infectious hepatitis

There are several types of hepatitis, but they all cause inflammation of the liver tissue. Infectious hepatitis also has the first name – Botkin’s disease. After the viral cause of the disease was discovered, the term “infectious” appeared.

This is the most easily tolerated modification of type A hepatitis. Its incubation period can last up to 50 days. A person is very susceptible to this disease and the virus that enters the body causes 100% infection.

This type of infection among the adult population is detected in 20% of cases. The disease has a “seasonality”, so more than 50% of patients become infected in the fall.

Symptoms of infectious hepatitis

infectious hepatitis

Often hepatitis is manifested by jaundice. Due to the fact that the liver is disrupted, bile does not enter the intestines, but spreads throughout the body. The sclera of the eyes, the mucous membranes in the mouth, the skin turn yellow. The feces become light in color, and the urine darkens. But a form is possible without manifestations of jaundice.

The main signs of the disease are:

  • the temperature is higher than usual;

  • general weakness;

  • lack or deterioration of appetite;

  • feeling nauseous or vomiting;

  • impaired stool;

  • feeling of unpleasant heaviness in the region of the liver.

After the incubation period, the disease passes into the anicteric stage. At this time, symptoms similar to a cold appear: headache, fever, a runny nose and sore throat are possible. The patient’s mood changes greatly from good to whiny, weakness appears. Sometimes already at these moments there may be pain in the right side. The duration of this stage is from 1 to 2 weeks.

Then the icteric stage begins. It proceeds for almost a month and is characterized by the coloring of the body in yellow. During this period, the skin begins to itch, and the liver enlarges and becomes painful. Disturbances begin in the gastrointestinal tract. This is expressed by intestinal colic, swelling, vomiting and nausea. There may be constipation or loose stools.

The period of recovery of the body after an illness can last 1 week, but more often it takes longer (up to 3 months). All symptoms go away gradually in reverse order.

Such symptoms should not be ignored. It is necessary to contact the clinic and undergo an examination by specialists. If you delay treatment, then there is a high probability of infecting other people.

Causes of infectious hepatitis

Causes the disease hepatotropic virus. The word “hepatotropic” means that only the liver tissue is affected. Almost always, the human body copes with the hepatitis A virus.

Transmission of infection occurs through poorly washed fruits or vegetables, as well as dirty hands. Infection can also occur through water if feces from the sewer got into it. Sexual contact can also be the cause. Another way is the transfusion of infected blood.

Diagnosis of infectious hepatitis

infectious hepatitis

To determine the disease, the following measures are used:

  • blood chemistry;

  • immunological studies;

  • Ultrasound.

With hepatitis, destroyed liver cells enter the bloodstream and, when analyzed, a large amount of liver enzymes are detected in it. Also, elevated bilirubin in the blood characterizes the icteric stage. The type of pathogen is determined in the immunological laboratory.

Treatment of infectious hepatitis

Acute infectious hepatitis is treated depending on the pathogen and the severity of the disease. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed to restore liver cells. To eliminate the symptoms of poisoning of the body, detoxification therapy is used.

Be sure to have bed rest, diet and a sufficient amount of fluid.

The duration of treatment can be more than a month.

Diet for infectious hepatitis

Digestion processes do not take place without the participation of the liver. In infectious hepatitis, diet plays an important role. A strict diet should provide rest for the liver.

  • In the process of treatment, as well as for a long time after it, patients with hepatitis are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Since it acts irritatingly on liver cells.

  • Patients are advised to give up fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods, that is, foods that enhance liver function.

  • The menu should include easily digestible protein foods without fat: fish, chicken, homemade cottage cheese, milk.

After the course of treatment, the diet is not canceled. Due to the fact that the liver recovers for a long time, such a diet can last from 6 months. up to a year. The duration of the diet is prescribed by the doctor. It all depends on the degree of liver damage.

Comment. For the normal functioning of the liver, the amount of food taken is also important. Large portions cause a strong secretion of bile, respectively, the load on the diseased organ increases. When cold food is ingested, the bile ducts spasm. Hence the recommendation to eat small portions of warm temperature and at least 5 or 6 times a day.

Complications of infectious hepatitis

infectious hepatitis

Infectious hepatitis form A rarely becomes chronic. But if this happens, then cirrhosis, as well as liver cancer, are subsequently possible.

With inappropriate treatment, hepatic coma may develop. This happens very quickly and in most cases ends in the death of the patient. Dead liver tissue, entering the bloodstream, causes damage to the nervous system, due to which the vital functions of the human body fade.

preventive measures

A person who has been ill with infectious hepatitis is not recommended for a long time to exercise or hypothermia. You can not even do housework (wash floors, wash). Ordinary physical exercises are not desirable either. An unexpectedly caught cold during this period can also be harmful. All loads can be resumed after three months, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

To prevent hepatitis, you should carefully observe all hygiene standards, namely, always wash your hands well (especially after using the toilet), eat only washed fruits and vegetables. Water should not be drunk raw from unverified sources. The most reliable way to disinfect water is to boil it.

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