Induction of childbirth – causes, methods of induction of childbirth

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Induction of labor is a procedure aimed at inducing labor. They are performed when the health and life of the child or mother is at risk, or when the pregnancy lasts too long. Artificially inducing labor is called induction.

In what situations is labor induced?

A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is called a premature baby. Having a baby before this date is associated with many health risks for the infant. And the younger the pregnancy, the greater the risk of complications, so every gynecologist does everything not to terminate the pregnancy prematurely. However, sometimes it happens that induction of labor earlier it is necessary – these are situations in which there is a threat to the health and life of the child.

Inducing labor It is also used in cases where the delivery is missed or in the case of a transferred pregnancy (after 9 months, specifically after the 42nd week). Some doctors believe that induction of labor is indicated in a situation where the delivery is not on time, but most gynecologists assume that induction of labor it becomes necessary only in the case of an overdue pregnancy (when her 42nd week has passed) and when the amount of amniotic fluid and the efficiency of the placenta decrease. Then there is a real threat to the child’s life.

In a situation where the delivery does not take place on time, the situation should be monitored. A woman should either stay in the maternity ward or have a CTG test every few days to check if there are uterine contractions and what the baby is in. The gynecologist can also check the color of the amniotic fluid in these cases, using a speculum called amnioscope. If the color of the amniotic fluid is greenish, it means that the baby has excreted meconium and action should be taken. induction of labor.

An indication to induction of labor there is also a premature rupture of the fetal bladder in full-term pregnancy.Inducing labor it is also used when there is a risk of fetal death – for example, in the case of unregulated diabetes in the mother, which causes excessive growth of the fetus and many other unfavorable changes.

Also, poor test results of the future mother may induce the doctor to decide on an early termination of pregnancy and induction of labor.

In some cases, the child is first given drugs to accelerate the development of the lungs, but the doctor always tries to wait induction of labor at least until the 37th week of pregnancy.

How is childbirth induced?

Generally labor is induced by administering pregnant synthetic oxytocin, a hormone under the influence of which uterine contractions occur. These contractions are even stronger than in natural childbirth, so the doctor first performs the so-called oxytocin test (oxytocin test). It consists in the fact that the future mother is administered (under CTG control) small doses of oxytocin, and the doctor checks the mother’s and child’s reaction to this substance. In some cases, administration of oxytocin may cause hypoxia or disturbance of the child’s work, thus inducing labor in this way is associated with a risk.

Before induction of labor with the help of oxytocin, the so-called pre-induction of labor is sometimes used. It consists in the fact that a pregnant woman is given a gel with prostaglandins, i.e. hormones responsible for the maturation of the cervix. This makes childbirth easier because oxytocin itself does not dilate the cervix as effectively as prostaglandin.

Oxytocin to induction of labor it is used both to induce early labor and in cases where labor is delayed.

Inducing labor it is also possible by puncturing the fetal bladder. Such a procedure is called amniotomy. It causes the secretion of prostaglandins, which make the cervix open and make the uterus tighten.

Inducing labor through puncture of the bladder is used in cases where pregnancy is too long (more than 42 weeks); the cervix must be at least 2-3 cm dilated prior to this procedure, and delivery after bladder perforation must take place within a maximum of 12 hours, as after this time there is a high risk of developing an infection.

Every induction of labor artificially carries with him risk of complications yes for childas well as for motherTherefore, the decision to conduct it is made only in justified cases.

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