There are more than 2500 species of rows, most of which are edible or conditionally edible, and only a small part of them are poisonous. One of these mushrooms is the sulfur-yellow row, which will be discussed in this article.
The opinions of mycologists regarding the sulfur-yellow row mushroom vary greatly. Some consider it poisonous, others simply inedible. In Our Country, this fungus is classified as a poisonous species, which has low toxicity. Still, it is worth saying that in most reference publications intended to identify and describe fruiting bodies, the sulfur-yellow row is considered inedible. At the same time, other sources indicate that the mushroom is poisonous, although not fatal. The worst thing that can happen from eating this fruiting body is mild poisoning in the form of intestinal upset, without a fatal outcome.
Sulfur false row grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, more often on the soil, sometimes on fallen trees and stumps that are covered with moss.
Fruiting of the fungus begins in mid-August and continues until the first frost.
It is important to remember! Since the description of a poisonous representative of the ordinary family is very similar to the description of an edible greenfinch, they should be collected only by those who can accurately distinguish an edible specimen from an inedible one. Therefore, if you are not sure which mushroom is in front of you, do not risk cutting it off. Being careful in this matter will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences that false alignments can cause.
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Mushroom rowing sulfur-yellow: photo and description
For review, we offer you to see a detailed description of the sulfur-yellow line and photos.
Latin name: Tricholoma sulphureum.
Family: Ordinary.
Synonyms: sulfur rowing, false sulfur rowing.
[ »»]Hat: the diameter varies from 3 to 8 cm, some specimens reach 10 cm. At first, this part of the fruiting body has a convex or hemispherical shape. With age, the cap becomes plano-convex with a depression in the central part. The surface of the cap has a sulfur-yellow color, which eventually acquires a brown tint with softly pronounced fibers. To the touch – velvety, and in wet weather – slippery. This feature is clearly shown in the photo of the sulfur-yellow row taken after the rain:
Leg: the height varies from 3 to 12 cm, and the thickness is from 0,5 to 2 cm. Sometimes it has a thickening in the upper part, or vice versa – thinning. The color of the stem under the caps is bright yellow, from top to bottom it becomes sulfur-yellow. At a more mature age, longitudinal monochromatic or dark fibers are visible on the surface. The legs of old specimens are curved and sometimes densely covered with brown scales.
[ »»]Pulp: the color may be sulfur-yellow or with a greenish tinge. The last color feature leads to the fact that the false sulfur row is confused with greenfinch – an edible mushroom. The smell of the pulp is very unpleasant, reminiscent of the smell of acetylene or tar, sometimes hydrogen sulfide or lighting gas. The pulp of the sulfur-yellow row has a bitter taste.
Records: adherent to the stem and notched, with an uneven edge. According to the description of the rowing of its sulfur-yellow plates, they are quite rare, thick and wide. They have a sulfur-yellow color, with the same colored edge.
Disputes: white, almond-shaped, often irregular in shape.
Application: it is not used in cooking, as it is considered an inedible mushroom.
Edibility: an inedible or poisonous mushroom of low toxicity that can cause mild stomach poisoning. As already noted, this type of rowing has a pungent odor reminiscent of the smell of hydrogen sulfide, as well as an unpleasant bitter taste.
Similarities and differences: often this type of fruit body is confused with edible rows – isolated, earthy gray, gray and yellow-red. Pay attention to the photo of the sulfur false row to make it easier to distinguish from other species. Sometimes rowing can be confused with greenfinch, but it is much larger in size, with frequent plates and white or yellowish flesh.
Spread: usually prefers deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. It grows in groups or rows, resembling “witch circles”, on rich limestone and sandy soils. Often forms mycorrhiza with beech, oak, a little less often with fir and pine. Sulfur-yellow rowing can often be found on roadsides, in park areas and even in summer cottages.
Sulfur rowing is common throughout Our Country and Europe – from the Mediterranean to the Arctic latitudes.
Fruiting: sulfur-yellow rowan mushroom begins fruiting in August and ends in October.
Signs of poisoning with inedible sulfur-yellow row
It is worth noting that the signs of poisoning when using the inedible sulfur-yellow row are no different from the signs of poisoning by other poisonous types of mushrooms. The first symptoms are detected after about 40 minutes or over the next 2-3 hours. Abdominal pain, weakness, headache begin, then nausea and vomiting may occur. Only with a timely visit to the doctor, all the symptoms pass quickly and you can expect a complete recovery without any complications.
Now, knowing the exact description and looking at the photo of the sulfur-yellow row mushroom, you can safely go to the forest for mushrooms. However, even with the necessary knowledge about this inedible representative, be careful and careful. Then picking mushrooms will not harm your health, and a walk through the forest will leave only pleasant impressions.