Infectious diseases – symptoms, treatment

Infectious diseases are so common that all of us suffer from them. Therefore, it is worth finding out how pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted and how you can become infected with toxins that cause such diseases. Appropriate infectious disease prevention will avoid many infections.

Infectious diseases – mode of transmission

Infectious diseases constitute a wide group of ailments. This term is used to describe all individuals that develop as a result of the presence of infectious agents in the body, as well as toxins (e.g. produced by tetanus). These factors include bacteria, viruses, fungi and also prions. Rickettsiae are classified separately and belong to gram-negative bacteria.

Infectious diseases can spread in different ways. First of all, pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted in direct contact, for example through a kiss or sexual contact. In terms of indirect transmission, this can occur through airborne droplets, ingestion, or contact with pathogenic objects.

Infectious diseases – symptoms

Common symptoms of infectious diseases include fever, which occurs in almost all individuals in this group. In addition, the so-called “objective symptoms”, that is characteristic for a given disease entity, are noted. An example of such a symptom is erythema migrans in the case of Lyme disease.

Infectious diseases – treatment

Infectious diseases are treated by adjusting the therapy to the cause of the ailment: antibiotics are used in the case of bacterial diseases, and antiviral drugs in the case of viral diseases. Usually, supportive treatment aimed at general improvement of the patient’s condition (antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs) is also prescribed.

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