Infections tripled in China. The country has stopped controlling the coronavirus?
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China has been famous since the beginning of the pandemic for its very radical approach to the coronavirus pandemic. Even small outbreaks of infection immediately resulted in local lockdowns. It seems that the Chinese authorities are helpless when confronted with the Omikron variant. Despite the closure of Changchun City in Jilin Province, the region has recorded record increases in infection. On Sunday, the number of new cases was the highest since February 2020.

  1. The coronavirus pandemic started in China. In February 2020, the country experienced its first and, in fact, only wave of infections
  2. For two years, China’s highly restrictive ‘zero COVID-19’ policy was working. Official figures say less than 200 infections a day
  3. It seems the situation is out of hand. On Sunday, almost 2 thousand. new infections
  4. This is over three times more than the day before
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Record infections in China

China is struggling with a record number of COVID-19 cases. On Sunday, March 13, the National Health Commission (NHC) reported 1807 new symptomatic infections (according to Worldometers data, it was 1938). This is the highest official daily number in more than two years and more than three times more infections than reported on Saturday. The data for March 12 originally showed 476 symptomatic cases, but during the day that number increased by another 114 people who eventually developed symptoms.

Infection bars have been rising in China since the second half of February. Over 200 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in China since February 24. On March 6, for the first time in two years, the number of infections exceeded 300. The National Health Commission then informed about 329 new cases of COVID-19. Previously, charts rarely exceeded the barrier of 100 infections per day. The last wave of cases was visible in January, when the average daily number of infections was 170-180.

According to NHC data from Sunday, the number of asymptomatic COVID-19 cases that China does not consider confirmed was 1315. The day before it was 1048. This is the fourth consecutive day with increases.

The tests can be done at home

While official disease numbers in China are significantly lower than in other countries, it is against the ‘zero COVID-19’ policy adopted by the authorities to minimize the effects of the pandemic as soon as possible and nip any new outbreaks in the bud.

  1. Read also: The number of people infected with the coronavirus is increasing dramatically in European countries. There are two reasons

Recent spikes have seen Beijing allow the Chinese to buy home testing kits for the virus. This is to help detect infections quickly. According to experts, China’s previous strategy based on molecular tests – requiring samples to be taken by medical services – has not worked for the rapidly spreading Omikron variant.

The exhibition center will turn into a hospital

78 percent the infections reported on Sunday came from the Northeast Jilin Province. “Some regions, faced with the rapid increase in disease rates, have been unable to increase their medical resources, which has restricted admission to central health facilities,” a Jilin provincial official said in an official statement.

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A few days earlier, the authorities had shut down the province’s 9-million-strong city of Changchun. This is in response to the rise in COVID-19 cases. Now, authorities are carrying out massive tests there and working to convert the exhibition center into a temporary hospital with 1500 beds.

Meanwhile, Shenzhen, in southeastern China, reported 60 new cases with confirmed symptoms on Saturday. This is the city’s highest figure since the start of the pandemic that broke out in early 2020. On Monday, public transport was suspended there and residents are banned from leaving the city. Eating in restaurants was suspended, amusement halls were closed and remote work was ordered. Now three rounds of mass testing will be carried out.

In Dongguan, just above Shenzhen, six officials have been dismissed for poor work in pandemic prevention and control.

How many coronavirus casualties in China in total?

According to NHC data, no fatalities were reported on Sunday. Official statistics say 4636 deaths have occurred in China since the beginning of the pandemic. The largest number of deaths was recorded in February 2020, although the record day was April 17, 2020. 1290 people died then.

  1. Find out more: Deltacron as a new variant of COVID-19. WHO: pandemic far from over

By March 13, there were 19 symptomatic COVID-116 infections in China. 902.

Much different data is provided by the World Health Organization. On its pages you can read that in total there were almost 710 jobs in China. cases and 8639 deaths. In recent days, the number of daily cases has been several dozen thousand, with the record day on March 4, when – according to WHO – there were over 57 thousand. infections.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

See also:

  1. The 20 most common symptoms of COVID-19. Among them, the popular symptom of Omicron
  2. How to treat Omikron at home? Here are the most important rules and recommendations
  3. I’ve never had a coronavirus. Should I be worried or happy?

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