Infernal Leg Workout: Chris Gethin’s Extreme Complex
This is the most ruthless leg workout possible. Do you think you’re good enough to handle the crazy workload? Then get over your fear, put your doubts aside, forget about pride and start your hell of a workout!
Author: Chris Gethin
If you really want to be the coolest guy in the gym, you should be doing what really scares you and not being afraid of what you are doing. If grueling leg exercises intimidate you, then try these exercises. This is the only way to success, there is no other way. Personally, I’m already tired of looking at guys who pumped up their upper bodies and erected a mighty torso on weak and skinny legs. And if you want to have strong, sturdy legs with sculpted muscles, you will have to train alongside major league athletes.
I’ve been in this business for a long time. For many years I trained, listened to the advice of others and selected the best. Through sweat, pain and blood, I created the most challenging leg workout ever. So gather your will into a fist, say goodbye to laziness and slipshod training. We begin!
Chris Gethin Extreme Quadriceps Training
This extreme complex is the result of fourteen years of hard training. All this time, I was looking for new ideas and made sure that every part of the body received an adequate load. The hardest part was to work the leg muscles, and for this I had to take drastic measures. I took some of my own leg training experience and added to it the experience of the people I trained with (legends such as Dorian Yates, Branch Warren, Gary Stridom, Neil Hill and Flex Lewis). So, by performing these exercises, you will plunge into history and, through your own experience, feel how the greatest representatives of the bodybuilding world trained.
Since we are dealing with high intensity training, I do not recommend returning to it every week. Personally, I use it about once every eight weeks to shake things up and add shocking variety to my workout routine. Believe me, this is enough, because even for me this workout is the most difficult in the world. If you are ready to test your body for strength and violate the laws of nature, then the horses. Welcome to the realm of pain!
Extreme Quadriceps Training
1 approach on 60 repetitions
1 approach on 60 repetitions
Despite the fact that the volume of loads performed is large, this is not an endurance training session. Short pauses between sets make this complex as intense and difficult as possible: you will have only 45 seconds to rest. So you have to desperately swallow oxygen, especially for those who have impressive muscle mass.
This training will not only test your functional readiness, but it will burn every muscle fiber in the lower body, regardless of its type. In addition, you will have to work hard and show yourself in all its glory and the central nervous system. In short, your body and your head will get a good banging, and if you don’t feel it, then you are just trying badly.
Superset 1
Machine Leg Extensions / Partial Extensions
(1 drop set of 100 reps, 1 drop set of 60 reps)
Roll up your sleeves, dirty work awaits you. Start with your maximum working weight, which you can lift about 20-30 times. Once you get to failure, lose weight. After the first decrease in working weight, I try to do 10 reps for each weight loss. And so on until I do a total of 100 reps.
When I reach a hundred, I return to heavy weight and start incomplete repetitions, the range of motion in which does not exceed 10 centimeters. You will notice How long they work the lower quadriceps near the knee joint. Make sure you work with a slight forward bend of the torso, not backward, and load the quadriceps, not the hip flexors. Before losing weight, you should do 15-20 reps, then continue with 15-20 extensions until you get to sixty reps.
Certain difficulties are caused by the selection of the optimal working weight, and it is easy to make a mistake. If you are doing noticeably less than ten reps to complete failure, you need to reduce the weight. If you do a lot more than 20 extensions in each set, it’s time for you to add a few pounds.
Once you’ve finished your superset, pause for two minutes.
Superset 2
Leg Press / Sissy Dumbbell Squats
(2 sets of 56 reps / 2 drop sets of 40 reps)
When starting the leg press, place your feet on the base of the platform so that the distance between them is about the size of a fist, the feet are slightly turned outward. Do 14 reps and rest for 5 seconds. During rest, I do not fix the platform, because I try to maintain mental focus and at the same time keep my muscles tense.
After resting for five seconds, you should do 12 reps and rest for another 5 seconds. Continue in this spirit, reducing the number of repetitions in a 10-8-6-4-2 pattern. After completing the set, immediately move on to sissy squats.
During the sissy squat, the dumbbells act as a counterweight, thanks to which you can fall below a conventional line parallel to the floor. At the same time, try to squat not to the end in order to constantly keep the muscles in tension. After finishing 20 repetitions, reduce the weight, grab light dumbbells and do 20 more squats. If you hit failure early, pause and rest until you can complete the required number of reps. You should feel that there is no more fuel left in your muscles, and at this very moment you should return to the leg press.
For the second set, place your feet on top of the platform shoulder-width apart. Do the leg press in the same way as in the first set. When you’re finished, take a couple of deep breaths and move on to sissy squats. During sissy squats, also set your legs a little wider than in the first set.
Once you’ve finished your superset, pause for two minutes.
Superset 3
Single Leg Squat / Machine Curl
(3 sets of 20 reps per leg / 3 sets of 15 reps)
Traditional squats with really heavy weights gave me a lot of back problems, so I had to master the squat on one leg. This exercise was shown to me by Neil Hill, so I call it Hill Squat. The one-legged squat helps me kill my quads without overloading my back. Of course, I still squat, and I recommend squatting to you as well, but I no longer consider this exercise a must-have part of a weekly training program.
So, we begin to squat on one leg, hold the pancake in our hands. After completing 20 repetitions, immediately go to the simulator and do 15 flexions with the same leg. After doing curls with one leg, we return to the first part of the superset and squat 20 times on the other leg. Then we go back to the simulator and do 15 more flexions with one leg. Walk back and forth until we finish three sets for each leg.
To do the Hill Squat correctly, lower yourself as deep as possible and only rise to 75%. Keep your muscles tense at all times, not ligaments, tendons, and joints. The free leg should rest on a bench or stand at about knee level. If the bench height is less, you will not be able to complete the movement in full; if more, you will not be able to descend deep enough or you will provoke an increased load on the free leg.
I suggest doing curls not the way you are used to, but a little differently. The free leg should be located high: in order for the movement in the working leg to be as isolated and productive as possible, we put the foot of the free leg at the level of the hip. The body is stretched out into a string, the arms are straightened and rest against the bench. Please note that during this exercise you will not be able to lift a lot of weight, and this is normal. It should also be noted that the range of motion should not be maximum. Don’t straighten your leg completely, instead aim to keep the muscles taut and you will hit failure much earlier.
Once you’ve finished your superset, pause for two minutes.
Superset 4
Machine Leg Extensions / Partial Extensions
(1 drop set of 100 reps, 1 drop set of 60 reps)
To achieve incredible results, we will have to do incredible things. So we’re going to go back to leg extensions. After squats and machine bends, my glutes and calf muscles are completely depleted, but I want to fire a control shot at the quads. To do this, go back to the first superset, do the same as the first time, and start with the maximum working weight.
You are not required to do 20 or 30 reps as you did at the beginning of your workout, but you must straighten your legs at least ten times. You will feel that you have no strength left at all. You may need to pull your body out of the gym by your hair later, but you have to finish off those 100 leg extensions in the latest superset.
Partial extensions, since you again have to start at maximum weight, will finish you off completely and squeeze out the last drop of strength. Imagine being knocked out and now someone punches you in the face and tries to revive you. You will have approximately the same sensations at the end of this training session.
But don’t be afraid of this complex. Open your arms to him!