292-30-00, 292-38-38.



MC “Doctor” on Turgenevskaya, 49

The medical center “Vrach” is also ready to help young parents to cope with reproductive failures. Both spouses are usually invited for examination, but the increased attention of doctors to the female body. Patients will not have to go to specialists for a long time: the center’s know-how is precisely to give a comprehensive consultation to an expectant mother even with a not very pleasant diagnosis in one clinic.

Olesya Zinovievna Puzikova, endocrinologist, highest category, MD

Experienced doctors carefully examine both partners. In men, specialists will carefully study the spermogram and analyze the general condition of the body. Young mothers will be tested for hormones and infections, and then they will go to a personal appointment. In the center “Doctor” with the help of modern equipment, we are ready to carry out a complete diagnosis of the diseases identified in a couple.

Dysfunctions in the endocrine system, disturbances in the hemostasis system, immunological problems – there are many reasons for miscarriage, and each of the problems must be approached individually. Disorders in the endocrine system often provoke early miscarriages. Almost half of pregnancies are terminated due to hyperandrogenism – increased production of male sex hormones in the adrenal system. Trouble can begin even due to commonplace problems with the thyroid gland. Late desire to become parents, frequent stress or poor ecology can lead to somatic and reproductive disorders.

Tatyana Vasilievna Polyubina, obstetrician-gynecologist, highest category

“The reason for miscarriages,” says Olesya Zinovievna Puzikova, an endocrinologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, “can also be autoimmune diseases, problems with blood clotting, the work of the cardiovascular system, chronic liver or kidney diseases. Even obesity or underweight can send the expectant mother to a risk group. Women with anatomical features should also be especially careful: pathology of the cervix or the presence of fibroids is a reason to come for a consultation. “

Medical center “Doctor”

Comprehensive consultation on miscarriage in three aspects (endocrinological, immunological, hemostasiological):

Olesya Zinovievna Puzikova, endocrinologist, superior category, D.M.

Rostov-on-Don, st. Turgenevskaya, 49, tel. + 7 (863) 30-30-380.

Consultation on infertility issues (diagnosis, treatment):

Tatiana Vasilievna Polyubina, obstetrician-gynecologist, highest category.

Rostov-on-Don, Communist pr., 10a, tel. + 7 (863) 22-44-911.



MC “Mobile medicine”: “You can cure infertility!”

“Hundreds of thousands of married couples all over the world face the problem of childlessness,” says Oksana Ardintseva, a gynecologist at the Mobile Medicine medical center. “More than half of them become happy parents with the help of the achievements of modern medicine. It is important to identify the cause of the disease in time: pregnancy may not occur due to a man’s lack of the required number of full-fledged spermatozoa or if they are not mobile enough. Rarely, but it happens, the woman’s body can reject the partner’s sperm. In the clinic, with the help of modern equipment, specialists will be able to identify abnormalities in the processes of egg formation, hormonal levels, and untimely maturation of the dominant follicle. “

Oksana Ardintseva, gynecologist

Childless, they say at the medical center, is a couple who have not had contraception, have a regular sex life for more than two years, but pregnancy does not occur. They will be able to help in the clinic “Mobile medicine”: they will conduct diagnostic tests (ultrasound, laboratory), prescribe an effective treatment, and, if necessary, fully prepare for the in vitro fertilization procedure, give the necessary recommendations before the procedure.

Modern medicine offers many methods of infertility treatment: in vitro fertilization, transfer of gametes of embryos into the fallopian tubes, assisted reproduction methods using donor oocytes and embryos, cryopreservation of sperm, egg and embryos, artificial insemination with partner sperm. For each couple, doctors will select their own treatment program.

“Despite the fact that infertility is often diagnosed in women of childbearing age,” they say in the center, “the chances of a complete cure are quite high.”

Medical Center “Mobile Medicine”: Rostov-on-Don, st. M. Gorky, 130, 2nd floor, tel. + 7 (863) 303-44-21



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