Infertility – causes and treatments

Infertility – causes and treatments

The woman was able to get pregnant by giving up perfume. The couple spent 20 thousand pounds on IVF and waited seven years for a miracle that happened when the husband gave up training and the wife – from perfume.

Spouses Nikola and Mark Szymanovski, by their 38 and 39 years old, went through so many things, wanting to have a child. During this time, the woman had four unsuccessful embryo transfers and two miscarriages. A series of doctors, examinations, tests … But then the couple was lucky: Nikola and Mark met a doctor who really helped them.

Dr. Jillian Lockwood did not torture the couple with countless tests. She asked them about their lifestyle and advised them to change it a little. Indeed, a little – no radical changes had to be made.

According to Nikola, the doctor realized that Mark’s strenuous physical activity leads to the release of endorphins, which can affect the chances of getting pregnant. In addition, the doctor explained that chemicals contained in perfumes and cosmetics can enter the bloodstream of the expectant mother. Nicola not only stopped using perfume, but also asked everyone she met to do the same, tells their story The Sun.

Dr. Gillian also advised cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar and carbohydrates.

“Now it’s scary to remember what we went through. There were times when we fell into the most severe depression. Thanks to our parents who helped pay all expenses. Without them, we would not have succeeded, ”the happy parents share. After all, the costs were really rather big: analyzes, tests, drugs …

But everything is finally over. It would seem that only to reduce the load, give up perfume and follow a not too strict diet. Incredibly, these simple measures helped: baby Charles was born, healthy and strong.

Nicola proudly says that the baby took the best from her and Mark. In her free time from caring for the baby, she maintains an account on social networks, offering help to people suffering from infertility.

By the way, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the world’s first child conceived by IVF.

What else prevents you from getting pregnant?

Often the reasons that a woman cannot conceive the desired child in any way are not even in external, but in internal factors. So, our fears in the head interfere with getting pregnant. Read more about this here. Another study advises caution about the eternal desire to lose weight. Why this also interferes with knowing the happiness of motherhood, read HERE. But menstruation, it turns out, is not an obstacle to conception. Unbelievable, but it is a fact. More details – HERE.

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