Infertility is a civilization disease. In vitro is one of the methods of its treatment

Infertility is a problem that affects more and more couples. In a situation where the treatment conducted by a doctor does not bring the expected results, many people decide on artificial insemination, the so-called in vitro. Check what this method is all about and whether it is effective.

Infertility is defined when a woman does not become pregnant within a year – even though the couple have intercourse 2-3 times a week and do not use any precautions. The reasons for this are different: from hormonal disorders, through poor-quality sperm, lack of ovulation, and ending with psychological problems. In such cases, where the applied treatment methods do not work, in vitro fertilization is one of the solutions.

What is IVF?

If you are wondering what IVF is, the answer is: in vitro fertilization. Its essence is the connection of the ovum with the sperm in laboratory conditions. When fertilization occurs, the doctor makes the so-called transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

The indications for in vitro are:

– decreased semen parameters

– obstruction of the fallopian tubes

– idiopathic infertility (of unknown cause)

— endometriosis

– inability to induce ovulation

– multiple failures of other methods of assisted reproduction, e.g. insemination.

It is worth emphasizing that in vitro fertilization can be carried out using one of the available programs, i.e .:

– ICSI in vitro fertilization

– in vitro fertilization with IMSI

– PICSI in vitro fertilization

– in vitro fertilization hbIMSI.

The physician decides about the choice of a specific treatment program, incl. based on the cause of infertility, sperm quality, etc.

In vitro fertilization – course

The entire in vitro procedure consists of several visits and proper preparation for the procedure. The treatment program includes stages such as:

– the first visit to the infertility treatment clinic

– qualifying visit

– preparation for the procedure – hormonal stimulation

– puncture – egg collection

– semen collection

– in vitro fertilization

– embryo transfer.

After placing the embryos in the uterine cavity, the woman should lead a frugal lifestyle. Sexual abstinence is also recommended. Approximately 12 days after the transfer, a pregnancy test or a test to determine the level of hCG in the blood can be performed – a positive result means pregnancy.

IVF children – are they healthy?

IVF children born with abnormalities are only slightly higher than the number of children with developmental defects born as a result of natural conception. It is worth emphasizing that in vitro fertilization itself does not increase the risk of malformations – this is only due to the higher risk of genetic defects in parents receiving treatment for infertility.

In vitro fertilization – cost

When it comes to in vitro fertilization, the cost of treatment is borne only by the parents – the therapy is not even partially reimbursed. The price of one “approach” ranges from 9-12 thousand. zloty. Considering that the first attempt is often unsuccessful, the cost of treatment increases.

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