Infectious: in the number of tests performed, we can compare ourselves to Mexico, not Europe
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There are fewer and fewer tests for the presence of coronavirus. Two weeks ago their number oscillated around 50-60 thousand. On November 24, the Ministry of Health informed that over 33,7 thousand of them were performed in the last XNUMX hours. «In terms of the number of tests performed, it is difficult for us to compare ourselves to European countries. The statistics place us closer to Mexico », said Lidia Stopyra, Ph.D. in Onet Rano. Why are there so few tests?

In recent days, we have observed an ever decreasing number of tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. On November 23, the Ministry of Health announced that only 27,4 thousand patients were examined in the last day. samples. And although we are used to the fact that this number is usually smaller after the weekend, there has been no such small number since October 12 (at that time, however, “only” 4,3 infections were detected. On 23, there were just over 11 of them). According to data reported on November 15, there are already more tests performed, over 24 thousand.

«It is difficult to say why there are so few tests. It is not for sure that GPs do not order them. According to the current regulation of the Minister of Health, the doctor orders the test, guided by medical knowledge. In the current epidemiological situation, each symptom of infection, but also typical symptoms, such as a disturbance of the sense of smell and taste or contact with an infected person is an indication for the test »- said Dr. Lidia Stopyra, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Paediatrics at the Hospital. Żeromski in Krakow.

  1. More about the number of COVID-19 tests performed in voivodships [as of November 23.11.2020, XNUMX]

– Doctors are sure to order these tests. Perhaps the problem is that patients do not perform these tests and that should be looked at. Generally, the problem is complex and there are many problems that need to be investigated – emphasizes the specialist.

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